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When the punishment was finally over we were given permission to take a quick swim. The icy cool water was heavenly on our flaming buttocks. We were then able to dress, but only from the waist up, with the exception of putting on our shoes and socks. We then had to endure the long, bare-bottomed horse ride back to the ranch.

Part 14

The horse ride back to the ranch was long and painful for Rachel, Troy and I. By the time we arrived there was only a couple of hours before I had to leave with my Parents in Law, Ben and Jane, and my husband, Michael, for the drive back to the airport and the flight home.

I dived into the bathroom to have a shower with Michael, but once I had removed what little clothing I was wearing he made me bend over and support myself on the edge of the bath tub. He then entered me from behind and fucked me vigorously. He clearly was still very excited by what had taken place at the lake. Despite the pain of his groin thrashing against my tender buttocks I had no trouble in rising to a glorious climax.

After a late lunch we packed, and all stood on the veranda and said our good byes. To any on-lookers it would have appeared to be a normal group of friends saying farewell after a relaxing long weekend in the wilderness. If only they knew the truth of what had gone on I am sure they would have been shocked. It had been a memorable few days that I was sure I would not forget.

Troy, Rachel and I locked together in an especially long hug. We had formed a special bond in these few short days, and I sincerely hoped we would get the opportunity to meet again sometime in the future.

Farewells completed we climbed into the rental car for the long drive to the airport, my Parents in Law in the front seat and Michael and I seated in the rear. Without being asked I lowered my jeans and panties to my knees, which caused Michael to lovingly stroke his hand through my hair as a reward for my submissiveness. I then requested my Mother in Law to pass me some tissues from the front glove box, but Michael reached out before me and took them from her

'Take your jeans and panties right off,' Michael asked softly, 'then hand them to my Mother for safe keeping.'

Once I had complied Michel then made me raise my butt off the seat while he personally laid the tissues in place underneath me.

'Now I want you to put two fingers deep into your pussy and keep them there until we reach the airport.'

I was shocked at his request but so much wanted to please him, therefore I slid myself forward on the seat so that I could get better access to my vagina. It should be no surprise that my fingers slid deep inside me with ease. Michael then wanted to check the tissues were still in place so luridly made me lift my pelvis in the air while my two fingers remained embedded deep within my vulva.

On the trip to the airport Michael and his parents asked me questions about the past few days, most of which were designed to cause me embarrassment. I was told to recount in vivid detail how I felt when I was being punished, or when Troy and Rachel were masturbating me, and what happened at Sheriff Stone's, and so on, and so on. Everything was recapped in vivid detail.

Half way to the airport I badly needed to pee so my Father in Law pulled the car into a small deserted rest area. Naked from the waist down I was made to squat on the grass beside the car and in full view of the three of them I peed.

My tissues were already damp so I was made to deposit them in a nearby waste bin before re-entering the car. Once inside I was made to reinsert my fingers deep inside my vulva then raised myself off the seat so that Michael could position fresh tissues under me.

I began to fret as we arrived at the airport and my Mother in Law was making no attempt to give me back my panties and jeans. We found the building where we had to return the rental car and drove through the gate with me still seated in the back, fingers inserted within my vagina.

'Please,' I pleaded, but all my Mother in Law did was look at me over her shoulder and smile.

As we pulled up to the return booth the attendant came out of the door and walked towards us. I started to hyperventilate with panic as even if my Mother in Law gave me my clothes back now there was no possible way I could get dressed as the attendant was only seconds away from reaching our vehicle. In a panic I pulled my fingers out from between my legs and frantically tried to pull my shirt down over my buttocks and pubic region but it was hopelessly inadequate for the task. With the attendant only a few strides from the vehicle my Mother in Law turned to me and handed over her jacket that had been sitting on her lap. Quickly I spread the jacket over my legs and tucked it in on the sides so that my naked flesh was not showing.

The attendant looked into our vehicle through the driver's window and gave us all a warm greeting. All I could do was give him a bashful smile. His eyes briefly settled on me, and he glanced down at the jacket, obviously wondering why I needed to have a jacket wrapped around me on such a warm day.

'If you folks jump out I can take it from here,' offered the attendant.

I groaned in panic, causing the attendant to give me a concerned frown. 'Are you okay, Miss?'

My mouth hung open, and in desperation I gave Michael a nudge with my elbow. Thank heavens he decided to come to my rescue.

'Actually, my wife was just in the middle of changing her clothes prior to her flight. She actually has very little on under that jacket.'

'Ohh,' responded the stunned attendant, who couldn't resist stealing another glance at my lap, perhaps trying to visualise what the scene my look like under the jacket. I wickedly wondered whether he would picture me with shaven pubes and swollen labia from the result of the stimulation from having my fingers inserted for the past couple of hours.

'In that case I suggest you park by the ladies toilet over there,' the attendant helpfully pointed out the amenities building. Then with a grin he added, 'The young lady can get dressed in there.'

My Father in Law drove over to the ladies toilet and parked about twenty feet away.

'Can I have my clothes now, please,' I pleaded, 'I will get dressed here in the car while no one is around.'

'What, and deprive that poor attendant of the highlight of his week,' my Mother in Law laughed. 'Get out of the car and I will pass you your clothes so you can go into the ladies and get dresses.'

I looked over towards the attendant and his eyes were glued on our vehicle. I briefly thought of appealing to my Mother in Law, but knew it would only make matters worse for me. Therefore with the jacket pulled around me as best I could I opened my door and jumped out, quickly running around the car to my Mother in Law's window, grabbing my jeans and panties from her and dashed into the toilet, the jacket flapping about around my thighs. As I disappeared inside I heard a loud wolf whistle which I am sure came from the attendant.

When I had dressed we returned the rental vehicle to the grinning attendant and made the short walk to the airport terminal. Initially I was annoyed at what had happened and dragged my feet behind my husband and Parents in Law, but when Michael lovingly put his arm around me I perked up again and all was forgiven.

As I sat in the terminal lounge waiting for our flight I couldn't help but worry about whether I was going to be embarrassed on the aircraft as I had been on the trip out here. Somehow I suspected I was.

An hour after arriving at the airport we were boarding our flight. When we took our seats I was positioned between Michael and my Mother in Law. My Father in Law was sitting opposite us on the other side of the aisle. We had been in the air about ten minutes when my Mother in Law passed over to me one of the United Airline's blankets. I cringed as I knew what was coming.