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'Apologise to everybody, and give the bartender a kiss for being so understanding.'

I removed my soaking panties from my mouth and in a whimpering tone apologised to the bar patrons, and promised to be good in the future. I then shuffled over to the dumbfounded bartender and kissed him on the cheek. With that my Mother in Law took hold of my hand and began to lead me out of the bar. As I turned to go the onlookers broke out in spontaneous applause. Boy, had they enjoyed the show. It was then that I realised my little dress was still tucked up in the waistband, giving everyone one last, long look at my bright red derriere.

It was not until we had exited the door that my Mother in Law pulled down the hem of the dress. My husband suddenly appeared beside us. His face was flushed, and it was very clear he had enjoyed my humiliation and punishment. I smiled at him sheepishly.

We were actually standing on the sidewalk when my Mother in Law took my panties from me, and held them open so I could put my feet into them.

'You had better put these on. I would hate for you to be arrested for indecent exposure.'

I blushed and looked around on the street. A group of teenage girls were looking disapprovingly over at me from across the road. All I could do was smile with embarrassment as I put my hand on my Mother in Law's shoulder for support and stepped into my panda cotton panties. Once she had pulled them up she reinforced my humiliation by giving me a light swat on my bottom before taking my hand. My husband, Michael, took hold of my other hand, and I was led off like a little girl towards where our vehicle was parked.

I had a strange mix of emotions as I was led away. Despite my humiliation I felt very proud to be hand in hand with two people who I felt loved and cared for me very much. However they sure did have a very strange way of demonstrating their love and concern for me, which left my mind swirling with utter confusion. This was not helped by the fact that the humiliation and punishment administered to me was both my worst nightmare but also my most exciting erotic dream.

Once we reached our car Michael opened the rear door and I clambered in, holding down the hem of my dress to preserve what little modesty I had left within me. I was not surprised when Michael climbed into the front seat along side his mother. She put the key in the ignition, but did not start the engine. She was clearly waiting for me. With a sigh of resignation of lifted my buttocks off the seat and slid my panties down to my knees. This was really embarrassing as I had never done this in front of Michael before.

My Mother in Law asked Michael to reach into the glove box, pull out several tissues, and hand them to me. Michael readily obeyed and with a Cheshire grin reached over to hand them to me. He stared at me expectantly, waiting to see what I was going to do, which only served to make me more self conscious.

'Tell Michael what you are going to do with the tissues, Kym.' My Mother in Law did not want to miss the opportunity to ratchet up the humiliation.

'I am going to sit on them,' I pouted.

'And why are you made to sit on the tissues, darling?'

'Because I make the seat wet,' I blushingly confessed.

'Yep, you sure do. Can you believe it, Michael? Your little Kym excretes her juices over the seat of the car. She just cannot control herself.'

Michael chuckled quietly, while I just about died with humiliation, yet again for the umpteenth time. With Michael staring at me intently I raised my buttocks off the car seat and carefully placed the tissues in position under me, then lowered myself onto them. I was still very tender from the spanking, but thankfully the tissues were soft and the car seat was cold.

On the drive back to the ranch mother and son chatted away excitedly, while I only joined in occasionally when spoken to. But strangely, I did not feel left out. I felt warm and secure. I had overcome the initial shock of finding out that Michael had known of my punishment at the hands of his parents all along. In a strange way I was excited to know he was going to be a part of my 'behaviour improvement' experiences being administered by his parents.

When we finally reached the ranch of John and Debbie, Michael opened my car door and I slid out. Embarrassingly several of the tissues stuck to my buttocks. I quickly pulled them off and tried to screw them up, but Michael held out his hand. Reluctantly I handed them over. Michael held them up in the evening light and the dampness on the tissues was clearly visible. I screwed up my eyes with shame. My Mother in Law smiled knowingly.

It was already well after midnight and everyone crept quietly off to bed. I was relieved to see that Michael and I had a separate room to ourselves. As we undressed I noticed Michael was already fully erect. He was evidently very excited by what he had witnessed tonight, which gave me the warm fuzzies. Once we were in bed he fucked me with frenzy from behind, doggy style, so he could feel his groin up against my still-reddened and tender buttocks. We did not speak of the evening's events, even though I desperately wanted to know whether he and my Mother in Law knew anything of my run in with Sheriff Stone. We quickly fell into a deep and restful sleep.

It was early morning when I heard people moving around in the kitchen. This was our last day at the ranch of John and Debbie, and we were due to fly back to the city later in the evening. As I sleepily poked my head around the corner of the bedroom door I noticed everyone else was up and dressed, my Parents in Law (Jane and Ben), our hosts John and Debbie, plus Debbie's younger sister Rachel and her boyfriend Troy.

I heard Michael stirring on the bed behind me.

'What's going on?' I enquired of Michael. 'Everyone is up and dressed.'

Michael suddenly sat up. 'Damn, I forgot. We are all going horse riding this morning.'

I didn't exactly jump up and down with joy as memories of my last horse ride flooded back

'Come on, kiddo,' Michael encourage, 'it will be a lot of fun.'

I lot of fun for whom, I silently wondered. At least I had been forewarned and was not going to get caught out like last time. I dressed in my most conservative sports bra and panties, and then slipped on a pair of Michael's boxer shorts, before putting on my jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

Once dressed Michael and I joined the other six for a healthy breakfast. Nothing was mentioned of the previous evening's events, and the chatter was light and friendly.

The men rounded up the horses and we were soon underway on our trek. We took a different route this time, heading west, but looped around and a couple of fun hours later we ended up at the same lake we had stopped at last time.

It had turned into a scorching hot morning and we dismounted and gave the horses a drink, before sitting down and quenching our own thirsts with fruit juice and water we had brought along. My heart was fluttering with anticipation and dread, especially as Michael was in a whispered conversation with his parents and John and Debbie. I, along with young Rachel and Troy, were clearly not included. After a short conversation the five of them seemed to be nodding their heads in agreement. This did not look good, but for several long minutes nothing was said.

Finally my Mother in Law turned to where Troy, Rachel and I were sitting together beside the lake. 'You three young ones go for a swim then we need to talk to you.'

I had been expecting something like this, but the inclusion of Troy and Rachel was a surprise to both them and me. They frowned at me in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders to indicate I had no idea what was brewing. Gingerly all three of us stood up and stripped off our clothing down to our underwear. We laughed at the fact all three of us were wearing boxer shorts, although mine were clearly a few sizes too big. Rachel and I both had on full sports bras. Rachel laughingly acknowledged that I had come prepared this time.