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He smiles and it’s a mischievous smile, almost Cheshire cat like. “Nonsense. We were headed that way anyway. Besides, I’m sure you’ll find this to be a most convenient excursion.”

He pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and offers it to me. Tentatively, I take it and wipe down my neck and chest with it. I catch mystery man’s eyes following the handkerchief. I reprimand him with my stare and he laughs at the little exchange.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

“Kathryn,” I say automatically and then pause, almost hesitant to give out my full name. Oh, what the hell? “Kathryn Grayson.”

“Like the actress,” he states, then cocks his head and frowns, just a little, like he’s thinking.

“Yes.” That point is lost on most people. My mother was a fan. She was lucky when she married a man named Grayson. My mom, the old movie buff. I’m lucky she didn’t try to change my name to Marilyn after I married Gabriel Monroe.

“I’m a Lawford man myself,” he says with a naughty expression across his faultless face.

Peter Lawford was equal parts witty and sexy, but rumor has it beneath the charm was a troubled soul. Not many people my age know who he is. And from the looks of the man sitting next to me, he’s not that much older than I am.

With my hands folded over my bag, I try to look ahead, making sure the driver knows where he’s going. My attention can’t stay focused long as I risk a glance or two at the man sitting next to me.

His dark-blond hair is wet from the rain. It is just long enough for you to run your fingers through. I can tell from the way his legs stretch across the backseat he is tall, over six feet. And from the way he’s sitting, his thighs, lean and strong, can be defined through his black suit pants. He has a dominating quality about him.

His bronzed skin looks like he could be Greek or Italian. I can’t tell. And when he looks up at me, I see golden eyes. I’ve never seen golden eyes before. I really have never seen anyone who looks like him before. Maybe in a magazine, but not in real life. He is quite… breathtaking.

My fingers tremble, possibly from the chill of wearing wet clothes, I refold them over one another in an attempt to do something with my nervous energy.

“I’m sorry, what is your name?”

“Alex.” He holds out his hand. It is surprisingly smooth yet firm. “Just call me Alex.”

“Alex, thank you for the ride. If you don’t mind, I just have to pull myself together.” I flip open the overhead mirror and take a look at my appearance, at least what I can see in the small reflective glass above me. Mascara and eyeliner is smudged around my eyes, and I do my best to smooth it out without poking my eye out. “I have a big meeting in about…” I glance at the clock on the front dashboard. “Crap, I’m late.”

Alex leans toward me and flashes that perfect smile. “I’m sure whoever it is with will understand the circumstances, as strange as they may be.” He has a devilish quality to his grin. His golden hues hold my gaze. “Pardon me for being upfront, Ms. Grayson, but you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”

I blush at his compliment, yet I feel uncomfortable in his presence. I close the mirror above me and throw my makeup in my bag. Looking out the window, I see the glass skyscraper approaching. “Alex, thank you for the ride. I’ll just get out here,” I demand.

But the car doesn’t stop. It continues past the building and pulls into a parking garage. My heart leaps in my throat.

Where are we going?

Where is this man taking me?

Oh my God, I’m being abducted.

“It’s okay.” He puts his hand on my leg. “Relax. I told you I’m no psycho. I work in the building too. This couldn’t be more convenient.”

I let out a sigh of relief. What was I thinking getting into a car with a stranger?

After a quick evaluation, I gain my bearings. The garage is on the other side of the building than the main entrance. The car drives down a ramp and turns a corner before pulling up beside an elevator bank inside the underground garage. The driver, Devon, I believe his name was, gets out and circles around the car to open Alex’s door.

I pull my door handle, but before I can get out, Alex has swung around the car and offers a hand.

“Please, Ms. Grayson. It’s the least I can do. “

I take his offered hand and stand outside the car. Having never been here before, I don’t know how to get to my office.

As if reading my mind, Alex motions toward the elevator bank and hits the call button. The doors immediately swing open and we enter. Just this mystery man and me. I feel out of place, soaked with rainwater and a dirty dress. This man standing next to me is dry and pristine in a black pinstripe suit with a crisp white shirt and black tie. The moisture in his hair has dried and the few raindrops he had on his jacket have evaporated. He stands tall and confident. I feel small in comparison.

My body shivers from the chill of my wet clothes. I cross my arms to regain my warmth.

I hit the button for my floor, but the car doesn’t move. Alex leans over and puts his hand on the small of my back. It must be the warmth of his skin that causes me to shiver again. I’m so cold, and the heat is welcomed. His hand takes up most of my back, and I find myself wondering what it would be like traveling across my body.

Stop it, Kathryn!

With his other hand he reaches around my body and places a card in the panel and hits a code before the car starts to move.

My senses are heightened. My eyes trying to block out his square chin and strong jaw line. My nose blocking out the sensual smell of his cologne. My ears trying to ignore the sound of my breath speeding up, and my touch trying not to cause my knees to fold at the mere feeling of his hand on my back. I pray he can’t tell how unnerved I am.

He leans down and softly hums into my ear, “Ms. Grayson, how do you like your coffee?” He sounds sensual, as if he’s asking me to go to bed with him.

“Um, strong and black.” I quiver, swallowing… hard.

“Good answer.” He says, releasing me in the process. I didn’t realize he had pulled me farther into him until I miss the heat of his body.

The elevator door swings open. Trish, the redhead at reception, greets us with an awesome smile. “Good morning, Mr. Asher!”


“Morning, Patricia,” Alex says and heads down the hallway. “We’ll need two coffees… black. Ms. Grayson and I have a meeting. We’ll take them in her office.”

I stop in my tracks.


Holy shit.

That is Alexander Asher.


I am so embarrassed.

No, I’m pissed.


“Who do you think you are?” I stamp into my office, stopping just past the doorway, with my wet head.

Alexander Asher is standing in front of me looking as innocent as a lamb. “Excuse me?” His voice shows how amused he is.

“Did you know you had a meeting with me? When I said my name and the building… you knew exactly who I was!” I can’t control myself. My hand has made its way in front of my face and my pointer finger is waving dramatically in the air. “And that move in the elevator. Do you realize you are my boss? That is so wrong on so many levels!”

Asher walks toward me with a determined look, his eyes intense on mine. He inches closer. The weight of his body leans into me as he swings his hand around my body and slams the door closed.

His hand is resting on the door with his arm enclosing my head. “I don’t think this is an appropriate conversation for the entire office to hear. Do you, Ms. Grayson?”