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Zak’s voice.

In all the excitement, Kip had forgotten about his cousin. Zak weaved his way around the kids, who all seemed to be slowly making their way closer to the Kip.

“Kip… what’s going on? What the fuck’s happening?”

“Oh… oh my god…” Sasha squirmed on the ground, legs kicking, hands exploring her body as if feeling it for the first time. She inhaled sharply, then sat up, stared hard at Kip. “Kip… oh my god.”

Jade pulled Sasha to her feet, gripped her by the back of the neck, and pulled her close. Their tongues wrapped around each other, thrashing in the small space between their mouths.

Kip’s knees went weak as his face thumped with pleasure, and just as he hit the ground, Jezebel dove on top of him. It was as if she couldn’t take her two friends leaving her out, and she slid her tongue over Kip’s face, drinking in the grease, finally pressing hard enough to pop another pimple. The pus was eaten up quick, and it didn’t take long for the high to take effect.

The girls lay on the ground just in front of him, wrestled with each other. Licking and touching and rubbing, all of them with their eyes on Kip, staring deeply into him, pupils the size of dimes. He wanted to join them, to dive into their flesh and let them suck his skin dry, slurp up every ounce of pus in him like a human milkshake.

And then hands were on him from behind, lifting him, pulling him away from his girls. The girls reached for him, Jade now with her breasts free of her dress, begging Kip to come back to her, and he wanted to. He never wanted anything so bad.

“Kip, we need to leave. We need to go right now.”

“No,” Kip said, trying to fight off the hands gripping him hard on the arms, but he wasn’t strong enough. “They want me. Don’t you see? They need me!”

“Kip, fucking stop. We need to go!

Kip was hauled to his feet, and it was then he noticed all the others. Reaching for him. Calling to him.

“Give me some, Kip. Come on, man!”

“I want to try. Let me try!

“Don’t hold out on us, Kip.”

And Kip wanted to give it to them. He wanted to give it to all of them, boy or girl. It didn’t matter anymore. The only thing that mattered was that he was wanted, he was desired. After seeing what his pus could do, the trio of girls now almost fully nude and wrestling on the floor, every kid wanted a taste of the Toad.

You can taste me. You can all taste me.

* * *

At first, Zak thought it was hilarious when Jade started to kiss Kip. Even when she started freaking out and shoved him away. Sure, Kip might get embarrassed, but he kissed a girl. And not just any girl, but Jade, a girl way out of his league. Zak knew Kip had probably been jerking his dick to Jade fantasies for years, and now he was locking lips with her.

That’s my cousin!

But when she started touching herself, when she got that look on her face, Zak knew something wasn’t right. She was fucked up on something, bath salts or some shit. She looked dangerous, hungry, violent.

Zak’s muscles tensed up when she flung herself at Kip again, dragged her teeth across his chin.

Did she just fucking bite him?

He had been all set to jump in, get his cousin the fuck out of there, but Kip had an expression like he had just busted a nut, and he wiped the blood off his chin and stared at it with a smile on his face.

What the fuck was in that drink?

Zak found himself cemented to his spot as the other girls joined in, and he watched along with everyone else as they started ripping each other’s clothes off and rolling around on the floor together.

But then all the other kids got that hungry look, started to close in on Kip. It was as if they realized that there was something in Kip, something in his skin that was affecting these girls. Making them act like they’d just taken the strongest hit of ecstasy in the history of drugs.

His acne? They were sucking out the pus… oh god…

Even Zak started to feel weird, feeling the old need creeping up on him. He felt like he’d been up all night doing fat rails and had just run out of powder. That antsy, can’t-sit-still feeling. That I-would-fucking-do-anything-for-just-one-more-hit feeling. It was as if Kip’s flesh was spewing pheromones into the air or something, driving everyone in the room crazy. Plus, the trio of girls worked at each other, undulating and moaning. Kissing and sucking and fingering. Eyes all for Kip, soaked and dripping with passion.

We need to leave right now.

Zak didn’t know how to explain what the fuck was happening, but he would think that over later. At the moment, he knew he needed to get him and his cousin the hell out of there, and quickly before the “cool kids” tore Kip apart to get at his candy center.

When Zak put his hands on Kip, he nearly lowered his face to the back of the kid’s neck and sucked the pus out of the massive bush of zits there, their white tips looking like ripe fruit ready to burst, shining with oil, throbbing, surrounded by pink and red. He wanted to suck that pus right out, feel it melt over his tongue like butter, feel it ooze down his throat.

No. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Kip fought him, didn’t want to leave. The kid didn’t sound like himself, was entranced by their classmates calling his name, begging for a hit.

“Kip, fucking stop. We need to go!

Zak managed to drag his cousin away from the girls, away from the outstretched hands, the horde of students like zombies straight out of a Romero flick. Only instead of brains and flesh, they craved pus and oil.

Even as Kip flailed, did everything in his power to break free of Zak’s grip and run to the kids calling his name, Zak nearly had them out the door. Kip’s arms and elbows kept slamming into Zak’s face and neck, and Kip’s heels collided with Zak’s shins again and again. The door was right behind them, and Zak reached out for it, but before he could wrap his fingers around the knob, it flew open, nearly slammed into him but he dodged it at the last second. The door hit the stopper spring, made a boing sound, and then Chuck walked in, eyed glazed over, face red.

“Well, well. Just the motherfucker I wanted to see.”

The other two jocks strolled in behind Chuck, the same two knuckleheads he sucker punched. Even though he was able to take them before, he knew it was only because he had surprised them, clocked them from behind. Now, he wasn’t so sure. Not only that, but there were other jocks at the party, and Zak was almost positive they’d back up Chuck.

“I’m gonna f-fuck you both up, you hear me? You’re both fucking de…”

Chuck couldn’t even finish his sentence as his eyes landed on Jade and her two friends, all three of them topless now, all three of them in the middle of pleasuring and being pleasured. And not a single person in that house cared. Nobody watched them, except for Zak, Chuck, and his buddies.

All eyes were still on Kip. Smothering him with aching want.

“What the fuck is going on!” Chuck forced his way past Zak and headed straight for Jade. “Put your fucking clothes on!”

She didn’t even acknowledge him. Just kept licking, moaning.

“Chuck?” It was the cheerleader’s voice. Zak couldn’t remember her name, but he knew it was Chuck’s girlfriend. She’d been begging Kip for a hit only minutes before.

Jade finally untangled herself from her friends, did nothing to hide her nudity as she strolled across the room.

Zak tried to rush out the door, but the two jocks stood in his way, both scowling at him, clearly drunk out of their skulls.

Before Zak could stop him, Kip slipped free, sped toward Jade and met her halfway across the room. They locked mouths again, Kip reaching down and cupping her ass as she ran her tongue over his face.

“Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on!” Chuck screamed as his fist smashed through the wall.