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Katherine? Declan couldn’t make out the words, but that was definitely her voice. He listened for a second voice. Who is she talking to? He couldn’t hear anyone. Is she on the phone? What the FUCK is she doing here?

After Declan got over the initial shock of hearing someone in his house, he was pissed off beyond belief. He sprinted over to his chest of drawers and threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

When he made his way across the living room toward the kitchen, Katherine was chopping up vegetables.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m cooking you dinner. I wanted to talk to you before you left.”

“How the fuck did you get in here?”

“It was open.”

As Declan pulled his hand away, he noticed a key sitting on the counter top.

“Who were you talking to earlier?”

“Oh. Um, your friend. That girl from your work.”

It didn’t take him long to put it together. Charlotte had come over and found Katherine. Oh, fuck no! Panic started to rise in him the likes he’d never felt before.

Declan grabbed Katherine’s wrist and yanked her toward the door.

“Declan, you know how much I like it when you hurt me like this.”

“Shut up, Katherine. Where’s your purse?”

“I didn’t bring one.”

“Your car keys?”

“In my pocket.”

“Good.” Declan yanked her through the front door and onto the stoop. “I don’t want you to come back here. Ever. Do you understand?”

She had the nerve to look shocked. Her bottom lip began to quiver. “I know I fucked up, Declan, but I promise I won’t do it again.”

“I don’t care. It’s over. I’m with someone else. Now, leave.”

Katherine stood her ground as if preparing to argue with him.

“I mean it, Katherine. This isn’t a game. Go. Now.”

She turned and stomped toward her car. He didn’t wait for her to drive off. He turned back toward the house. Somehow he needed to right this wrong. But in order to do that, he’d have to catch Charlotte first.

Declan turned off the stove and checked to see if anything else was on, then he ran to the bedroom and pulled out his leather pants and a pair of shoes. He located the cuffs he used on Charlotte, plus a matching collar and ankle cuffs that he hadn’t shown her yet. In the back of his closet was his dungeon satchel. He opened it and threw the cuffs and collar inside.

He swiped Charlotte’s key off the counter and dashed out the door to his car.

Chapter Twelve

Charlie didn’t regret her decision to visit Emerson. He helped her clear her mind, and think more clearly. She knew she needed to confront the pain of the past before she could ever fully be Declan’s. She missed him like crazy, and she wasn’t sleeping well despite her brother’s hospitality. After a few nights of sleeping in Declan’s bed, she’d grown accustomed to sleeping next to him. A dull ache settled in her bones. Charlie’s body physically complained about his absence. I need to see him.

Declan gifted her with a key to his house when they had arrived there Sunday evening. Charlie had forgotten about it because he hadn’t made a big deal about it. But as she sat in her car, fiddling with the key, missing him more than she thought was normal, Charlie wondered if she was underestimating his intent. He gave me this key for a reason. Right?

Once Declan knew she was back from visiting family, he’d texted her with instructions to meet at his place at seven tomorrow night. But, Charlie couldn’t wait. Charlie thought she’d pick up some takeout and have it waiting for him when he got home tonight. She checked the time on her phone. If I hurry, I might beat him to his house and surprise him.

At five thirty, she pulled up to Declan’s place. The presence of his car disappointed her. She rang the bell. The door finally swung open, and time stood still.


A woman stood before her. She was stunningly beautiful. Her long red hair fell in waves down her back. Charlie gasped when she saw her, not expecting anyone to be at Declan’s, especially not a woman as beautiful as her.

“May I help you?” the redhead spoke in a rather snippy tone.

“Um, yes. I’m not sure I have the right address. It was so dark the other night … ” Too much damn information, Charlie, zip it. “Is Declan here?”

She cocked her head at Charlie, narrowing her eyes. Jesus. Retract the claws already. Her stare traveled slowly down Charlie’s body. “Yes, Mr. Pearse is at home. Who shall I say is asking for him?”

Charlie glared at her. “Charlie.”

“Oh. You must be the new girl. You’re quite early. You’re not supposed to be here until seven.”

The woman left the door open, her heels clicking as she sauntered casually back into the house. She was wearing a barely ass cheek covering skirt and a sheer blouse. For some odd reason, a sick curiosity no doubt, Charlie followed her into the house. It looked like she had been making dinner.

“Declan’s in the shower right now. He wasn’t expecting you this early but we can always make it a three-way.”

Charlie shook her head, still too stunned to speak.

“You know you really shouldn’t leave him on his own. If he owns you, you need to be with him. I’m sure he’s given you the little speech.”

Charlie’s throat constricted, she couldn’t breathe. It was as though a thousand bees had stung her. Declan had used almost those exact words with her. She thought they sounded a bit rehearsed at the time but had chalked it up to his controlling personality.

The mystery woman looked up from the stove and parked her hand on her hip as she studied Charlie. “And you thought you were something special, huh? I’ve known Declan for a long time, and I can tell you this much -- he could never be happy with a vanilla girlfriend like you. What was the phrase he used to describe you last night … Oh, yeah, sugar kink.”

Charlie wasn’t sure if the stupid label or the fact that the redhead had been with Declan the night before horrified her more. Just as Charlie was about to interrogate her about it, the woman’s blouse gaped open allowing a full view of her breast. The silver barbell embedded in her nipple flashed a glint of light in Charlie’s direction. She could clearly picture Declan’s face as he peered up at her asking if Charlie would object to getting hers pierced for him.

She had to get out of there. She didn’t belong there. She didn’t belong in his world.

She hooked the takeout bag onto her wrist and fished his key from the outer pocket of her handbag. She tossed it on the counter and turned to leave without a word.

Thankfully, the tears didn’t start until she was out the front door. And the sobbing didn’t start until she was halfway down the street.

Charlie wiped her tears away for what she hoped would be the last time because her stash of napkins from Starbucks was dangerously low. She took a deep breath and shifted the car into drive. She was thankful her mind was now numb, and she prayed it would last as long as possible.


It wasn’t until she pulled into her driveway that she spotted Declan. He was on the front porch chatting it up with Aaron and Owen.

“Declan, just give her some space,” Aaron shouted as Declan leaped off the front porch.

“Charlotte!” he yelled, panicky as he ran to her, but Charlie managed to lock the car doors before he could reach her. “What the fuck is going on? Why did you run?”

“Just go away, Declan.” The tears stung her cheeks as they streamed down at a faster pace. Her gaze locked on the door as Declan furiously fumbled with the handle. “Go the fuck away!”