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'No! No!' Rachel cried out in total despair. 'Please, anything, but not this.'

Rachel's plea fell on deaf ears and in a flash John was standing behind his eighteen year old Sister in Law. Rachel continued pleading between sobs as John slowly and deliberately traced his hands up and down both of her buttocks. Suddenly he encased each buttock with his hands and squeezed tightly.

'Bend over,' John commanded his young Sister in Law

'No!' Rachel responded defiantly.

John was in no mood to negotiate with his young charge. He stepped back and picked up from the sand beside him the piece of yellow nylon rope Rachel had earlier untied from one of the horses. Without warning he raised his arm above his head and brought it down viciously across her buttocks. Rachel screamed in surprise and pain, at the same time falling forward into the edge of the lake. John immediate stepped forward, gripped Rachel by the arm, and pulled her back into position.

'Will you obey me now, or do want another dose of the rope.'

Rachel's defiance had been quickly broken. 'I'm sorry, John... Sir. Please...' She was taking in gulps of air between sobs, making it difficult for her to speak. My heart went out to her in empathy.

John spoke slowly and deliberately. 'Spread your legs wide, and I mean wide. Then bend over and place your hands on the ground.

Submissively Rachel complied, opening her legs as wide as she could before bending forward at the waist and not stopping until the palms of her hands were resting on the sandy surface beside the lake.

Like me, she was now totally exposed. Looking back between my own legs I could see John's eyes were as round as saucers. He very much liked what he saw of his Sister in Law's inner sanctum. I could also see my own husband, Michael, standing close to John so that he could also cop an eyeful. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously, but I quickly dismissed it from my mind as I was in no position to do anything about it. In fact, if I was brutally honest with myself, I was probably jealous because Michael was able to get a full view of beautiful young Rachel's pussy and I wasn't able to.

Slowly John ran his finger up and Rachel's buttocks several times, before lowering it and encircling her vagina. She continued to sob quietly. When he stopped his finger at the entrance to her vulva she held her breath. From Rachel's cries of anguish I could tell John's finger had invaded her.

'You are somewhat dry, my darling little Sister in Law, but lets see if we can change that.' With that John probed deeper into Rachel's vagina and began to methodically pump his finger in and out.

It was not long before Rachel's breathing began to get ragged, and I could see her knees beginning to buckle slightly. Finally John withdrew his finger and held it up proudly for all to see. It was glistening with Rachel's juices.

'I now declare my charming Sister in Law officially, fucking aroused,' he boasted.

'How very scientific of you, John.' Debbie piped in, at the same time walking over to stand beside her husband. Taking hold of his hand she held it down lower where she knew her sister could get a good view of it from between her legs. Then to my absolute amazement Debbie leant forward and took his finger, coated with her own sister's juices, and inserted into her own mouth before erotically sucking it clean.

Once completed she stared deeply into her young sister's inverted eyes, and gave her an exaggerated wink. It was an act of pure dominance.

At this point my Mother in Law obviously decided she had been in the background too long. Something she was not accustomed to. She strode lazily over to where Troy was standing. I had noticed he had been furtively glancing around as much as he dared to, trying to get an eyeful of what was happening to his girlfriend. When my Mother in Law reached Troy she walked around and stood in front of him, her eyes fixing on his penis. From my bent position I could see that Troy's penis was almost fully erect.

'A little over stimulated, are we young man?' My Mother in Law quizzically enquired of a blushing Troy.

'No, Ma'am..yes, Ma'am.' Troy was clearly flustered and embarrassed to be questioned in this manner by a much older woman.

My Mother in Law put her hand on his shoulder and swung him around to face the onlookers. 'I think the correct answer was definitely 'yes Ma'am', don't you dear friends.'

Debbie playfully licked her lips as she nodded in agreement.

Troy had submissively opened his legs wide again after being swung around to face the adults. As everyone watched his penis became even more erect, increasing his anxiety levels to boiling point.

'Bend over,' my Mother in Law directed.

I think Troy was thankful to be able to hide his erect penis. However his relief was short lived as my Mother in Law brazenly reached through his legs and took hold of his scrotum.

'Randy, are you boy? Fancy older women do you?'

'No Ma'am,' Troy winced.

'You think I'm ugly, do you boy?' my Mother in Law was playing Troy like a fiddle.

'No Ma'am, you are very attractive for your age.'

'So you do fancy me then?' My Mother in Law obviously squeezed his scrotum a little harder as Troy let out a low groan.

Debbie was now standing beside the hapless Troy. She had carefully positioned herself so that her younger sister could get a clear view looking back through her legs.

'I think you are right Jane,' Debbie winked at my Mother in Law, 'he does fancy a more mature woman. I think he craves a bit of experience.'

With that mischievous comment Debbie reached under the belly of her sister's boyfriend and gripped his penis. 'Come on Troy,' she cooed into his ear, 'Show us all how much you crave an older woman.'

With Debbie stroking his penis vigorously, and my Mother in Law holding his scrotum, poor Troy didn't have a chance. He barely lasted 30 seconds before his body shook and he cried out in intense pleasure.

Debbie slowly removed her hand, which had some of Troy's cum dripping down it. She stepped over to where her sister was still bent over like a staple, and knelt down beside her. She placed her finger close to Rachel's mouth. 'I'll have to watch that boyfriend of yours. He came so damn quickly and hard in my hand that I am sure he must fancy the more mature woman. Now lick his cum off my finger.'

Rachel groaned, but did as she was requested and quietly sucked the cum from her sister's fingers.

'Good girl,' Debbie complimented Rachel's acquiescence.

Troy was then directed to stand up. When he did he revealed the rest of his cum had shot onto his chin and neck. Before he could get a chance to wipe it off he was directed to turn around again and bend over. Troy, Rachel and I were now all bent over in a row, our buttocks invitingly presenting themselves to the five adult onlookers. I could see that each of them had now picked up their selected implement of punishment, and I knew the dreaded moment had arrived when we were each going to be punished.

We were shown no mercy. The three of us received ten swats from each of the five adults, who rotated in turn, gleefully awaiting their opportunity to inflict agony upon us. I could not believe how each of the implements inflicted a slightly different type of pain when they impacted on my poor buttocks. But every implement had something in common: it hurt like hell.

Despite my relative experience at being punish I was blubbering like a baby even before my punishment was half over. Rachel faired even worse. She began sobbing from the shock of the very first blow and several times she stood up, distraught and furiously rubbing her tender backside. She was only given a few short seconds to partially recover before being forced back into position so her punishment could continue. Troy tried his best to be manly and bravely took most of his punishment with only a few grunts and groans of pain. But when my Father in Law stepped up, the last of his five punishers, and laid into him with the stirrup leather, Troy's stoic stand crumbled and his tears began to flow.