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The dress looks as goddess-like as the day I tried it on, and with zero markings of the department store floor. I have on the most beautiful pair of silver strappy stilettos that cost me a fortune and will be the last big purchase this single mom makes in a long time. Gwen did my makeup, and I did my own hair in long soft curls. I looked demure, yet I’m ready to kick some ass if I have to.

Asher arranged for a car to pick me up. I think it’s his way of ensuring I actually make it to the gala. I haven’t seen him since that day in the office, and tonight will be my last. I am all too happy to see Devon round the SUV and open my door. I’m immediately thankful to have the escort when we pull up to the gala and Devon has special permission to cut the limo line and accompany me to the front entrance. When we pull up to the curb, he opens my door and takes my hand to lead me onto the black carpet.

It’s everything I hoped it would be and more. Topiaries of dahlias, peonies, and roses line the carpet in an archway, leading people to the venue. At the far end is the photographers’ pit with a step and repeat for interviews. The fountain is illuminated in lights and a handmade marquee hangs special for the evening, announcing Asher’s benefit concert. Spotlights stand on both sides of the venue, letting people know there is an event happening right now that people have to take notice of.

I bypass the main entrance and make my way toward the side. I am all too thrilled to see Trish wearing a headset and holding a clipboard. Looks like Erik and Asher did the right thing and promoted her to my spot. I want to say hello, but a quick wave and a nod good luck is all I can spare, as she looks like she’s in full producer mode. I can hear her telling the cameraman to get a pan of the exterior.

I walk into David Geffen Hall and make my way toward the theater entrance. Standing there is a man wearing a black tuxedo, bow tie included. His golden highlights glisten in the pin lighting of the room, and I don’t have to wait for him to turn around to see his eyes.

As if he can feel my presence, Asher turns and faces me. His is a mixture of elation and relief.

Golden eyes look me up and down. I know he approves. “I’ve told you this before, and I will tell you again. You are beautiful.”

“Thank you, Alex. So are you.”

“So we’re back to Alex. Looks like I’m not in trouble anymore.”

“No, you’re not in trouble. We’re friends, right?”

“Yes. Friends.” He takes my hand in his and leads me around the room, introducing me to New York elite. One person I don’t see is Malory. “She’s fired,” Asher answers my unspoken question. “I want you to know I never paid any mind to those emails. Once I got to know you…” He lifts my hand and brushes my knuckles against his lips. “I knew what was true.”

We chat with dignitaries and celebrities, socialites and scholars. The room is filled with old money and new, and for Asher, they are willing to empty their pockets. Asher praises me to each and every one of them. And when he thinks I’m not looking, I catch him staring at me. He looks proud, and he should be. He put on a spectacular event. No, two spectacular events. The other I’m sure Heather is doing an incredible job at.

Before the curtains go up and the speeches begin, Asher leads me backstage. Trish is keeping everything close to itinerary, and I pat myself on the back for doing such a great job putting everything together.

Asher and I stand backstage together, waiting for his cue to make his speech. I wonder if this is the life I would lead sticking by Asher? Fancy productions, big events every weekend. If I met him at another time, would we be together?

He takes the stage with charisma and magnitude. The women in the audience gasp at his incredible good looks, and I hear a few backup dancers backstage talk about getting in his pants after the show. I’m sure a few of them will succeed.

Harvey did an excellent job with Asher’s speech. The audience eats it up, and I can hear the wallets in the crowd opening up.

Asher is soon by my side, and he takes my hand. “Come, let’s go for a walk.”

I hear a few whiney voices in the background. Calm down, ladies, he’ll be back!

I take his hand and follow him out into the courtyard. He looks beautiful in the evening light. I will never tire of looking at this exotic Adonis of a man. Even at night, his perfect mouth and square jaw are illuminated against his tanned skin.

“Are you going to the park? I’m sure Heather will need you at some point. You are the face of the organization.” I look over toward the park. You can see the lights of the event from here.

Turning back toward Asher, I catch him staring at me, mesmerized. “No, Kathryn. I am exactly where I want to be.” He’s smoldering, and I don’t know if my heart can take it.

“No. Please. I know that look.” I beg him for a reprieve.

“Good. Then you know exactly what I’m going to say.” His eyes lock onto mine.

“There is nothing we can do. It’s over. It was a one time—” Before I can get the words out of my mouth, his lips are on mine. Warm, soft, passionate lips. They feel just as good as they did that sinful weekend.

I part my lips just enough, allowing him entrance into my soul. Our tongues meet and his passion pours into me. With one hand wrapped around my waist and other around my neck, Asher pulls me into his body, and I fall helpless.

My arms lock around his neck and my fingers lace into his hair. I lose myself so easily when I’m with him. I have to stop. This isn’t what tonight is about.

I release his lips from mine and try to step out of his embrace, but his hold is firm on me. “Don’t leave. Stay with me.”

“Stay with you? And then what? I move in? We get married? We raise my son together?”

He’s not letting me go. Tobacco and vanilla eradicate my senses while golden, caramel eyes show something I’ve never seen before on him.

“I love you.”

What? Love? Alexander Asher doesn’t fall in love. Once, but that was a long time ago.

I stare into those forbidden eyes and get swept up in the emption behind them. Deep, soulful wanting is hiding behind those shades of gold turning into warm caramel. My breath is momentarily taken away by the angst hiding inside. Conviction he has, but what he needs and what he wants are two different things.

“Asher… you don’t love me. You think you love me. You’re panicking and you think the only way you can keep me is by telling me you love me.”

“Listen to me.”

“I am listening. I’m listening to a man who is so scared of losing his friend that he will do and say whatever it takes. You’re ready to be loved and to love someone, but it’s not me. You don’t love me.” I place my hands on his face and take in his beauty.

“Stop it!” He grabs my waist and pulls me into him, close and protective. “Can’t you feel it? Even Malory knew. She said it on that damn tape.

“I love you, Kathryn. Ever since I saw you in the rain. I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I loved you when you told me off in the elevator. I loved you when you came up with this crazy idea for two concerts. I loved you when you danced with me on that stage and when you let me share myself with you at the tomb. I loved you standing in the halo of the streetlights, and I loved you when you let me make love to you.

“And I don’t care if you’re married or if you have a kid or if I have to give up everything I have to make this right. You make my life make sense.”

My heart falls and loses beats in the process. His words are everything a girl can dream of, yet they’re not right. I shake my head and try to pull away from him. He holds on tighter.

“Kathryn. What can I do to prove it to you?”

I don’t know what’s right anymore. Do I love Asher? I never took the time to even think about that being a possibility. I had fallen for him, but how deep? In love? In lust? I certainly wanted him, but have we both fallen so far when fate wasn’t looking?