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He didn’t see Gwendolyn there, and had been filled to the brim with disappointment, but this attention from Jade was helping him get over that pretty quickly.

And then the next thing he knew, she was kissing him. As her soft lips pressed up against his, he thought at first it was his imagination. That there was no way in hell this was really happening. Sure, rubbing up against him was one thing, but no girl, especially not Jade, would ever kiss the Toad. Kip couldn’t believe it.

But there she was, face to face with him, lips puckered. They tasted like cherry lip balm. Kip didn’t know he had dropped the bottle until he heard it crash, and in that same instant, something on his lip burst.

His face pulsated with intense pleasure at that moment, radiating out from the massive zit that had been giving him so much trouble for the past week. And it was Jade’s mouth that finally did the thing in.

When Jade screamed and shoved away from him, he was still riding the euphoric spasms in his lip, crackling across his face like static. Then he saw the white glob smeared across her mouth.

Blood trickled down from the open wound on his lip, dripped onto the floor between his feet. Kip wiped it, stared at the amount of blood on his palm. Too much. He wondered if he should be worried, wondered how one zit could bleed so badly, but all he could do was smile, rub his fingers through it until it became sticky.

Jade’s bottom lip quivered as she gagged. Then someone pointed at her face, followed by the gasps and laughter and the collective, “Ewwwwwww!”

“You’ve got pus on your mouth,” one girl said.

Jade wiped it away, dropped to her ass as she stared at the thick white paste in her hand.

Oh god… it got in her mouth.

Kip was ready to leave now. Ready to go home where it was safe and crawl under his bed and never come out again. Nothing could have been worse than this. Even though his flesh still tickled and he still found it difficult to stop grinning, he shot Zak a quick glance that said, “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Zak had the same flabbergasted look as all the others. His attention was fully on Jade, a sneer hooking the corner of his mouth.

But then Zak’s expression changed. Right before Kip’s eyes. It went from shocked amusement to just pure shock. Zak still had his eyes on Jade, so Kip let his gaze coast back to the girl on the floor in front of him.

Jade now had her eyes closed, bottom lip clamped between her teeth. She ran her hands across her body like she was smothering herself with invisible lotion. As her fingertips raced across the fabric of her tight dress, she breathed in quick gasps, as if her skin had become so sensitive that to touch it nearly brought her to orgasm.

What’s happening?

Jade’s eyes burst open—pupils dilated—and they burned a hole right through Kip’s face. She was oblivious to all the others in the room with them, all the whispering and snickering. And then she was on her feet.

Kip thought for sure this was some kind of joke, that she was about to do something to embarrass him. Revenge for squirting a tablespoon’s worth of pus into her mouth, coating her tongue and gums with it like melted plaque.

But it was pure ecstasy etched onto her face, and she stepped forward and slapped her lips against Kip’s again, this time reaching around and cupping both ass cheeks with her hands. A few of the pimples on his backside popped, and he whimpered into her mouth.

Kip barely heard the collective gasp from all the others as Jade’s tongue slithered into his mouth and spun like a helicopter blade. She moaned as she kissed him, swirled her hips. Kip didn’t know what to do with his hands, and they both stuck straight in the air, palms out, as if holding them up for a police officer.

Jade pulled away from him with a loud smacking sound, darting her tongue out one more time and running it across the nest of zits on his chin. Her eyes were half closed, nipples fully erect.

She grabbed Kip’s hands, pressed them up against her breasts, slid that tongue of hers across her lips as if licking up the remnants of whatever pus had been there before.

“More,” she said, her voice low and whispery. “Give me more, Kip.”

Kip could barely breathe as Jade pressed down on his hands, smashing them into her tits. He wanted to squeeze, but he couldn’t make his fingers move.

“I… I…”

“So good… So fucking good.” And then she bit his chin. Clamped her teeth over the zits there, popped them all at the same time. The pus erupted into her mouth, and she rolled her tongue around in the white substance like it was vanilla pudding, her lips tinged red with his blood.

Jade’s knees went weak, and Kip thrust his arms out to make sure she didn’t fall. She gasped, sucked in a lungful of air when Kip grabbed her. The rest of the kids in the house still watched, not sure what they were seeing, nobody making a sound. All just staring, mouths hanging open, eyes wide.

Kip finally looked toward his cousin. Zak stared right at him, his forehead a nest of wrinkles, his head shaking slightly from left to right. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he remained just as silent as all the rest.

Blood dripped from Kip’s chin, and he wiped at it, but could do nothing to slow its flow. But he didn’t care. His flesh was too enraptured for him to care. Every centimeter of his face swirled with delight, and he reached up to his forehead, squeezed one of the larger pimples with his thumb and forefinger until it burst, then held out the glob of pus for Jade like a priest offering a wafer.

This time, she widened her nostril, pressed the other one shut with her fingertip, and snorted the white mound into her nose. She instantly threw her head back, eyes squeezed shut, grunting. Her hands squeezed her breasts, violently, looked like she was trying to tear them free from her chest.

It felt to Kip like he was cumming out of his face. The blood dripped down into his eye, turned the room slightly red for a moment before he wrapped his arm around Jade’s waist, pulled her in, and kissed her deeply. He didn’t think about it, didn’t have to, just reached out and claimed what was his. And he knew she wouldn’t resist, knew she wanted him… needed him.

Jade’s clique stepped up then, eyeing Kip like he was some kind of mythical creature. They looked scared to approach him, but they clearly wanted to get their friend away from him, as if he had done something to her to make her act this way.

The pus. The pus is doing this to her.

When the three girls tried to pull her away, she fought them off, clung to Kip’s shirt like a cat avoiding bathwater.

“No… no! Get away from me.”

“Jade… what’s wrong with you?” Jezebel tried to grab Jade by the elbow, but was shoved off.

“What the fuck did you do?” Sasha said, jabbing a finger into the middle of Kip’s chest. “You put some shit in your drink, man? What did you do to her?”

“I… I didn’t do anything.” Kip’s eyes kept trying to roll as more waves of pleasure rolled over his face. “She did it. I don’t—”

Sasha’s face slammed against Kip’s then. A zit on the side of his face, right on his sideburn, ruptured, spat its custardy contents over Sasha’s cheek. She squealed, shoved away, and it was then that Kip saw that it was Jade who had shoved her friend into him.

“You fucking crazy, bitch! His… his fucking pus got on me!”

Jade grabbed Sasha by the hair, pulled her head back as if she were trying to snap it off. Sasha yelped, mouth wide in pain. Jade’s finger slid across the bloody pus on Sasha’s cheek, and she popped the finger into Sasha’s mouth, rubbed it hard across her teeth and gums, then let her friend fall backward onto the floor.
