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“I love you, Toad,” Jade said, her voice low and trembling.

“I know you do. Why don’t we go inside? I want to show you something.”

With her hand still in his, Kip led Jade across the lawn and back toward the house. He slapped her on the ass just as they passed over the threshold, then Kip turned back around to face Zak and Gwen.

“You know what, cousin? I think maybe I will have a party. Invite all my new friends over, yeah? It’ll be a fucking blast, won’t it?”

Kip widened his eyes and let his grin stretch tight again, then slammed the door.

Zak fought the urge to run into the house. He swung his fists through the air, clenching his teeth. “Fuck! Motherfucker!

“Zak… what are we gonna do? Jesus Christ… tell me what’s happening here.”

Zak took a deep breath, ushered Gwen back into his car, then peeled off.

“Where are we going?”

“The police station. Fuck this, I’m not doing this shit anymore. He needs help. I’ll tell them to bring an ambulance too.”

“But what the fuck is going on!”

Zak sighed through his nostrils. “So it was Senior Skip Day…”


Kip led Jade straight up the attic stairs into his bedroom. She kept trying to get to Kip’s skin, and every time Kip would push her away and refuse her, she would pout, bare her teeth, squeal in frustration.

“Just be patient. You’ll get more. You’ll get more than you’ll ever need.”

“Oh, Toad, baby. Fuck… I love you so much. I just fucking love you so much…”

Lies. All fucking lies! You don’t love me. Nobody fucking loves me!

But Kip just smiled, kissed her.

He felt different now. Strong. Venomous. Like there was acid pumping through his veins. He couldn’t feel his body anymore. No more orgasmic pulsating. Everything was just numb now, yet he could feel the heat, could feel the new juices flowing through him.

He knew what he had to do. And they deserved it. Every fucking one of them.

And Zak too. He knew I loved her. He fucking knew… but he has to have everything for himself. He just couldn’t stand that I was the popular one now… couldn’t stand that Kip was getting his time in the sun. No. And he can die with the rest of them.

“Come here, Jade.”

She obeyed.

Kip sat on his bed. He realized for the first time since waking back up again, since becoming this new being, a new entity all together, that he was completely nude. His cock was limp, covered in purple and blue boils that swirled with fresh pus. But not like the pus from before. He could tell, deep inside, that something had changed. His body was done making others feel good. They had abused it, forced his body to transform, to go into defensive mode. Self-preservation.

The pus was liquid hate. It was all the years Kip had been made fun of, all the years he had been ridiculed and embarrassed. No friends, no girls. Years of feeling worthless and grotesque. All of those feelings had become a physical thing, a poisonous liquid, and it continued to swell his flesh all over his body.

“You want me to suck your cock, baby? I’ll suck it so good. Please let me… please.” Jade said the words as she ogled the bumps on the head and shaft of his still-flaccid penis. Her hand darted out and she rubbed it, her tight grip bursting some of the bumps there.

Purple and blue and green fluid oozed out, as thick and viscous as maple syrup.

And she leaned over and took it into her mouth, sucked and sucked, bobbing her head.

Kip could feel nothing, but he stared down at the top of her head and smiled, his phlegmy laugh rattling at the back of his throat.

Jade moaned deep, her fingernails digging into Kip’s thighs as she slurped up the juices, letting his puffy, soft shaft slide across her lips.

It started at the top of her head. At least that was Kip’s point of view.

Her scalp turned hot pink, the hair falling out in clumps. The flesh bubbled, liquefied, spilled from her head onto Kip’s lap.

She choked, started to hyperventilate, tried to push away from him, but Kip reached out, grabbed her head with both hands, and continued to fuck her mouth with his loose cock.

The flesh on either side of her head, where Kip held her, started to slide off in sloppy chunks, and he finally released her, tossed her to the floor where he could watch.

Purples and blues and greens and yellows. Her liquefied innards spilled from her melting skin in rainbow colors, bubbled on the ground like hot grease. Steam swirled off the soupy mess, filled the air with the smell of hate and vengeance.

Even her bones melted, like sticks of butter, but she still moved slightly, still clung to some shred of life. Her mouth worked up and down as if she were trying to speak, even though her mouth was filled with the liquefied meat of her tongue and gums. Her face was little more than a pink and purple skull that was already beginning to collapse in on itself.

Kip stood, clapped as he watched the rest of her dissolve into a pile of brilliant color.

Yes, it was time for a party. And Kip couldn’t wait for the festivities to begin.

He strolled down the attic steps, whistling as he went, walked back outside, and stood in his front yard.

His body called to them.

And when they arrived, he would give them what they wanted. He would give each and every one of them what they deserved.

* * *

Chuck sat Indian-style in the woods. It was a spot that Jade had showed him a few months ago. They had skipped school and she directed him to drive his Mustang through the trees into a clearing where they fucked liked rabbits again and again. Chuck remembered how sore his dick was the next day.

But now Jade was with Kip. And Chuck was glad. Whatever made Kip happy made Chuck happy.

But he’s dead now. He’s dead and this is all that’s left of him.

Chuck held up the torn underwear, let the moonlight illuminate the chunky smear. Again, as the light danced over the shit’s surface, it dazzled with color, as if Kip’s last meal had been a bowl of multi-colored glitter.

Chuck licked his lips, his hands shaking now because of how bad he needed the Toad. Every cell in his body begged him to stuff that shit into his mouth and swallow it, make all the pain melt away.

What am I doing? I can’t eat shit… what the fuck is wrong with me?

Chuck didn’t know where that thought came from, but he laughed it off, ran his teeth over the fabric and scraped the feces into his mouth. The taste wasn’t what he had expected. There was some spiciness to it, with a hint of sweetness. He chewed it, let it soak into his palette and tongue, and then finally swallowed.

He ran his tongue over the boxer shorts, making sure he got every bit, didn’t want to waste a single morsel.

It started in his gut. At first, it was the same feeling he had been craving, and he jumped to his feet and tittered as the soothing vibrations snaked through his entrails. But that only lasted a few seconds. The smile on his face twisted into a knot of confusion and agony as it felt like a barbed balloon was blowing up in his belly, getting bigger and bigger, the needles growing longer and sharper.

He clutched his stomach and fell to his knees, black liquid bubbling from his throat and streaming from his mouth, turning the dirt below him into mud.

What’s happening to me? What… what the fuck?

He tried to clench his teeth, but they mushed into his gums and began to fall out one by one. Another gout of black ink roared from his mouth, followed by a scream that felt encrusted in broken glass.