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He massaged her pussy through the material of her panties with his fingers, focusing on her wetness and pushing slightly against her. The satin under his fingers gave a little and began to enter her body, soaking up more of her wetness. Charlotte gasped quietly at the intrusion, but opened her legs wider to give him easier access. Declan’s fingers slid her panties to one side and he probed more deeply into her, the wetness making his fingers slick. He rubbed his thumb on her clit and he could feel it swell and stiffen from all the attention.

“Charlotte, my pet, you’re very ready for me today.”

She bit her bottom lip and nodded in agreement. A breathy “Yes, Mr. Pearse” escaped her lips. He noticed the lipstick she was wearing was a deep pink and it almost perfectly matched the flush in her cheeks and her pussy as he continued to delve his fingers in and out of her depths and rub her clit quicker.

Several minutes passed between them as Declan continued to finger her in the office, and she tried her level best to concentrate on the task he had set before her on the computer screen. But her hands trembled, and he noticed that her eyes would close for seconds at a time as her body began to build to its orgasm, the climax she had been craving for days.

Declan slowed his fingers to a more leisurely pace, and rested his thumb over the top of her clit, exerting just the slightest pressure, but not rubbing. Her wetness dripped down her thighs and was beginning to moisten the lace tops of her stockings.

“Charlotte, do you know why I’ve asked you to come to the office today?”

Charlotte turned her head to look into Declan’s eyes and innocently muttered something about poor Mr. Blount. Realizing it wasn’t the correct answer, she quickly lowered her gaze and shook her head slowly.

“Charlotte, for starters you were quite tardy today. Not only is it not acceptable to be late as an employee, it’s unacceptable for me to have no contact with you when you stay the night away from me and come in to work on your own. We also have to discuss your manner of dress. While I think it wonderfully sexy for you to wear your hair down, I also think its attracting unwelcome attention.” He stood up out of his chair and moved closer to Charlotte.

He leaned in close behind her. “Ms. Flynn, you wore your hair down intentionally this morning didn’t you? You did it because you knew it would tease me. That was your intention wasn’t it?”

Charlotte tried to protest, but before she could muster the proper enunciation for the “o” from “No Mr. Pearse,” Declan pressed down firmly onto her clit, causing the word to come out as a high pitched and protracted “Nooooo.”

“Charlotte, I will ask again. You wanted me to notice you, you wanted me to get hard looking at you, and you wanted me to bring you into the office and fuck you until you came, didn’t you!”

She nodded slowly, and replied softly, “Yes, Mr. Pearse.”

“Well, Ms. Flynn, while I admire your initiative, I must remind you that I am in charge, and I alone will decide when you come, how you will come, and who will make you come. Do I make myself clear?”

Charlotte responded much more boldly this time. “Yes, Mr. Pearse, you’re in charge.”

Declan hooked his fingers under the waistband of her sopping panties and slid them halfway down her legs. They held up above her knees because she spread her legs just wide enough to allow his fingers access to the warm, tight pussy he had been teasing for the past thirty minutes. He leaned in and spoke softly. “Please step out of your panties, Charlotte. You will not need them for the rest of the day.”

She stepped gingerly out of the panties, and then crossing her legs at the calves, bent at the waist to pick up the damp underwear from the floor. She handed it to Declan without making any eye contact. I am so pleased with her compliance to my instructions.

Declan gave her one final instruction. “You may return to your office now, Charlotte. When you sit down in your chair, I want you to ensure your dress is pulled up so that your pussy is in contact with the fabric of the chair and not your clothing. I’d hate for that dress to have a damp patch, especially when we have a meeting right after lunch.”

With a confident, “As you wish, Mr. Pearse,” Charlotte calmly walked from his office and returned to hers. Declan took the wet panties, folded them carefully, and tucked them into the inside pocket of his suit jacket.


“Are you coming out for drinks after work?” Natalie popped her head into Charlie’s office just before five Thursday evening.

“I’ll need to check. Besides, I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow with Mr. Pearse.” Charlie pulled out her phone and started scrolling through it.

“Charlie, it’s been forever. Let’s go let our hair down.”

Charlie hesitated. She didn’t have a formalized contract or understanding with Declan yet, so she was unsure if this would be overstepping the boundaries. Is it a jealousy issue or does it have more to do with discipline, she wondered. She thought about it for a moment. He had lectured her once already this week about being late and him not knowing her whereabouts, but he didn’t really address it.

“Charlie and Natalie, are you ladies ready to go yet?” Paul from research was pestering them. “If we don’t leave now, we will hit the after work rush. Let’s get a move on.”

“She’s afraid she’ll get in trouble for being late tomorrow morning.”

If they only knew what Declan would do if she disobeyed, they’d be hesitant too.

“I promise that I won’t let you stay out too late,” Natalie offered. She held up three fingers. “Girl Scout’s honor.”

Charlie grinned. “Oh Natalie, we both know you were never a Girl Scout.”

The minute they walked into the bar they were hit by a wall of people. Natalie spotted a few guys from Pearse right away and she plowed her way through the crowd to get to them. Crushed by the sardine-like atmosphere at the bar, Charlotte opted to find the ladies’ room and a quiet moment away from the group.

As she made her way back to the end of the room, she spotted Nathan. She decided it would be fine to be polite, so she waved hello.

“Charlie!” Nathan shouted and motioned her over. “Hey, how about a drink?”

“I don’t know, Nate, I’ve got an early meeting.”

“C’mon. It’s just one margarita. You’re young, live a little.” Nathan grinned.

“I suppose one wouldn’t hurt.” Charlie shrugged and Nate handed her a drink on the rocks. She took a sip from it.

“That was one never-ending meeting today. My God but Pearse is self-important. I swear he could have just droned on, listening to the sound of his own voice.” Nathan snuck his arm around Charlie’s shoulders.

Natalie knew Nathan from her neighborhood. She had a crush on him, even when he was a gangly, brace-faced boy. He was her first kiss, but as she grew older, she knew that Nate was not her type. Charlie was guessing from the way he droned on, he wasn’t much her type either.

“I know! I didn’t think we would ever get out of there,” Charlie responded, taking another sip from her glass. “Who do you think’s the most qualified?”

“Ahh, let’s not talk work right now. I want to know more about you. What brings you to Pittsburgh?”

Charlie finished the rest of her margarita quickly in the hopes of making a quick exit, but no such luck. Just as she was about to offer her excuses, Nate thrust another drink in her hand. A margarita, the official snow cone of bad decisions. She nursed it slowly, taking in the conversation between Nate and Matt, and trying to make eye gestures to Natalie to help get her out of there, but no such luck.

Nate’s arm soon snaked its way around Charlie’s waist as he whispered in her ear. Through the buzzing from the crowd in her brain, she knows that this is wrong. “Nate, what are you doing? Have you had too much to drink?”