Stephens, in no position to argue, nodded and thanked Zanek profusely. Then he warmly shook Jessica's hand, saying he'd see her aboard the waiting Air Force jet which was due for takeoff in a few hours. Stephens then took his leave, a much-pleased man whose confident step had been somewhat eroded by what he'd just witnessed.
After the door closed on Stephens's retreating form and his bundle of envelopes, Jessica asked point-blank, “What's going on between you and Dr. Desinor, Paul?”
“ What hellacious garbage is that you're talking, Doctor? I just went to her aid. My God, she was in a fit of fear. I did what anyone might've done, Jess.”
“ Paul, I'm a detective. I detect things, remember?”
“ Not some things you don't. My relationship with Kim is really none of your business. Leave it alone,” he suddenly snapped.
“ All right, I'll do that.”
“ You'll take the flight back with P.C. Stephens in her place, reassure him we'll do everything in our power, all that…”
“ I'm not sure I can be packed in an hour either, Paul, but for you I'll try.”
“ Hey, this entire crazy scheme was your idea in the first place, remember? All of a sudden you've got a yen to see Sew Orleans up close. Damnit, I swear, Jess, if you weren't who you are… well, just… just be at the airstrip.”
“ Fine, but I don't want to see Waite and Thatcher there, got it?”
“ Don't leave home without 'em, Jess.”
“ Like a Mutt-and-Jeff, Abbott-and-Costello pair tripping over one another everywhere I go? No, thanks, Paul, and I mean it.” He returned a stern look and said, “Those men have been specially trained for this kind of duty, Jess, and they've been in position for your safety and for good reason, Jess.”
“ They're a drain on the national economy and on my well-being, and they're a pain in the ass, Paul. Now, I thought we were clear on this issue. I usually do as I'm told, just what you wish, but I won't budge on this one, Paul.”
“ Don't give me that shit. If it were up to me, you wouldn't be going to New Orleans at all, much less without bodyguards! Going over my head to Santiva on this, Jess, that hurt.”
So he had seen Santiva; so everything was in the open after all. “Come on, Paul. Admit it, you didn't take me seriously. You weren't listening; you were only pretending to listen. One of your less admirable traits, I might add.”
“ That's not fair.”
“ You left me no other choice, and Santiva's got the chutzpah to let me see this thing out.”
“ Christ, Jess, you think so? Damnit, I still don't feel comfortable with this. I just don't like the idea of your opening yourself up to a possible attack, using-”
“ There's no way I'm going on status quo!”
“ Using your self as god damn bait for a madman? That Santiva guy's as nuts as you are, and as soon as the New Orleans papers get wind-”
“ I'll keep a low profile.”
“- that you're on the case, Matisak's going to be on his way. But you know that…”
I'm counting on it, she thought. “I'm a big girl, Paul.”
“ You don't make protecting your ass an easy chore, Jessica Coran.”
“ Maybe that's the way it should be; besides, it's my ass, Paul, and it's been damn near six months. Could you live this way for two? I can't and I won't, not anymore. I'm sick to death of dancing to his fiddle.”
“ Got it all figured out, do you?”
“ No, not entirely, but one thing's for sure. It's either him or me now, and if New Orleans is to be the O.K. Corral, then as the song says, 'Let it be.' “
“ Bob Waite and Greg Thatcher'll be glad to hear it put so eloquently. Maybe you can sing the tune to them.”
“ I got Archer on my own. I suppose I can do the same with Matisak, if he gives me the slightest opportunity.”
“ Christ, you talk about it as if it were a bloody tennis match or a game of chess.”
“ Maybe it is.”
“ With your life in the balance? You've got some nerve, Jess, I'll give you that.”
“ I'm still the best shot in the division.”
“ When your nerves are steady.”
“ I'm absolutely in control of my nerves.”
He came around to her and put his arm around her shoulder in a fatherly fashion. “Kiddo, this monster is enough to unnerve anyone, and knowing he's watching your every move, stalking you like a friggin' werewolf… don't tell me it doesn't eat away at you. I know you too well for that.”
“ I'm ready to have an end to it, Paul. One way or another, I'm exhausted and I want my life back!” She pulled away from him, knowing his reputation for pawing the ladies in the department.
“ Don't expect me to like it, Jess, or to approve of this foolish behavior. I can't authorize this, and Santiva's crazy if he does. It's against all policy. If you go without an escort, it won't be my ass they fry in the end. It'll be Santiva's, the new director who should've known fucking better.”
“ True to form, Paul, ever the 'company' man, clawing your way to the top. I think you like the idea Santiva's gone out on a limb for me. I knew I could count on that. Now you listen to me: I'm ready to face the satanic son of a bitch today, tomorrow, when he comes, but I'm not willing to let it drag on another six months, another year and another. I just can't live like this another day.”
He swallowed a large dose of resignation while her eyes bored into him. “No matter my aspirations in the company, less, you've got to know how much I care about you. I'm only thinking of your safety.”
“ Give it up, Paul. It's not your concern anymore. And promise, whatever you do, don't let it get around where I am, Paul, okay?”
“ Everybody's going to know, Jess. Soon as the New Orleans press gets wind.”
“ Just keep it as quiet as possible for as long as possible then, okay?”
He wondered at both her reasoning and her madness. “You: an't keep information like that quiet for very long.”
“ I don't want Jim Parry knowing.”
“ Ahh, now the truth comes out, I see. You know that he'd be just as upset with you as I am if he knew.”
“ More so.”
“ Look, I won't spill it to him, but he's going to learn about it and soon.”
“ I know that.”
Again the look of resignation and veiled disgust wafted across Zanek's features. “Santiva had no right stepping into this,” he complained, his eyes narrowing as if hatching some way to get back at the senior man.
“ It wasn't his fault. I pushed him into the middle. Let it be, Paul.”
He dropped his gaze, played a moment with straightening (lis desk blotter, in disarray since Kim Desinor's psychic ruminations over what Stephens had placed before her. Under (lis breath, his voice growing in intensity as he spoke, Paul finally said, “Good luck in New Orleans then, and Jess, be careful down there. Watch your back and stay outta the shadows and hang with the crowd, okay?”
“ What's that, water buffalo wisdom? Around the pond? Herd mentality and safety in numbers may not apply. They say in New Orleans you're always in a crowd, that your back is always exposed. That's why so many people go there, to become a part of the 'mob' mentality of the parades and the Mardi Gras and to purposely expose their breasts, remember?”
“ And you?” he challenged. “You going there to expose yourself to Matisak is just crazy, Jess.”
She smiled across at him and said, “New Orleans is the crazy capital of the world. Come on, stop worrying about me, Paul, and start watching out for yourself.”
“ And what's that supposed to mean?”
“ Whatever you want it to mean. But just you be careful too, Paul. Watch the knife to the back yourself. I'd like to know you'll be here when I get back. I'd like to know some things in life are permanent.”
“ Hate to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but there just ain't no such animal as permanent, not in this life.”
“ Maybe not in the next either,' she countered, halfway to the door now. “All the same, be here when I get back, okay? I'd hate to have to break in a new guy, or gal.”