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Pure? I’m far from it. Maybe once, a long time ago. Speaking of pure… “The white roses. They have to go.”

“The roses were meant as a peace offering. I should have told you who I was, but I swear I didn’t know who you were when you got in my car.”

I blink at him, unsure whether to assume he really did or did not know. “So you weren’t being inappropriate?”

He takes a deep breath. “To be honest, yes, I was coming on to you in the elevator, but I swear that was before I knew you were married. Scouts honor.” He holds up his fingers in some twisted Vulcan-type sign.

“You said I intrigue you. Intrigue how?” I ask.

“Fascinate, interest, beguile… Are you really going to make me list every SAT word I have in this head? Because I’ve got a lot of them. Appeal, bewitch… transfix…” He counts off the various words.

“I know what intrigue means. The question was, how?”

Clearly amused by himself, he smiles and then shrugs his shoulders. “You’re intense. You tell it like it is and you don’t take shit from anyone, especially me.”

Okay, that is so not me. What he just described is Malory. Have I really come off like that to him?

He continues. “I would have written you off, but there’s something about your work. You understand what I want to do with these concerts more than anyone else here.”

He seems genuine, yet, as with everything Asher, I tend to stay on my toes, not knowing what he’s going to say or do next. This is something I didn’t see coming. Not today, anyway.

My interest is piqued. “What do you mean you want to get to know me better?”

The corners of his eyes crinkle just enough to make him look like someone I’d want to get to know on a friendly level. Not the ultra-serious businessman that had me reeling for the last few weeks.

“You are a breath of fresh air. Women always tell me exactly what I want to hear and I know it’s because they want to get in bed with me to become the future Mrs. Alexander Asher.”

His conceit knows no bounds. “That is the most self-obsessed thing I’ve ever heard.”

His smile broadens, revealing beautiful white teeth. “See, that’s what I mean. You don’t feel the need to lie to me or jump through hoops. As hard as it may be for you to believe, most women see dollar signs around me and only want me for that single purpose.”

Does he not realize how gorgeous he is? I’m sure he’d get plenty of women if he were dirt poor, personality aside.

“And the men around here…” He continues. “They all want promotions or event tickets, trips on the private jet…” His list continues, and I wonder if he’s gloating or merely stating facts.

“Mr. Asher.” I use his name in an attempt to keep this relationship as professional as possible. “I doubt there isn’t a single person who can be upfront with you.”

“You are a rare breed.” He leans into my desk. “That’s why I’m here to apologize and ask for a truce. I mean it. I want to be your friend.”

This is so awkward. I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s forget the fact I’ve had some very odd dreams about him. One that happened to take place in this very office. Yes, we’re going forget about that.

This whole situation is just…

“Again, it’s inappropriate. For starters, I am your employee. And secondly, I’m married.” I flash my ring finger at him. Yes, today I am wearing one.

Asher nearly jumps out of his seat. “That’s exactly what I like about you. You’re taken. You have no interest in me and I have absolutely no interest in you. I can relax. Be myself. I know you’re not after anything.”

What does he mean absolutely no interest? I don’t know if I should be disappointed or relieved. He certainly had a thing for married women the night at the museum.

“Mr. Ash—”

“Please, call me Alex. You said it in the car. I like it when you say my name.” My mouth opens and he waves me off before I can say anything, “And, no, it’s not inappropriate. Consider yourself my consigliore, my right-hand man, my secretary of state.”

He’s being playful and it makes me smile, a tiny sliver of a smile I know he’s getting a kick out of. “I’ll take the title of ‘work friend.’ But first, you have to earn someone’s friendship.”

His brow puckers as if he’s never thought of that. Distorting his face, he looks as if he’s processing something. I decide to put him out of his misery and change the topic.

“Why are you here?”

His furrowed brows look back at me. “I thought I just explained—”

“No, why are you in the office today? You weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow. You have the staff going crazy.”

“I have a very important date tomorrow.” He’s back to being Mr. Casual, leaning back in the seat.

“A date?” The words come out slow, accusatory. “You cause chaos amongst your staff because you have a date tomorrow?”

“No, not the kind of date you’re thinking of. I have somewhere very important to be every Friday afternoon until the concerts. And yes, if I want to surprise my staff with a surprise meeting, then I will. No one ever became a successful CEO by playing it safe with the staff.”

“You really do love yourself, don’t you?”

“Confidence, Gray. It’s the key to success.”

“Smug is more like it. And I said no nicknames.”

“That was before we were friends.” He pauses to look around the room. “Where is the umbrella?”

Oh shoot. The umbrella. It’s still under my desk in the box.

“It hasn’t rained so I haven’t had a chance to use it.”

His eyes light up and a satisfied smile brightens his face. “So you’re keeping it. Good. I picked it out just for you. My olive branch.”

“Olive branch accepted. But no more gifts. I mean it, Asher!”

“Asher? I like the stern connotation in your voice.” He’s mocking me with his eyes and his mouth.

“I’ll keep the umbrella, but the staff enjoys the roses. And yes, Asher, no more gifts!”

“Okay, okay. No more gifts. I’ve never had a woman tell me that twice.”

“I’m glad you’re counting.” I laugh lightly. I really want to dislike this man, but he’s so magnetic. As hard as I try, my eyes never leave his. The current between us is building. I know he can feel it too. Thank God for the desk as a barrier to our indiscretion.

Breaking the spell, Asher shakes his head and stares at the floor. He takes a breath and puts his hands on his legs, rising from the chair.

“All right. That’s all.” Just like that, the playful man is gone and back is the commanding CEO. “I want to see the new rundown with the amended time next week. Call my office and make an appointment.”

I feel awkward and slightly displaced. “Yes, sir.”

He is half out the door, his back to me, when he halts and speaks over his shoulder. “And, Gray. She’s not married… yet.”

If I could see his face, I’d swear there is a smile on it as he references the woman he went home with at the museum. Asher exits my office, closing the door behind him.

My shoulders drop and I realize how tense I am. I don’t think I’ve relaxed in the last two hours.

He’s back to being my mystery man.

Ugh, and I thought I said no nicknames.

Just because Asher has decided to form a truce between the two of us doesn’t mean I’m not on pins and needles with the thought of going to his office. I tried to get out of it. After perfecting the rundown this morning, I emailed it to him, hoping he’d approve it as he did the last set of documents.

To my surprise, my computer lets out a ping sound, signaling a new email in my inbox.






: )

At least he used a smiley face.

The elevator takes me up to the penthouse. It feels a long way away from the twenty-fourth floor.