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“No. I’m taking you home. I can’t do this. I told you that… told you I came to town to get away from that shit. And you brought fucking coke with you?”

When Zak glanced back at her, she had her shirt pulled up and her tits out. She squeezed them together and flashed Zak a painfully sexy smile.

“Come on. Can’t you just have some fun… one last time? I prooooomise I’ll make it worth it.”

She leaned over again, and now Zak was becoming annoyed. As fine as she was—and she was damn fine—he had had enough of her. He shoved her away, hard enough so she knew he wasn’t playing around. Her body slammed against the passenger door, shaking her tits and inducing a yelp.

“I bit my tongue, you fucking asshole.” She pulled her shirt back down, inspected her mouth in the mirror. “I’m bleeding. I’m fucking bleeding.”

Zak didn’t see any blood, and he refused to apologize. He remained silent as they pulled out of the woods and drove down the road back toward her neighborhood. She cursed under her breath the whole way, shot poisonous glances toward Zak every other second it seemed.

By the time Zak pulled the car to the curb in front of her house, the Crown Royale bottle was empty and she was in the middle of snorting another bump from her pinkie nail.

“Look, Jade. I like you and everything… but I’ve only been here a week. I think maybe I need to slow things down, you know? Get adjusted to all this shit before I—”

“Before you what? Fuck me again?” Her window had been down, and she threw the liquor bottle hard against the pavement, shattering it, then swung her hard eyes back toward Zak.

“Whoa. Chill out. I’m just saying that right now, I don’t think I should be seeing anyone.” He had his eyes on his knuckles, his hands wrapped tightly over the steering wheel. Then he looked up at her, startled at how red her face had become. “And I didn’t even fuck you.”

“Oh, that’s right. You just let me suck your dick, right?” She shoved her fingers into her mouth, pushed her fist in as far as it would go, started making a sound like she was about to vomit. Then she shoved her fingers into her crotch, all the while baring her teeth at Zak.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“You’re fucking me, Zak. Don’t I feel good?”

“Get out. Get the hell outta my car. You’re fucking crazy, man.”

She just widened her legs more, moaned as her hand worked at her groin. There was some white residue just under her nose, like a tiny white Hitler mustache.

Zak threw his door open, stormed around the car, opened her door, and dragged her out. By the time he had her out in the open, she had stopped fingering herself and now threw her arms like she was swatting at a swarm of attacking bees.

“Fuck you, you bastard. Don’t you ever talk to me again, you hear me? You won’t ever know how good I am. And I’m fucking good, man. Real good.” She pushed him in the middle of the chest, retrieved her bag from the car, and stomped toward her house, shoving Zak again when she passed the second time.


“Fuck you!” Slam!

Zak stood there staring at her door for a second before realizing he probably wasn’t safe. He walked hastily back to his car, hopped in, and burned off before that crazy bitch had a chance to grab a butcher knife and come screaming back outside or something.

No matter how good looking, she wasn’t worth that shit. She knew how to suck a dick though, that was for sure.

Zak tried not to think too hard about her little “you’re fucking me” show she had put on. He didn’t think there would be enough of his load left in her mouth for anything to happen, but then again, he couldn’t be sure. The last thing in the entire universe he needed to worry about was getting some girl pregnant. And not just some girl, but that bat-shit crazy lunatic back there.

The clock told Zak that if he sped toward school, he would still have enough time to make his last two classes for the day. But then he decided it might not be the smartest idea. What if I run into one of my teachers in the hall whose class I skipped?

No, it would be better to just skip the entire day, make it consistent. That way if any questions were asked, he could just say he was sick. He didn’t plan on skipping again, so he hoped it wouldn’t be a bigger issue.

Maybe I can park somewhere close by, try and catch Kip walking home.

He lit a cigarette and found a good spot to park and wait. Not so close to the school that someone might spot him, but the car was enough in the open that when Kip walked by, he’d see it. He hoped Kip wasn’t too pissed. Zak had planned on telling him about the Senior Skip Day party, but if Kip was upset, maybe he’d wait until later.

His eye caught something white on the floorboard on the passenger side. Jade’s little baggie lay on its side, its contents nearly completely used up. Zak’s fingers shook as he reached for it, flicked it, inspected it. Nobody would know. He could just take it now, real quick, and not a soul would have a clue.

But he tossed it into the street instead.

I’m not that guy anymore. And I don’t ever want to be again.


“Hey, Toad! I bet your zits are bigger than your balls!”

Kip didn’t even turn to see who said it. He could tell by the voice that it wasn’t Chuck, and at that moment, that was all he was worried about.

He caught the usual looks, the other kids smiling and laughing at him as he passed, the quieter kids elbowing each other and whispering things, but most shouting out insults, throwing balls of paper or other harmless things. It seemed like the word Toad was on each and every one of their lips.

Kip balled his hands into hard fists as he stomped his way across the school parking lot and toward the street. He couldn’t wait to get home. Couldn’t wait to hide in his room, his treehouse, and leave all this behind him for another day. Each day felt like a small victory, though he wondered how much of a victory today had been after his run in with Chuck.

Which, of course, was nothing new, but today Chuck had a look in his eye. A look that Kip knew meant this wasn’t over.

Kip hurried his walk, felt a sort of calm wash over him as he stepped off school grounds and onto the public street. But then he realized he was actually probably safer on school property where the staff could intervene, stop Chuck from stomping Kip’s face in.

Kip checked left and right, saw that the coast was clear, and rushed down the street on his way home. Though the incident with Chuck weighed heavy on his mind, it was his cousin he was most upset about. He had really believed Zak at breakfast this morning, actually felt sorry for him.

And then after all of that, he skipped class anyway. For what? A piece of ass? Drugs?

Probably both.

Kip told himself that if he were in Zak’s position, he would have blown Jade off and gone to class like he was supposed to. Then again, being in Zak’s position was as much of a fantasy as galloping down a rainbow on a unicorn’s back.

Can I really blame him? It’s Jade Brewster for crying out loud. Staring at her tits was like staring into God’s face.

Kip stopped in his tracks. Zak’s car was parked up against the curb down the street, his cousin leaning against it with a cigarette smoldering between his lips.

“Oh great,” Kip said under his breath. His head drooped as he walked forward, purposefully not heading toward Zak’s car. He wanted the guy to know he was upset, to know that it hurt Kip that he had broken his promise to him.