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My Mother in Law caught the attention of the air hostess as she walked by. 'Excuse me dear. Do you have some tissues for my Daughter in Law?'

I blushed as the air hostess glanced over at me, before trotting off and returning a short time later with a handful of tissues and passing them over to me.

'Is this enough?' she enquired helpfully.

'Oh, yes, plenty,' I squirmed.

My Mother in Law smiled. She was enjoying herself immensely, which was not good news for me.

'Take off your jeans and panties,' she instructed in a voice loud enough that left me in doubt as to whether other passengers close by could have overheard.

'You mean lower them to my knees?' I enquired hopefully.

'No darling, I mean take them off and hand them to me.'

I looked frantically from my Mother in Law to my husband. Michael had a smile on his face that mirrored his mothers and clearly I was not going to get any support from him.

'You can't be serious?' I pleaded in desperation. 'I cannot take my clothes off in an aeroplane.'

'Yes you can darling. Show Michael how brilliantly submissive you can be. You can do it.'

I sat there pouting. I knew I was always going to comply with her wishes but felt I least had to show some token form of resistance, even if only for my own personal pride. Methodically I began to unfold the blanket and spread it over my knees. After taking a furtive glance around me to see if anyone was looking I reached under the blanket and unzipped my jeans. I wriggled them down over my buttocks, and then to my knees. I then hooked my fingers into my panties waistband and lowered them to my knees also.

I looked over at my Mother in Law with pleading eyes. 'Please can I just leave them at my knees?'

Her simple response was to shake her head from side to side. Mortified at what I was being asked to do, I again looked around me to see if I had attracted the unwanted attention of any fellow passengers. Everyone seemed to be going about their own lives oblivious to the fact I was undressing only feet away from them. With a heavy sigh of defeat I lowered my jeans and panties awkwardly and quickly scooped them up off the floor before anyone else could see them. After handing them to my Mother in Law she stuffed them in the pouch of the seat in front of her. I was horrified as a portion of my lace panties was protruding from the top of the pouch and were clearly visible to people walking along the aisle.

Michael then picked up the small pile of tissues that I had stuffed down the side of my seat and made me elevate my buttocks while he slid them underneath, one by one. He was just sliding the last tissue under me when the air hostess walked pass and was attracted by my peculiar behaviour.

'Are you okay, Ma'am,' the attractive young hostess enquired.

'I'm fine, thank you,' I quickly responded in a flustered tone.

'No she is not,' Michael butted in from his window seat.

I gave Michael the look of death, but he was totally unfazed.

The air hostess had a frown of concern. 'I'm sorry. What appears to be the problem?'

'Well it is a little bit delicate, actually.' Michael beckoned for the air hostess to lean over closer towards him. 'You see, my wife has been misbehaving and as punishment my mother and I have made her remove her jeans and panties. Believe it or not she is actually naked under this blanket.'

The air hostess was speechless, her mouth open in shock. Of all the things she might have been expecting a passenger to say to her, this was clearly not one of them. She was almost leaning over the top of me, and when she looked down she realised her hand was resting on the armrest of my seat, only inches from my naked thigh. I was so embarrassed I had actually broken out in a sweat.

After a period of stunned silence, the air hostess managed to recover her senses. 'I see...and exactly how can I assist?'

I had half expected the air hostess to beat a hasty retreat and complain to her supervisor, but instead she actually seemed curious, even perhaps a little excited.

'To make sure the punishment is effective I want to make sure she is thoroughly embarrassed,' Michael continued his outrageous dialogue with the charming young air hostess.

I would have thought I was already plenty embarrassed, but clearly my darling husband did not think so.

The hostess leaned over closer to my husband. Her breasts were now dangling provocatively only inches from my face. She smelt clean and fresh, as if she had showered just prior to boarding the flight. A vision of her attractive young body standing naked in the shower flashed in front of my eyes, but I quickly banished it to the deepest recesses of my mind. Such fantasies were not helpful to my current predicament.

'And how can I assist?' the air hostess purred at Michael.

Michael whispered something quietly to the air hostess which I did not catch. The air hostess responded by looking down at me, her piercing blue eyes taking me in. With her towering over me I felt so much like a vulnerable teenager, which was crazy as I must have been at least five years her elder.

'Are you naked under that blanket,' the air hostess spoke with a quiet determination.

I cringed, 'Yes, Ma'am.'

'Is it true, you have been naughty?'

'I guess so, Ma'am,' I blushed

The air hostess glanced around before turning her attention back to me. 'Remove the blanket from your lap.'

I was mortified. 'Please, no, I can't.'

The air hostess was growing in confidence. 'Do it, now, or I will march your bare butt down to the front of the plane to speak to the Captain.'

I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my bottom lip in defeat. Gripping one side of my blanket I peeled it clear of my thighs revealing my nakedness from the waist down. Her piercing blue eyes soaked up the sight.

'Oh my goodness. Your pubs are shaven,' she noted.

'Yes Ma'am, my Mother in Law has instructed me to keep them this way.'

'How old are you?'

'Twenty nine, Ma'am,' I blushed.

The air hostess just shook her head. She did not say anything but it was clear she was flabbergasted that a mature adult could allow herself to be dominated in such a manner.

'Open your legs,' she instructed, obviously wanting to test the boundaries of how far I would go.

Deeply embarrassed I opened my legs, knowing full well it would reveal my swollen labia, plus the fact I was sitting on the paper tissues she had fetched for me earlier.

Still leaning over me, the air hostess stared directly down into my vagina. Her eyes suggested she was very fascinated by what she saw.

'Why are you sitting on the tissues?' she enquired with genuine interest.

I gave her an embarrassed grin before responding, 'Because I wet the seat.'

'You wet the seat?....oh....I understand.' She gave me a knowing smile when the realisation sunk in.

Another passenger was paging the air hostess and she looked up, annoyed that she was being dragged away. 'You behave yourself now, little lady.' She smiled at me before standing up and walking down the aisle.

'Yes, Ma'am,' I mumbled as I quickly pulled the blanket back into position over my naked thighs.

Michael rested his head on my shoulder. 'Was that exciting?'

'It was terrifying. But, I guess...it was...also....exciting in a way.' It pained me to admit it.

'Stick your fingers in your cunt and masturbate yourself,' Michael whispered into my ear. 'But don't come until I tell you to.'

Slowly I slid my hand under the blanket and easily inserted two fingers into my vulva. My Mother in Law was staring down at my lap and she clearly knew what I was up to. Slowly I began slide my fingers in and out, while I used my thumb to rhythmically encircle my clit. It did not take very long for me to approach the edge.