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The phone rings. Shaking off the memory of this morning, I answer it in my most professional producer voice. “Kathryn Grayson.”

“There is a delivery here for you. Shall I bring it to your office?” Trish is on the other end.

“No. I’ll be right there.”

Trish has been working hard under Heather. Between that and answering the main phones, signing for deliveries, and keeping this place in order, she has more important things to do than deliver my package.

The display of white roses is extra obnoxious today. Asher is really getting carried away. Sitting next to them is a package with a large red bow on top.

“Looks like someone sent you a present.” Trish beams. “Can I watch you open it?”

As I have nothing to hide, I allow Trish to stand by as I unwrap the silky red ribbon. The box is a large white pastry box with a simple piece of tape clasping the end. Perhaps someone sent me a pie. That’s weird.

Weird doesn’t explain it.

I open the lid and find a box filled with packages of, as the slogan goes, the “golden sponge cake with a creamy filling.”

Asher can be very funny.

“Who would send you a box of Twinkies?” Trish’s face is twisted in confusion.

I partake in the second lie I’ve ever told this girl. “Must be from the Hostess Brands people.” I feign confused. “Twinkie?” I offer.

Trish grabs the cream-filled delicacy and smiles.

Walking back toward the office, I open the card that came with the package. I didn’t want to open it in front of Trish.

The note is short and sweet.

No signature.

I smile inwardly and leave the box on my desk. It’s almost eleven, so I gather my notebook and files and head to the conference room.

Erik, Malory, Gretchen, Harvey, and Heather are in the meeting with me. Erik, Malory, and I take seats next to each other, facing the wall of vintage advertisements, while Harvey, Gretchen, and Heather sit across from us, facing the glass wall that leads to the hallway.

As I take my seat, I look up and see the vintage movie poster Asher purchased hanging proudly. Kathryn Grayson looks ethereal under the handsome Lawford. I smile to myself and catch Malory’s eye, shaking her head in disapproval.

Everyone seems to have their portion of production underway. Erik has been working with his crew to secure equipment and make sure they can capture every aspect for the Central Park concert for viewers at home. He is also planning on setting up a crew at the Lincoln Center gala. It won’t air the same night, but they may be able to sell it as a special down the road. He’s giving one of the tech guys the opportunity to direct. It sounds like a great idea.

Malory has sold the rights to the broadcast and is packing the gala with an elite crowd who are paying thousands of dollars to attend.

Shit! Pressure’s on. This thing better be perfect.

Heather, as evil as she is, really has her shit together. Her concert is planned out, vendor contracts signed, timeline and logistics clear. Her speeches and dialogue throughout the program are all in review stages. She’s hired a well-known name in radio to be the announcer and is having an even more well-known late-night personality host the entire event. That’s really smart.

Asher approved another television personality to host my event as well, but he’s not nearly as funny and his people are a disaster to work with. I look down at my production notes. I have many loose ends. If I had Trish working with me, I’d be as far ahead as Heather is.

Harvey is going over the scripts for the Central Park concert when Gretchen’s eyes shift to the glass wall behind me. Heather notices Gretchen’s distraction and follows her gaze.

“Who is that?” Heather’s doe eyes widen. She nearly foams at the mouth.

Malory and I turn around to see a man with dark wavy hair, an athletic build, and navy-blue eyes behind the glass, looking for, what I presume is, my office.

Why is Gabriel here?

I turn to Erik. “If you’ll excuse me. That’s my husband.”

Erik nods in permission as Heather chimes, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Malory scowls back at Heather. “What bothers you more? The fact that she gets to leave the meeting, or McDreamy over there is here to see her and not you?” Malory’s mad, though I’m not a hundred percent sure it’s directed solely toward Heather. Is it unprofessional to be leaving the meeting? Should I stay? What if he’s here to tell me something terrible happened?

I exit the conference room as fast as possible.

Gabriel sees me through the glass panel and relaxes. Clearly, he was lost.

“What are you doing here?” I guide him down the hall to my office.

“I was in the area and thought I’d stop by and see this fancy office of yours. Besides, I know you love surprises.” He looks handsome in his business suit, his blue tie bringing out his eyes. No wonder Heather nearly convulsed.

“Thank God, I thought something terrible happened.” I take his hand and escort him into the office. “Well, this is it.” I hold out my hands, gesturing at the stark space of white walls, modern furniture, and paper… everywhere.

“You really do have a view of the Empire State Building.”

The view even surprises me on a daily basis.

“Yes, almost all of the offices on this floor have this view.”

“This is awesome, baby. You really made it.” He sits on my desk, taking in the room. “If I didn’t know better, I’d ask who you slept with to get this kind of view.” He’s kidding, yet his eyebrows are raised at me, questioningly.

“Gabe!” I admonish, crossing my arms, and cock my head to the side.

“I’m kidding,” Gabriel says with a sarcastic tone.

“You better be.”

“Where is that big boss of yours anyway?”

“Erik? He’s in the meeting I just left because you surprised me at work. Which, as a matter of fact, I love but really hope I don’t get in trouble for.”

“No, the BIG boss… Alexander Asher. Where does he sit?”

“Asher?” Why does he care about Asher? Maybe it was the reading he did last night. The man is part of an empire. He would never sit on the floor of the communications company he owns. It seems silly Gabriel would even think he would.

I take a step back and access my husband. “You’re jealous!” I knew Gwen and her ridiculous comments were good for something.

A smile stretches across my face so wide my mouth opens in surprise. Despite my annoyance, I am utterly flattered that Gabriel would be jealous of Alexander Asher. After the crazy few days I had with my head reeling from thinking Gabriel is cheating to my relief to understand he’s not, this is a welcome development.

“Yes, Asher. Where is his big fancy office?” he asks, looking around the room as if there were a secret door that led to Asher’s office.

“It’s all the way upstairs in the penthouse. He doesn’t come down here except for a meeting every once in a while. I hardly ever see him.” Okay, it’s a lie but a white lie.

Gabriel glances down at the white pastry box I have on my desk. “Why do you have a box of Twinkies?”

Oh shit. If I tell him who they’re from, he will never believe my white lie about hardly ever seeing Asher.

“The Hostess people sent them. They probably want to sponsor an event or something. I get pitches like this all the time,” I ramble.

Where’s the card? My eyes skim like rapid fire over the desk. I have to hide it.

Gabriel takes a seat in the chair in front of the desk. “No pictures of me or Jack?” He sounds disappointed.

“I keep on meaning to bring a photo or something, but I always seem to forget. You know it’s very hard being a working mom.” It’s true. Work all day and then take care of the baby at night. It’s a lot.

“But I do have you as the screensaver on my computer.” I motion toward the screen as I swivel it around for Gabriel to see a photo of him and Jackson taken just weeks ago at the house. It’s one of my favorites. This seems to appease Gabriel.