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Declan paused listening. He knew Charlotte wouldn’t want to admit to nearing her limit so soon. “Two more, my Charlotte.”

Declan delivered another wicked swing, just as hard, if not harder than the previous one. He expected Charlotte to protest, but she didn’t. She took it well, allowing the tears to be the only evidence of her discomfort.

Declan had a difficult time gearing up for the last swing. His cock painfully strained against the zipper of his pants in anticipation of finally getting what it wanted. He delivered the final blow with almost as much intensity as the previous ones. He sucked in a deep breath, making himself meticulously smooth the flogger over the arm of the chair despite every bone in his body urging him to toss it.

Declan unfastened his pants. The zipper fell by itself as his rigid cock nudged its way through the opening. He shoved the pants to his thighs and approached the bed until his purple, bulbous head was seeking out her heat. Charlotte was wetter than before. The moans he heard during the warm up must have been from her arousal rather than the licks of his flogger.

It didn’t take much to slip past her slick entrance. He glided inside her until his pelvis was resting against her beautifully reddened ass. He placed both palms on Charlotte’s tender ass cheeks and she hissed in pain. This was where the real fun began for him. Something a simple as a gentle squeeze sent a fresh wave of pain to her brain, releasing more endorphins.. Sweat and gooseflesh adorned her body.

He took a couple of gentle thrusts to remind her that he was there. She was usually so responsive, clenching his cock, but right now Charlotte focused on the pain in her head. He should have known she would as introspective as she was. Declan reached up and took a fistful of her hair in his left hand as he twisted her face to the side. He delivered a hard thrust, bottoming out deep inside her channel. A mild fluttering around his length rewarded him immediately.

“That’s my greedy little one.”

He held her face with his left hand, squeezing her tender butt cheek in his right hand, and thrusting his hips into her again. The fluttering intensified with a throbbing rhythm.

“Fuck, yeah. That’s what I like. Milk my cock, baby,” Declan growled.

He couldn’t hold back any longer. He swung his hips in a solid rhythm, thrusting his cock with everything he had as he kept a firm hold on her hair. Charlotte cried out, yelping and screaming a litany of nonsense as her climax shattered free around his exploding cock.

He released her hair, massaging her prickling scalp before he even realized he was doing it. Declan rested his weight on his forearm between her shoulder blades, feeling relief and regret at the same time. Relief from the unquenchable fire of lust, yet regret that it was over so soon.

Charlotte’s orgasm as a result of the flogging was intense and she panted almost as heavily as he did.

I love this woman. More than life itself.

Declan needed to release her from her bindings immediately. It was as though it was an emergency. He focused all his energy on it. He wanted to see Charlotte’s face. He needed to feel her tender, warm lips on his and her arms reaching around his neck. He wanted her soft breasts pressing against his chest.

He wanted to hold this precious gift in his arms and let her know how much her submission meant to him. How much she meant to him.

Chapter Thirteen

“How I love hurting you, Charlotte.”

His words had hissed past his lips, infecting her like a toxin. Immediately her mind had begun reeling. She had become overwhelmed with emotion when he had told her his decision.

“You know how much I love your hair. How dare you cut it without my permission.”

“But, Sir, I only had her take off three inches.”

“Three or thirtyIt doesn’t matter. You defied my wishes.”

Charlie had fought back tears and she knew Sir knew she was fighting them back. Her hair had been part of who she was since she was just a little girl, and he was going to remove it, painfully shedding her from how she saw herself, who she was.

The snapping of the scissors had echoed through her ears. The chill upon her bare neck had evoked a near crippling sense of loss. She had known it pleased him. Still, cutting it short was not enough. Not for him.

“You know I am not finished just yet. No, I am going to shave you. I am going to expose your scalp. I want my toy bald. I want your head to be as naked as the rest of you.”

She had cried immediately when he pressed the steel against her head. Charlie had fought the emotional submission, but the vibrations, the desecration of her last mask broke the dam, leaving her a sobbing, uncontrolled mess.

“Shh. I know it hurts, but it’s a gift to you really. In time you will see this punishment as freeing, and you’ll thank me for it.”


Charlie woke to a sadness so full and terrible and pressing she could hardly breathe. She found everything polluted with the specters of the past. It was a weight on her chest, suffocating her tightly in its grip.

“What is it, Charlotte? What’s the matter?” Declan bolted up from sleeping as if the nightmare had reached inside his mind from hers.

“A dream,” she managed. “A dream about the past.” It was not until she heard herself speak the words that she started to cry.

Charlie tried to gain control of herself, to rein in the terror, to push it back to the place she kept it locked away, hidden. But the dream stayed, the past no longer far enough away. She grasped her hair still woven in a braid. Just a dream, she thought. Nothing more.

There was no hiding from Declan. He saw everything. Declan knew her thoughts, her fantasies and apparently even what terrified her.

“Charlotte, you need to let me in.” He shifted so he sat in front of her on the bed.

Charlie wondered if he would punish her for not being forthcoming with all the details of her past. Of course, it didn’t matter before. Before Griffin had existed only in the recesses of her mind. But now, now that she’d seen him again, it mattered more than she wanted it to.

Declan’s gaze narrowed as he continued to study her. “What the hell is going through your head right now? Whatever it is, I don’t like it.”

Charlie pursed her lips, doing her best to keep the word “nothing” prisoner. It would be futile to deny that things weren’t bothering her. It would be pointless to deny him. When he wanted something, he got it. She was proof of that, and this quest would be no different. He’d given her time. And now she had to give him what he wanted, full access to everything about her, including her demons.

Declan remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

“It was the fall semester of my second year. He was a teaching assistant in the history course I was taking. He was intelligent, handsome, and intense. Every girl in that section wanted to go out with him. When he asked me out, I could hardly believe he was serious. I was a mousy, shy, Catholic school girl who’d never been kissed let alone tied to a bedpost and whipped.”

How can I tell him how stupid and naïve I’d been? I didn’t know the first thing about dating or BDSM for that matter.

“He opened a whole new world up to me. It was intoxicating and hypnotic. I was under his spell and willing to do anything he asked. Until the lines blurred and the domination turned into disturbing, abusive behavior. I was his prisoner trapped in a world I didn’t want to be in.” This time Charlie couldn’t swallow the tears. They fell freely down her face. “I tried to break free. So many times.”