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We cried a lot in the beginning, but now we laugh a whole lot more. I feel like I know Gabriel better now than I ever have. Because now I know the boy he was and the man he is now. And I love them both equally.

And Gabriel… he loves me. And he tells me often. The fact that he’s still here shows me he loves me more than I ever could have imagined.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” We packed for a long weekend, but, true to form, my darling husband didn’t tell me our destination.

“It’s a surprise.” His face is illuminated in the bright Florida sunshine.

“And I love your surprises.” I fall deeper into the crook of his arm. He smells like sunshine and the sea.

“Twenty questions. Me first. Favorite thing about Florida? And you can’t say me or Jack or Gray.”

That’s easy. “The house. It’s perfect.” A modest-sized three-bedroom bungalow on the intercoastal. I can walk to the beach with my boys.

Gabriel agrees. “Yes, the house is beautiful, like my wife. Although, I have to say, my favorite thing is the fact that we can take the boat out every day.”

Yes, my husband, the sailor. This is the boy I fell in love with and the man he has become wrapped in one delicious package.

“Me next.” I love playing games with him. “Thing you miss most about New York?”

“The food,” he says with a laugh. “You?” His navy blues sparkle.

“The skyline.”

“I promise I’ll take you back.” He leans down and kisses me passionately, his hand resting on my cheek, slowly pulling me in closer. I can’t believe I went so long without kissing this man. I mean really kissing him the way two lovers do. We were so caught up in life that we forgot to live for each other. I will never tire of kissing him again.

Gabriel smiles, breaking our embrace completely. I look up at him and see mischief.

“When do you want to start trying for the girl?” Gabriel asks, laughing a little since he knows it’s ridiculous.

“I just had Grayson!” I hit him in the arm, my hair blowing in the wind.

Gabriel takes his hands and smoothes the hair off my face, holding it in place on the side of my head. “I know, but I can’t wait to have a little girl that looks just like you.” He kisses my nose, and I melt at the touch.

One corner of my mouth turns up. “Well… I am enjoying the practice. Maybe we can practice for a few more months and then try?”

Gabriel holds out his pinky finger to me. “I promise to always try.” His words have more meaning than ever before.

I smile, wrapping my pinky around his. He looks down at our entwined fingers and kisses them, sealing our promise to each other. “I love you, Mrs. Monroe.”

The sun shines brightly on our backs as I kiss our fated hands. “I love you, too. Now what do you say to getting some dockside delivery when we arrive at our surprise destination? I’m starving.”

His eyebrows perk up. “Chinese?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”


I don’t know why she always feels the need to shower at my place. It irritates the hell out of me, but at least I know she’ll be gone as soon as she’s done. It’s the only reason I keep her around. She may be a vindictive bitch, but she’s a great fuck and knows I’m not going to ask her to stay the night. I don’t want her here all night. I don’t want anyone here all night. I may hate to sleep alone, but that’s my cross to bear. My penance for a wrong I did so long ago. I sleep alone, in the dark, and I like it that way.

I push the covers off my body and lean down to the floor, grabbing the dress pants she so carelessly threw on the floor in her rush to get me naked. I slide them on, going commando and shirtless. I know she’s going to see me like this when she gets out of the shower and want another go, but I don’t care. I want her gone when she comes out.

Walking down the hallway, I turn into the kitchen and grab the bottle of scotch I’d started before she arrived. I pour myself a fresh glass and savor the burn. Only alcohol that hurts is worth drinking.

I take my glass and move into the living room. It’s a huge room in a huge apartment. Too big for one person. I know this, yet I don’t know how to live any other way. My house is nestled, if you will, on the top two floors of the Asher building. If you hit Penthouse on the elevator, you’ll go to my office. A very public space that everyone and their mother goes through, trying to get a piece of me and the Asher dynasty. What most people don’t know is there is a private code for the elevator to bring you here.

It’s three thousand square feet of mine. I only let a handful of people up here. It’s one of the few things that keeps me sane. This and music. When I’m up here, I can relax. No one is asking me for money, a deal, a favor. No one can pretend to need me, care for me, want for me. There are no false pretenses up here, no bullshit.

I could have bought in another building. I could have bought one of those brownstones or mansions on Park Avenue. But this is my building and I can control it. I know who goes in and what goes out. I can monitor my world from this building. For that reason, and that reason alone, I created my sanctuary on top of the world that I control.

The living room is a two-story expanse of black walls and a black ceiling with floor-to-ceiling windows on the north and east walls. No curtains, no drapes. I can walk around ass naked and no one would be able to see in. A white marble fireplace sits on the west wall, surrounded by bookshelves and a giant mirror that reflects black and glass. A low slate-grey couch sits in an L-shape in the center of the room. Simple, clean… just how I like it. The room opens up to a dining area I hardly ever use, except for the occasional breakfast. It’s a black dining table with seating for eight. I’ve only sat at the head and have never had company.

Beyond the dining space is a kitchen that’s fully stocked by the maid, and past there is a long hallway where you’ll find three bedrooms, my home office, a TV room, gym, and the music room. That is my meditation space, my sacred place to think. Even the few guests I do have up here are never allowed in there.

Especially her.

I’m looking out the north window, seeing the lights of the city below and the red taillights in the distance. The suckers driving home on a Friday night, back to their mundane lives, wondering what kind of bullshit they’ll open the door to when they get home. The holidays are approaching. You’d never know it from being up here. No tree, no lights, no cheer. Those fools below me, they’re probably putting up their trees tonight. I can’t remember the last time I had a Christmas tree. I’m searching my brain, trying to remember, when I hear the water turn off.

I take my glass and pad over the foyer area. I asked my assistant Cecelia to drop off some documents this afternoon. I’ve been ignoring them for the better part of a year and, apparently, they need to be answered. I open up the manila envelope and pull out the white-and-blue documents my grandfather’s attorney prepared. They’re the final acquisition papers that make me the sole owner of everything Edward Asher built. It’s the final piece of the dynasty I never had any intention of owning. His board knows this too, which is why I’ve let them keep control of his businesses all this time. It’s been long enough, and I have to take control of the lion’s share, become an active member in the corporations. Not only will I have control of my own businesses, but I will now have possession of the complete Asher dynasty.

The problem is when I assume Edward Asher’s role in the world, I’ll have to disengage from my personal projects. There will be no time for my music lessons or charities. I’ll have to sell my music and communications companies. Grandfather thought they were a waste of time. He’ll be thrilled to know I gave it all up. He should be. It’s a stipulation in his will. When I take control, all of my personal companies and affiliations must be sold. The man never understood my love of music and the arts. They reminded him too much of my parents. They were two people we were never to speak of.