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“Um… we’re going to school. Remember that place with the teachers and the learning and what not?”

“Fuck you, asshole. You don’t have to be a smart ass.”

Zak didn’t know how to react to that. She still held that smile though. It was clear this girl was used to getting what she wanted.

“But seriously. Where’re you taking me?” She squeezed more lotion onto her fingertips, ran it across the twin bulges of her tits, making them glisten in the sunlight.

Zak couldn’t tear his eyes away, and he had to wipe the moisture from his lips.

“I know you like it, Zak. All the boys do. It’s okay… you can touch if you want to.” She sort of leaned back, one hand combing through her hair, the other fingering the collar of her shirt. “You really wanna go to school that bad? I can teach you things too. I can teach you all sorts of things.”

“It’s tempting… I’m serious. But I promised… I just have to go to school, okay?”

“Promised who? Your greasy little cousin? You’d pass me up because you made Toad a promise to be a good boy?” She had that twisted expression again, but she still rubbed herself, now massaging her inner thighs with both hands, biting her lower lip.

“Not just him. His mom too, my aunt. And you know what? Don’t fucking call him Toad anymore. I don’t like that shit.” Zak finally threw the car into drive and pulled away from Jade’s home, toward school.

“Are you seriously driving us to school right now?” Now she was all business. Sitting up straight, arms crossed.

“Yep. Seriously.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I called your cousin—”

“Kip. His name’s Kip.”

“Kip then. I’m sorry I called him Toad. I won’t anymore. Okay? Do you forgive me?” She leaned over the center console again, started at his neck. She slid her tongue over the sensitive skin, bathed it in saliva. Then her face was in his lap. And his zipper was being pulled down.

He wanted to stop her. Knew he should have. But he didn’t. When her mouth engulfed him, when her tongue swirled over every inch, he could only moan, could only grab a fistful of her hair as she started bobbing up and down, up and down.

She pulled off of his cock with a loud pop, smiled up at him. “I know a place. Let’s go.”

Almost every part of Zak’s brain told him to refuse. Told him to pull her off, shove her away, get his ass to school like he was supposed to. But he nodded instead.

He was surprised how good she was at giving directions with a mouthful of cock.


Lunch time. Kip hadn’t seen Zak all day, had hoped they might run into each other at some point. Kip wanted the other kids to see them together, to see that Kip had cool friends. Or one cool friend anyway. He told himself he and Zak were just missing each other, that it was just bad timing. He told himself that Zak wouldn’t skip class, not after their talk.

He kept smiling sporadically all day, just thinking about having his cousin at home with him. The only person he had ever really considered a friend. His best friend.

And we’re going to see Street Trash tonight.

He couldn’t wait. He’d seen the movie at least five times already, but never in a theater. And never with a friend. There was over two hundred bucks burning a hole in his sock drawer at home—saved from his last birthday—and though he was saving it for a new computer, he had already decided to pay for everything tonight. The movie tickets, popcorn, candy, and sodas. Or whatever else Zak wanted. Maybe they could stop for a burger and fries afterward.

Kip had bought two pepperoni pizza pockets with the lunch money his mom had left for him, and sat at a corner table alone. He flipped through the latest Deadpool comic book, being careful not to rub any grease over the pages. This was pretty much his daily ritual. Try to hide in the shadows so his fellow students wouldn’t notice him.

“Hey,” a voice came from across the cafeteria.

Kip recognized the voice as Chuck, the douchiest jock in the whole school. The guy played football, basketball, and was even on the wrestling team. Kip only knew that because he had two classes with the jerk, and that’s all he and all his jock friends ever talked about. And of course, as if the asshole couldn’t be any more revolting, he was dating the head cheerleader, Chelsea McMahon. It was so cliché it hurt Kip’s teeth.

And Chuck just loved to give Kip shit, got off on it, him and all his buddies. He was the one who dubbed Kip Toad in the first place.

There’s an entire cafeteria full of kids. He’s not talking to me. Just keep your head down and mind your business, Kip.

“You hear me talking to you, Toad?”


Kip’s eyes slowly rose from the comic toward the sound of Chuck’s voice, and he saw that most of the other kids were looking Kip’s direction now. As he felt himself blushing, his zits got to pulsating again. Felt like his entire body was thrashing in place, and it felt great. His eyelids flickered as he stared across the cafeteria at Chuck’s scowling face.

Kip only locked eyes with Chuck for a second before returning his attention to the comic book. He took another bite of his food and chewed it slowly, waiting for the onslaught.

Where are you, Zak?

Part of the reason he had been so happy today was because he thought being Zak’s cousin would somehow save him from all the ridicule he had been enduring for most of his life as a student. Zak was instantly popular when he arrived at Bowie High School. The girls loved him right away. Kip had heard a group of them talking, saying how Zak looked like David Beckham and that he was mysterious and they couldn’t stop swooning over how hot and cute he was.

At first, Kip resented Zak for this, even though he knew damn well it wasn’t his cousin’s fault. But after this morning, things had started to feel like they used to, back when they were kids, back when they were best friends.

And since Zak is so popular and so… attractive to the ladies, maybe I’ll become popular too. Maybe they’ll finally stop teasing me and start treating me like one of their own.

“I can’t tell what’s greasier, Toad. Your face or your pizza pocket. I bet if I scraped the oil off your back, I could run my Mustang on it. Whattya think, Toad?”

Kip just shrugged, turned the page. Though he glanced at the pictures, he couldn’t read the words—his vision was getting too blurry. Avoiding Chuck’s face, he quickly glanced around the cafeteria, hoping his cousin would be there, would come to his rescue. Would charge across the cafeteria like the Incredible Hulk and smash Chuck’s face into meatloaf. But he only saw the smiling faces of the rest of his classmates. And every last one of them was enjoying the show. Most probably just glad it wasn’t them being picked on.

There was only one face he caught sight of that didn’t look amused, and as soon as Kip saw that she was looking in his direction, listening to all the teasing, he wanted nothing more than to run away. Or die. Whichever came first.

Just seeing her sitting there, concern pinching her face, his acne throbbed more violently, felt like the pimples would start popping on their own any second, spray pus and blood all over the place.

Gwendolyn. She was the only person in the entire school, besides the staff, that was ever nice to him. He wouldn’t call her a friend or anything like that. They never hung out, never really spoke that much, but every now and then she’d smile at him, talk to him a little. It was always about whatever they were learning about in class, but that was fine with Kip. She took the time to talk to him, and that was enough. It was more than enough.