“I’m not sure if Chloe…” Harriet began, then seemed to pull herself together, and continued, “Of course I’ll ask her. I just don’t know if Chloe will answer. She’s been getting a lot of questions lately, especially since last night’s cat choir, and Kingman’s call.”
“But she must answer this question,” said Dooley. “She simply must. We can’t keep on living with these droppings-dropping mice under our noses. Oh, can’t you simply ask Chloe to answer our question first, Harriet?”
“Yeah, seeing as you and Chloe are thick as thieves,” I added with a curious glance in my housemate’s direction. I won’t conceal the fact that I was still reeling from the fact that Chloe had called me obnoxious and Dooley dumb. And it struck me as odd that Chloe would have selected Harriet as her go-between. “Who is this Chloe?” I asked therefore, not for the first time. “It must be someone we know, right? Someone who knows us. Intimately. If she was able to give us such a detailed answer, with a few choice epithets thrown in for good measure, she must know us very well indeed.”
“It’s clearly not someone who likes us,” said Dooley. “She called me a dumb brick and she called Max obnoxious and ignorant and annoying. But I don’t hold that against her,” he quickly added when Harriet frowned. “I know I’m not the smartest cat in the world.”
“You’re very smart, Dooley,” I said. “And don’t let anyone tell you different, not even Chloe, Hampton Cove’s all-knowing feline oracle.”
Harriet was looking slightly uncomfortable again, and so was Brutus. All this talk of Chloe clearly upset them, for some reason. I could only imagine Chloe was a very close friend of the couple, and they didn’t like it when we talked smack about her.
“Look, shouldn’t we be out there trying to catch a killer?” asked Harriet now with a stilted smile plastered all across her features.
“Odelia didn’t ask us to tag along this time,” I said, a little dejectedly.
“That’s because she has two extra sleuths already,” Dooley pointed out. “She has Gran and Scarlett assisting her, and also Chase and Alec, so she doesn’t need us this time.”
“Pity,” said Brutus. “I like a good murder investigation.”
“Maybe we can help her without telling her?” Harriet suggested.
“Or I have an even better idea!” suddenly Dooley cried. We all looked at him, and so he elucidated, “We simply ask Chloe. She’ll know who Kirk Weaver’s killer is!”
“Now there’s an idea,” I said, nodding. “We could always do that.”
“Nonsense,” Harriet snapped. “Chloe doesn’t deal with murder inquiries. She’s strictly there to answer your personal questions, preferably those concerning your love lives. Which is also why I’m not sure she’ll know how to deal with this mice infestation.”
“Oh,” said Dooley, looking disappointed.
“Look, I’ll ask her, all right? But don’t get your hopes up.”
We all stared at the nugget of mouse poo, and suddenly I thought I heard laughter coming from the basement.
“Catch us if you can!” suddenly a voice rose up from the same direction, and the sound of scurrying feet could be heard. Hundreds of scurrying feet. I could see that Harriet’s skin was crawling, and a horrified expression had appeared in her eyes.
“I have an idea,” she suddenly said, and before we could stop her, she’d streaked off, zoomed through the pet flap, and was gone.
Dooley smiled. “She’s gone to get Chloe. Just you wait and see. She’ll be back in five minutes with Chloe, who’ll deal with these horrible mice the way they should be dealt with.”
Somehow I had a feeling he was setting himself up for a big disappointment.
Chapter 21
When Odelia and Chase returned to the lobby of the hotel, they were surprised to find Gran and Scarlett waiting there for them.
“Hey, you guys,” said Odelia, still a little astonished to see her grandmother and Scarlett together without rolling on the floor fighting. It was a nice change.
“So what did you find out?” asked Gran.
“We talked to the business partner,” Odelia explained as she took a seat on one of the upholstered settee benches that had been placed in the lobby for the guests’ enjoyment.
“And? What did he say?” Scarlett asked.
“Nothing much. Kirk was broke, and their company on the verge of bankruptcy.”
“He has a strong alibi, though,” said Chase. “Or at least he will have once I’ve checked it out.”
“We talked to the widow,” said Gran. “She has a solid alibi, too. Though we haven’t checked it out yet, have we, Scarlett?”
“No, but we can do that right now,” Scarlett suggested.
“She did give us some more information about the kind of man her husband was,” Gran continued. “Apparently there wasn’t a woman he met without attempting to go to bed with her. Over the years she found her husband having sex with everyone from the maid to the cook to the gardener and anything in between. The man was a horndog.”
“A serial infatuator, his business partner called him,” said Chase.
Gran scoffed at this. “Serial infatuator my ass. The man was a womanizer of the worst kind. And somewhere along the way, it got him killed. Only question is, who and why?”
They all sat staring at one another for a moment, then Scarlett said, “If the man slept around so much, there must be other women that we don’t know about. Maybe he also slept with the cook, the maid and the gardener at Allison Gray’s house? And one of them got mad and then got even?”
“It’s a thought,” Odelia agreed. “Only problem is, how are we going to find out about this mystery woman?”
“With good old-fashioned police work, that’s how,” said Gran decidedly. “We simply ask questions and then we ask some more questions and then, when we’re finished, we start all over again.”
“Isn’t she wonderful?” said Scarlett, much to Odelia’s surprise. “She’s such a great little detective, isn’t she? You must be so proud of your grandmother, Odelia, honey.”
“Well… I am,” said Odelia, staring at Scarlett, and Gran’s smile as it blossomed across her face like a rose. What was going on here? These two hadn’t stopped fighting since 1986, and now suddenly this?
“Let’s go and ask some of those questions, shall we?” Scarlett suggested, getting up from her perch on the settee.
“Yeah, let’s,” said Gran. “First I’d like to verify Sandy’s alibi, and then I’d like to go back to Allison’s place and ask some more questions over there.”
“Excellent idea,” said Scarlett as both women walked out of the lobby.
Odelia stared after them. “Are they… arm in arm now?” she asked, stunned.
“Yeah, looks like. It’s a damn sight better than pulling each other’s hair, let me tell you that.”
“I don’t know what’s happening anymore!” Odelia cried, raising her arms heavenward. The world was going mad. But in a good way.
“I’m going back to the office for a bit,” Chase said. “I need to give your uncle an update. And I want to get a hold of that investor guy Burt said he’d been talking to.”
“And I’ll…” Do what, exactly? “Well, I guess I’ll go to the office and… work.”
“Always a good idea,” said Chase with a smile, and kissed her lightly on the lips.
Tex Poole sat in his office, wondering where his receptionist had gone off to this time. Vesta had said something to him the previous day about a murder investigation she was involved in, and he hadn’t really paid all that much attention to her wild theories about the death of this cat whisperer guy. But she hadn’t come in for work that morning and he’d been forced to handle the phones himself again.