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“Would you like to come?”

“Yes,” she moaned as his finger moved faster in and out of her body.

Without warning, Declan rained down another smack on her behind. “And you were doing so well.”

Charlie cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, squeezing the side of the table desperately to steady her hands.

“I won’t forget again, Mr. Pearse. I’m sorry.”

“Good girl.”

Declan returned his attention to the growing ache between Charlie’s legs, rubbing her in just the right way. She whimpered, moaned, and gasped his name, but he kept his pace the same, keeping her on the edge of bliss, but not letting her come.

“Do you want this from me, Charlotte?”

“Yes, Mr. Pearse.”

“From anyone or just me?”

“Just you, Mr. Pearse.”

Declan stopped rubbing her clit and turned Charlotte to face him. “Go home, Charlotte, I will text you instructions.”

Charlotte didn’t know whether to shout at him or cry. Instead, she stared at him blankly for a few moments before she realized he had issued her an order.

“Yes, Mr. Pearse, as you wish.” Charlotte smoothed her dress back down and gathered her things.

As he walked her to the door, Declan handed her what looked like a leather journal.

“Don’t come tonight, my pet. I will know if you do,” he warned her before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead and then the corner of her jaw. “Please get some rest tonight.”

Charlotte left the hotel room realizing this was only the beginning.

Chapter Five

Despite the very late hour, Mikki’s bedroom door opened as Charlie crept down the hallway. Charlie and Mikki couldn’t be more different. Charlotte’s older sister could sometimes be bossy and overbearing. Charlie also knew her quieter, bookish nature drove Mikki crazy. And apparently so did her evening with Declan.

“Charlotte Elise Flynn!” Mikki’s hands were on her hips. “Did you turn your phone off? All I got from you was some bizarre text about Declan and then nothing!”

Charlie just smiled.

“Honestly, Charlie!” she said.

“Ugh … Mikki! You and Aaron set me up with him in the first place!”

Mikki followed Charlie into the living room. Settling down on the couch, Charlie started reading her text messages from Declan.

Declan: Take your new journal and inscribe a brief thought about our impending relationship that comes to mind. It can be an original idea, lyrics, or a quote but it must be relevant. Place your journal on my desk Monday before the workday commences.

Mikki sighed like she was auditioning for a telenovela. “You found out what he was, what he liked, and yet you dove right in without thinking just like you always do, Charlie. Always. You are forever letting your heart cloud your judgment. It’s why you can’t ever find any happiness.”

Charlie picked up her laptop and began searching for an appropriate quote, ignoring her sister.

“You think you’re so smart. What do you think will go on at work when people find out? Don’t you think people will talk? What will Mom and Dad think?”

Charlie and Mikki’s parents lived in New York, and though they weren’t close, Charlie was sure they would have a negative opinion about Declan and his “pursuits.” Regardless, Charlie was fairly certain Mikki wouldn’t discuss it with their parents. Or would she?

Charlie calmly set her laptop on the coffee table. “Michaela, you are not going to say one word about this to Mom and Dad. So help me God, I will dig out that video clip of you at cousin Becca’s bachelorette party and plaster it all over YouTube!” She picked up her laptop and started her search again. “And my personal life is no one’s business at work. Understand?”

Mikki perched on the arm of the couch, checking her nails. “Charlie, I’ll never understand.” She pried the laptop from Charlie and began to type in Declan Pearse’s name.

“Hey, give that back! I was in the middle of something!” Charlie yanked the laptop back from her.

“So do you have a contract or something?” she said. “Don’t you get a say in how this all plays out?”

“We haven’t gotten quite that far yet.”

“So you’re just going to hand yourself over to some strange man and let him do God knows what to you?”

“It’s not anything like that, Mikki.”

Mikki walked over and motioned Charlie to hand the laptop back over.

“Mikki, don’t you have anything better to do?”

“Nope …” Mikki smirked. “Not a thing but torture you about Declan. Oh, wait you might enjoy that way too …”

Charlie’s phone rang just then. “Shh!” She stood from the couch calmly, pressing the answer button. “Hello?”


Charlie turned away from her sister and walked toward the hallway. “Yes, Mr. Pearse.”

“Did you receive my text instructions?” His voice was deep and demanding.

“Yes, Mr. Pearse. I am working on placing the quote in my journal now.”

“Good girl. Remember, don’t touch yourself when you go to bed. You are not to come without my express permission.” Declan spoke matter-of-factly.

“As you wish, Mr. Pearse.”

“Goodnight, pet. Sleep well.”

Charlie turned around and ran smack into Mikki. “Frick, Charlie! What did he say?” Mikki nudged her a bit in the side. “Your face turned like fifty shades of red! Oh. My. God. Never mind. I do NOT want to know!” Mikki huffed and went into her room, slamming the door shut.

Charlotte smirked and returned to the couch and her waiting journal.


Declan’s phone vibrated as he sat in the meeting. He loathed Monday morning meetings. Especially this morning. He wanted to get into the office as soon as possible to see if Charlotte had followed his instructions. Damn this is killing me. I need to be in better control. Eric rattled off some numbers about marketing targets for the new young adult department they were developing. Declan couldn’t concentrate. His thoughts drifted to the Friday before with Charlie and how things had moved considerably quicker than he had planned. He was always so methodical, so calculated in every aspect of his life, especially when it came to selecting a new submissive. But Charlotte’s feisty edge had him spinning like a top, and he knew the only way to show her who was in charge was to punish her.

When he had first brushed his hand against Charlotte’s bare ass, she jumped. Nerves. That had made two of them. It had been a while since he had pursued a relationship with a submissive. There hadn’t been time in London, and there hadn’t been anyone who could even begin to please him in that manner—until now. He recalled how he explained the different types of spankings to her, but she seemed nonplussed about it. Declan had caressed her bare skin, gently at first, but then more roughly, watching for any change of color. He had pinched her, to see how red her skin would become. Of course, he had gone easy on her, only using a light erotic spanking and not the chastisement spanking reserved for more serious infractions. Also, he wanted to judge how turned on she would become by the punishment. Declan loosened his tie as he thought of how his fingers probed her easily. The flesh on flesh spanking aroused her, and he was greatly pleased that she seemed to learn from her mistake so quickly.

He couldn’t take not knowing any longer. He texted Natalie briefly during the meeting.

Declan: Ms. Ward. I am delayed at the breakfast meeting with Eric and Nathan. Will you please survey my desk and see if there is a journal on it. I have misplaced it and am wondering if I left it there. Please respond immediately.

He tapped the edge of the white china breakfast plate with his fork, impatiently awaiting Ms. Ward’s response. Why can’t you find good help these days? She’s moving at a snail’s pace for Christ’s sake!