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The door swung open and Randi Wiggins appeared, looking as jovial and cheerful as ever. For the occasion the big guy was dressed in a knitted Christmas sweater depicting Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Cute.“Hey there, Chief,” he said. “What’s going on?”

“My niece heard screams,”’ said the Chief. “May we come in and take a look?”

“Screams? Oh, that must be Willa. She’s been screaming up a storm.”

Of course. I’d totally forgotten that Bambi was expecting. She must have had that baby by now, which would explain the screams, just like Randi said.

“He’s just trying to confuse you,” said Max. “Ask about Bambi!”

“Yeah, we want to see Bambi!” Dooley added.

“We want proof of life!”

“Is Bambi in?” I asked.

Randi shrugged.“She’s kinda busy. Now’s not a really good time, Odelia.”

“Don’t take no for an answer,” Max said. “Demand to see Bambi.”

“We still need to see her, I’m afraid.”

Randi stepped aside.“Suit yourself. But I’m warning you. It’s not pretty.”

“He’s killed her,” said Max.

“There’s blood all over the place,” said Dooley.

“Poor Bambi!”

“We’re too late!”

Uncle Alec walked past the man and entered the house, followed by Chase, me, and the cats.

“Um… what are these cats doing here?” Randi asked, surprised.

“Oh, those are mine,” I said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Sure don’t,” said Randi. “I actually have one myself.”

The house was all dressed up for Christmas, and cozy as heck. A huge Christmas tree dominated the living room, and there were little lights everywhere. Bambi and Randi were obviously big on Christmas. I just wished my own home was as Christmassy as theirs, but I hadn’t really taken the time this year. Maybe once, when I had a family of my own, I would pay more attention to the holidays. I knew I wanted to. It just seemed like a lot of hassle to go through just for myself and Max.

“So where’s Bambi?” I asked, searching around. Not that I believed she was being held captive by her own husband, but it was the only way to calm down Max and Dooley, who’d gone berserk. And I actually wanted to see her, too. I liked Bambi, and had totally forgotten about her pregnancy.

“Upstairs,” said Randi.

“Nice place you’ve got here, Randi,” said my uncle.

“Great fan of Christmas, are you?” Chase asked.

“That’s more my wife. She’s big on Christmas. If it was up to her she’d have those lights up all year.”

“How the hell did you get that sleigh on the roof?” asked Uncle Alec.

“It wasn’t easy!”

“Less talk, more showing us Bambi,” Max growled.

We all moved up the stairs behind Randi.“Don’t mind the mess,” he said, opening the baby gate. He gestured at a bunch of toys lying around. A big Barbie and an actual nursery station. “I know it’s a little early, as we only brought Willa home last week. But you know how grammies and grandpas are. We told them she has no use fortoys just yet but they just couldn’t help themselves.”

We all filed into the baby room, and I held my breath when I saw how gorgeous it was. Bambi and Randi had really outdone themselves. The theme was a pretty pink, and a collection of cat paintings adorned one wall, with a huge drawing of Bambi, Randi and Baby Willa dominating another one. It looked like the mural Cameron and Mitchell had on the wall of Lily’s room inModern Family: Bambi and Randi depicted as angels, Willa’s cot right beneath it.

“Bambi, sorry about the intrusion, honey,” Randi said softly as he padded up to his wife, “but some of the neighbors must have heard Willa scream and called the cops on us.”

Bambi laughed.“Of course they did. She’s a real fire engine, this one, isn’t she?”

In her arms, she was holding tiny Willa, swaddled up in a cloud of pink. Willa had her eyes closed, and looked like a regular angel.

“Oh, my God, what a cutie!” I exclaimed.

Willa must have sensed our presence, for she let out a loud wail.

“So that’s the sound you heard, Odelia,” Chase said with a grin. “A baby crying.”

“I guess so,” I said, cutting a look to Max and Dooley, who were completely discombobulated by the sight of Willa.

“So… Bambi hasn’t been abducted?” Max asked.

“Bambi and Randi had a baby,” I explained.

“Baby Willa,” said Randi, sidling up to his wife and his newborn baby girl.

“Willa Wiggins?” asked Uncle Alec. “Really?”

Randi shrugged.“Hey, it wasn’t my idea.”

“My favorite great-aunt was called Willa,” Bambi explained. She flicked a switch on a miniature Christmas tree and the moment the lights flickered on, Willa stopped wailing and stared at it in fascination.

“So that’s the trick, huh?” asked Bambi. “You like Christmas lights just as much as your mommy does.”

“This is so sweet,” said Chase. “I’m sorry for the intrusion, Bambi—Randi.”

“Oh, that’s all right,” said Randi. “I guess not all of the neighbors have heard the news. That’ll change soon when we invite them over for the christening.”

“You’re inviting the whole neighborhood?” I asked.

“Sure. We can all share this miracle of life.”

Uncle Alec smiled.“I remember when Odelia was just a tiny bundle of joy. When my sister brought her home from the hospital and asked me to be her godfather, I was over the moon.” He wiped away a tear.

I rubbed his back.“When I have a baby you’re going to be its godfather, too, Uncle Alec.”

He looked up in surprise.“I am?”

“Of course.” For some reason, my gaze wandered to Chase. He caught it and came over to plant a kiss on my lips. Uncle Alec blinked at the sight, then gave me a wink. I knew that each time the holidays came around, he had a tough time—remembering how he and Aunt Ginny had wanted to start a family, too. At least he had Mom and me—and Gran, of course.

“Watch out!” suddenly Dooley cried, and rushed forward. Randi had picked up a package and was opening it. When he saw Dooley zooming in, he hesitated, and gave me a questioning look.

“Dooley, it’s all right,” I said, picking up the cat.

“But… he’s got an axe!” Dooley cried.

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I insisted.

Randi opened the package.“Got you something, babe,” he said, and handed his wife a pacifier in the shape of a Christmas tree.

“Oh, honey!” Bambi exclaimed. “You found it! And just in time for Christmas!”

“Of course I found it,” said Randi, his face creasing into a wide grin. “I’m Mr. Postal, aren’t I?”

“You sure are,” she said, and placed the pacifier between baby Willa’s lips. Instantly she began to suck on it, making happy noises.

“I just knew it,” said Bambi. “The only way to make a Wiggins baby happy is to give it a Christmas gift.”

“Runs in the family,” said Randi.

I set Dooley down on the floor and enjoyed the warmth of Chase’s arm around me. When Bambi offered to let me hold her baby for a moment, I was touched. Ever so carefully, I took Willa into my arms. She was such a cutie-pie! I caught Max and Dooley watching on with bated breath, so I crouched down and showed them the baby. Both cats looked on with amazement.

“It’s… so small,” said Dooley.

“And it smells so good,” Max said.

“This is Max and this is Dooley,” I whispered in Willa’s ear. “They’re the sweetest and smartest cats in the world.” A big orange cat, seated next to Max, cleared her throat. This was probably Randi and Bambi’s cat. “And so are you, of course, pretty one,” I added.

“That’s Ellen,” said Randi. “She’s already used to the baby, aren’t you, Ellen?”

“I think it might take my cats a little while,” I said. “They look pretty shocked.”

The visit over, we all returned to the car and Chase drove us home. And we’d just turned the corner to our street when Max said, “Whenever you and Chase want to have a baby, it’s fine with me and Dooley.”