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Michael beckoned for the three of us to follow him down to the lakeside. He then methodically positioned us in a row, about five feet apart, facing the lake with our backs to the other adults.

My husband, Michael, then stood close behind me. 'My Mother tells me you are very adept at assuming the position.'

'Yes, Sir,' I mumbled, hardly believing I was addressing my own husband as 'Sir'.

'And what does the 'position' entail, my darling little one,' my husband breathed excitedly into my ear.

'It is when I have to clasp my hands behind my neck and thrust my breasts forward and...' I found it difficult to continue.

'And, what?' Michael persisted

'And, I....I have to spread my legs wide open.' I shuddered at my confession.

'Indeed. Well why don't you give us a little demonstration.'

Slowly I lifted my arms up, clasped my hand behind my neck, and pushed my elbows back causing my goose bumped breasts to jut forward. I then gradually inched my feet apart until I was standing spread-eagled on the sand. Not wanting to have to endure the further embarrassment of having someone direct me to open them wider I strained my muscles to get my feet wider. I could tell my husband had stepped back away from me so he could admire the view.

'Beautiful,' he beamed, with what I interpreted as genuine pride. It caused warmth to radiant through my body, and I knew that despite the chill of my skin my body was swelling in areas it had no right to be, given the circumstances.

Michael turned his attention to the two eighteen year olds beside me. 'Your turn, folks. Arms up and legs open. Quickly now.'

I was surprised neither protested, although Rachel emitted a long groan of despair. Both of them clasped their hands behind their necks, and then looked at each other, willing the other person to take the next step first. Troy led the way, sliding his feet in the sand until his legs were wide open. I couldn't help but steal a glance down at his pubic region. His penis had recovered from the shock of the cold and was making an entrance into the sunlight like a turtle poking its head out of its shell.

Rachel was struggling to take the next step, and I could see her bottom lip was quivering as she fought back the tears of shame. I knew only too well how gut wrenching it was, especially for a female, to put your own body on such lurid display in full view of onlookers.

Michael walked over to her and stood directly behind her. 'Do you want your punishment doubled? Does 100 strokes appeal?'

Rachel could contain herself no longer and tears rolled down her cheek. 'No, Sir,' she sniffled.

'Well open those legs.' Michael left no doubt that disobeying his command would have dire consequences for Rachel.

Rachel struggled with the simple act of sliding her legs open, but somehow managed to complete the task. At least when I first had to endure the utter humiliation of assuming the 'position' I was only in the company of my Parents in Law, which was still totally demeaning. But poor Rachel, and I guess Troy also, had to perform this act of total submission in front of a considerably larger audience. Some of the audience, namely my Parents in Law and Michael, were total strangers to both of them until a couple of days ago.

'Open those legs wider, Rachel. You also, Troy,' barked my Mother in Law, never failing to miss an opportunity to turn the screw, but then to my total surprise she paid me a compliment. 'You are a good girl Kym. I can see you have strained to get your legs as wide as you can. You are learning well.'

I felt a level of pride, despite my predicament. However I should have known, pride comes before a fall.

'Yes, she is amazingly spread,' our host, John, couldn't help but agree. 'Her cunt lips are spread open. How does she do that?'

'Well she is very flexible for a 29 year old, but I think we might find our little girl is also wet and swollen. That always opens her up.' My dear Mother in Law was always so informative, especially if it assisted in increasing my humiliation.

'What, already?' John exclaimed, 'Surely not?'

My face burned red as a beetroot and I was thankful I had my back to the onlookers.

'She couldn't be?' This time it was my husband's turn to show his disbelief. He stepped in close behind me again. His voice continued to be ragged with excitement. 'You are not wet down there, in your pussy, are you honey?'

I closed my eyes and tried to focus my brain. I so much wanted to lie to my husband as I was downright ashamed of being sexually stimulated in these circumstances. But I knew almost certainly my Mother in Law would challenge me if I denied it.

I took a deep breath. 'I think I may be a little bit wet,' I whispered to my husband, hoping the others would not overhear my confession

But my Mother in Law instinctively knew how I had responded. 'I think you might find she is a bit more than just a little wet.'

'Is that so?' Michael enquired of me.

'I...um...I am not sure,' I responded hesitantly, feeling like a trapped animal being eyed by predators.

Rachel and Troy held their positions like two Greek statues, eyes fixed on some imaginative object across the lake. I think they were thankful the attention was on me at present and they did not want to move for fear of drawing attention to themselves.

Michael continued to probe. Until know I had not realised many of his traits were so similar to his Mother. 'Perhaps I need to do a little check just to see first hand just how wet you are.'

'Please Michael, don't do this,' I pleaded, 'Please don't embarrass me in front of yourself and the others.'

'Well, let me consider the facts,' Michael parodied a judge in a courtroom drama. 'Have you been humiliated by being told to strip naked, and then told to collect implements to be used for your punishment?'

Yes, I have, absolutely,' I gushed, 'Totally humiliated.'

'Yet you confess to the fact that you are, at the very least, a wee little bit wet down in that pretty little cunt of yours.'

My ears burned, and I could not think of a response.

'So, by deduction, my little darling,' Michael continued, unable to hide the delight in his voice, 'A little more humiliation is only going to make you a little more stimulated. So sorry, the judge dismisses your appeal for mercy. Now I want you to bend over at the waist and rest your hands on the sand. This judge wants to conduct a much closer inspection on the aforementioned vagina at the centre of this dispute.'

Humiliation was being heaped on top of humiliation. My eyes briefly pleaded with my husband but to no avail. Taking in a deep breath I bent forward at the waist like a staple, only too aware of how utterly exposed I was. My cunt was wide open and totally exposed, not only to my husband, but also the other onlookers. Michael did not muck about with gentle stimulation on my clitoris, or any other foreplay. He simply rammed his thumb as deep into my vaginal canal as he could, then promptly pulled it out.

'Holy smoke, woman. You are so fucking wet I don't believe it. My mother has told me stories of how well lubricated you get, but until now I always felt she was exaggerating. You are truly amazing.'

All I could do was grunt in despair.

'What about you, Rachel?' It was John's voice. 'Are you wet down there like your friend?'

'Most certainly not,' Rachel fired back indignantly. 'Your sick little games do not turn me on.'

'I'm not so sure. I think a little check is in order.' John turned to his wife, Debbie, seated beside him. 'What do you say darling? Do I have your permission to do a little scientific inspection on your charming little sister?'

Debbie laughed openly. 'I am not sure how scientific it will be. But go ahead. I know you have being dying to get up close and personal with my little sister.'