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“Because you have to hit your commercial break at exactly nine thirty-four or else the network will cut you off. Network commercial breaks go to air whether you’re ready for them or not.” Looking down at the paper, I don’t even know which changes I’ll be able to keep. The page looks like a toddler got his hands on a pen and started scratching up the paper. “Let me work on this some more and I’ll get it back to you.”

I grab the papers from the desk and stand up. I’ve been in the office for half an hour. He must have another appointment after me.

“Why don’t we keep going?” He stands and grabs his phone off his desk.

Watching him make his way from behind his desk, I explain, “We could, but you really need to be on the computer to do this and the software is in my office…”

“So let’s go to your office.” Asher’s hand is on the door. He opens it and calls out to Cecelia. “Cancel my afternoon appointments.”

My feet are still planted on the floor as Asher looks back at me, holding the door open. Does he really want to work from my office? Should I be surprised he cancelled his afternoon appointments to work on a rundown with me?

I suppose the lesson here is I should stop being surprised by anything Asher.

Shrugging, I move one foot in front of the other and lead Asher down to my office.

The elevator ride isn’t nearly as exciting as the last two I’ve shared with him. I’m surprisingly comfortable this time. Perhaps it’s because the elevator stops on a few floors on the way down to accommodate other passengers. The company is very welcome.

We make our way to Asher-Marks Communications and I lead the way to my office, ignoring the stares of colleagues who see Asher on the floor… with me.

Asher and I take seats at my desk, me on my side and him in the guest seat. After I log in, I pull up the software and then tilt the computer so we both can see. We go through the notes we made together and start making the changes. I explain why we can’t do things and then he tells me I have to, and somehow I manage to make it happen.

At noon, he orders food for lunch and Trish brings it in when it arrives. By one, Asher has asked to see the production details I have so far. He isn’t impressed by how much work still needs to be done on them, and I explain he was the major holdup. He laughs, apologizes, and then tells me what I need to have completed by the end of the week.

He’s authoritative, but he’s not bossy. He’s direct, but not mean. He has a way of saying things to me about my work that I don’t find condescending. And while just last week I thought he was the rudest person on the planet, this afternoon I find myself respecting his opinion.

Why? Because he is so passionate about this project it’s hard to fault him on anything else.

By two, my stomach is full and my desk is full of files. Asher stands up and puts his suit jacket back on. He had taken it off, along with his tie, when the Thai food arrived. He ate an incredibly spicy curry dish and said he has a penchant for ruining ties with his lunch. Apparently, he never has lunch situations as casual as this. He said I’d probably cry if I saw the amount of money he spent on ties every year. I found it was so against character for him to have said it. He always seems so poised and controlled.

Fixing the tie around his neck, Asher looks down at me still seated behind my desk. “You know, doing the concert in the park was a good idea. Doing two events was a great idea. Although, I have to admit, if anyone else mentioned it, I wouldn’t have approved it.”

I cock my head to the side. “Then why did you?”

He swings the tie around the knot he just formed and up from the back to secure it in place. “I like to challenge people. I wanted to challenge you.”

I bite down on my lip. Do I even want to know the answer to this? “Why?”

Looking down at me, his eyes turn serious, like molten lava from a volcano. They find mine as they do every time he wants me to know he means what he has to say. “Because I can.”

It’s the last thing he says before turning around and heading out of the office. Exhaling, I slump in my chair, trying to comprehend how my relationship with Asher did a one-eighty.

My office, the one that seemed so small moments before, now seems huge. I glide my hands along the glass surface of my desk, hoping the cool, smooth surface will bring me back to reality. I look for something to fiddle with and end up with a pen. My space is so impersonal. I need to bring in pictures of Gabriel and Jackson. Their smiling faces will definitely help ground me when the scenarios become too intense. I upload the photo from my phone and add it to my computer desktop.

I have a security list I have to submit to, Marci, the woman in charge of compiling all the lists and making sure only the right people are allowed backstage access. I stare at the list I started earlier, looking for a distraction. An hour later, I have yet to add a single thing to the document and I’ve chewed the cap off my pen. I’m far too distracted by my previous company.

I’m only pulled back into reality when my phone rings.

“Hey, baby.” Gabriel is unusually chipper for midweek. I feel instant calm. Just hearing his voice grounds me.

“I needed to hear your voice.”

“Everything okay? Asher riding you hard today?”

I nearly fall out of my chair. My pen, however, does fall from my hand. Thank God it’s the only thing I’m holding.

“Not exactly. Just… overwhelmed.”

“That is a way to describe you in most scenarios, Kat. But you always manage to come out on top.”

“Thank you. Where are you?”

“I was calling to say I’m heading home early. I can’t take the office anymore, and I just want to hang out with Jack. Maybe take him to the park or something.”

“That sounds great. I’m jealous.” I smile back at the desktop photo of Gabriel and Jackson.

“Since you’re having a crazy day, why don’t you go get a manicure or something on your way home? You need some alone time. Jack and I can do some male bonding.”

“You’re amazing, Gabe, but I’m good. I’ll just come home.”

“Are you sure? You should do something for yourself.”

Do something for myself? I look at the calendar on my computer and see the inter office event scheduled for tonight.

“Well…my coworkers are going out after work for drinks for Heather’s birthday. Do you mind if I do that instead?”

“That sounds like fun. You need to make more friends.”

“I find my life is quite full. Why do I need anyone but you and Jackson?”

“That’s why we love you. Go out tonight. Have fun. Just promise you’ll take a cab home.”

“I will. Talk to you later.”

“Bye, baby.”

Yes, a drink is exactly what I need to unwind.

Malory and I step into the Whiskey Blue at the W Hotel. With its navy snakeskin-leather club chairs and dim lighting, the place is a modern-day take on an old New York gentlemen’s club. The zebra-striped couches bring an added flair that makes it the perfect spot for the young office set.

The place is swimming with suits and Louboutin-wearing young women hoping to meet their seven-figure mogul future husbands. These women are dressed to the nines.

Before leaving the office, Malory insisted we freshen up. I touched up my makeup and let my hair down, while Malory took the liberty of removing my cardigan. That is before the inquisition about Asher’s visit to my office started in the cab ride over here.

I rolled my eyes. “Please tell me I can go to the ladies’ room without someone tracking my every move?”

Malory laughed. “It’s not your moves they’re tracking. It’s Asher’s. Everyone saw him go to your office.”

The cab cruised up Park Avenue. I only had to make it a few blocks before exiting the conversation. As much as Malory was my closest confidant at our previous job, I just didn’t want to give her any reason to think something is amiss with Asher. I value her respect too much.