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“What?” Declan shouted, his whole body tensing. “How the fuck do you know what’s right for me?”

“Declan, you have certain desires. Needs she can’t possibly fulfill let alone begin to understand,” Katherine said, her voice softening.

“Katherine, I’ve told you before, it’s none of your fucking business!” Declan roared.

“I remember. I let you go that day. I walked over, unfurled your fist, pried it apart, and took back a piece of my heart that has only ever belonged to you.” Katherine opened the door to her living room, walking in. “The heart is a silly, stupid, beating thing that’s only purpose is to pump blood. Yet, we seem to victimize it with personification. It doesn’t break, it doesn’t feel. It doesn’t have that power. It just beats. So I took mine back.”

“Katherine, how many of those things have you had?” Declan bit out, gesturing to her almost empty glass.

“Never mind that. Do to me what you will but know that despite the fact that I let you go, I was the best thing that ever happened to you.”

Declan stepped back, gaping at Katherine in disbelief.

“I know she seems perfect for you right now. She is all youth, bright light, shiny possibility, and hope. She is your future. Her skin was without scars until recently, and she didn’t believe the world could ever be a cruel and ugly place. She’s never been sick. She will give you children. She can grow old with you.”

“Is that why you did it, Katherine? Is that why you put Griffin up to it? Because you know that all we did was fuck? That it was empty just like you are? Because Charlotte is nothing like you?”

“Love is for fools, Declan. I’m sure holding her hand and planning a future with her felt like taking that first breath.” She poured herself another drink, turning to face him. “You once called me a tidal wave. You said I was a mother fucking force of nature. But I know that nobody wants to drown. I get that. Really, I do.”

“Katherine, you’re out of your mind.” Declan blanched, staring at her in horror.

“I know when she falls asleep. and you escape, seeking the company of your scotch and cigars, your thoughts turn inward and dark like they always do. I know when the newness wears off, and it will, your thoughts will turn toward the depraved and your mind will visit that little shack out in the woods and you’ll ache for it all, everything I could give to you, those things she will never be able to give you.”

“Katherine, you’re right. Charlotte can’t give me any of those things. She doesn’t need to. She knows exactly what it means to give me the control I need, that I crave without all the depravity. Your submission was always an illusion. You always niggled away a piece of yourself because you were selfish. You didn’t want that kind of relationship.”

Time seemed suspended as Katherine took a deep, gasping breath. “That’s it!” She threw the rest of her drink in Declan’s face, drenching him. “Get out of my house!” she yelled through gritted teeth.

“As you wish, Mistress Rouseault.” Declan exited the room as quickly as he could. He’d arrived with the intention of torturing Katherine as she’d done to Charlotte. In the hallway, he found himself momentarily lost. His heart pounded, blood racing through his veins. He felt panicked, out of his depth, concerned that Katherine would tip over the edge of sanity and harm him or worse, go after Charlotte again.

Exiting the house, Declan made a quick phone call, and then returned to the shelter of his car.


Charlie managed to sit up in bed propped up on several pillows, no small feat considering the pain in her ribs. But after a few days, and a move completely out of ICU, she was able to sit up and move around a bit. Even though her lips were still healing, she found herself able to eat and, more importantly, talk!

Declan had gone out to meet Mikki, Aaron, Owen, Lila, Emerson, and even Anabelle, and he was bringing them all back to visit with her. Charlie was extremely self-conscious about how her lips still looked; mangled by some madman’s needle, but she was so excited to have visitors she didn’t care. All the lip liner and lipstick in the world couldn’t hide the scars and bruises, but she prayed they would heal soon.

The door opened and Charlie eagerly glanced up to see everyone spill though the door.

Declan led the way and right behind him were her sister, Lila, and Anabelle. They all hugged her gently and told her how much better she looked. They were completely lying, but she loved them for it.

“How are you feeling?” Mikki asked anxiously.

“Better.” At Declan’s skeptical look, she flushed. “Okay. Not wonderful, but I’m better. I feel like I can breathe easier and the swelling in my throat and lips has gone down. I am able to talk and eat.”

“That’s wonderful, Charlie!” Anabelle exclaimed. “We’ve all been really worried about you.”

“I’m so sorry you had to postpone the wedding, Mikki,” Charlie said, her stare haunted. “I feel like it’s my fault. I’m the one who pissed them off.”

Miki shook her head, gripping Charlie’s hand. “You’re not to blame for their actions, Charlie.”

“Got that right,” Declan growled.

“Have you set a new date yet?” Charlie asked.

“We’re working on it. I’m not planning anything until I know you’re well enough to still be my maid of honor.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she said. “But, don’t wait on me. I don’t want to be the one keeping you from your big day.”

“Don’t be silly. It wouldn’t be the same without you,” Mikki said, putting her hand on Charlie’s. “I want you there! It’s your fault I’m marrying him in the first place.” Mikki poked Aaron in the ribs with her free hand.

“I don’t suppose you smuggled me in some of Ciatti’s pasta, did you?” Charlie asked hopefully. “I’m starving to death and all these nurses will let me have is Jell-O and chicken broth. You know how I feel about foods that have dance moves. Creeps me out.”

Declan shot her a look of reprimand. “No real food yet, Charlotte. Not until the day after next. Even then you’ll have to be cautious and not overdo it.”

Charlie sighed. “You can’t blame me for trying. Maybe Mikki will sneak me in some cheesecake when you’re not looking. You know, the kind from Enrico’s?” As she said it, Charlie sent a pleading look in Mikki’s direction that had everyone laughing.

“I’m on it,” Mikki said firmly, shooting Declan a glare.

Declan shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Just remember you have to get it past me.”

They all laughed, and Charlie felt a happiness that she had missed. Everything would be okay. I can get through this. The doctor even said she could go home in a few days if everything continued to improve. They talked more, laughing, joking, and reminiscing with Charlie until she began to yawn, fatigue settling over her. Declan noticed and sent a not-so-subtle look in Aaron’s direction. He took the hint, herding Mikki and everyone else out of the room.

“I wish you would stay longer,” Charlie said mournfully. “It’s so lonely here.”

“We’ll be back soon,” Mikki promised. “And we’re bringing cheesecake.”

Declan bent over her bed, kissing her softly on the mouth. “Charlotte, I’m going to walk them out, and then I’ll be right back to tuck you in for the night.”

“Oh that sounds perfect,” Charlie sighed. “I don’t suppose you’d read to me?”

Declan grinned. “Anything for you, my sweet Charlotte.”

“Anything except food you mean,” Charlie grumbled.

He caressed the side of her head, giving her an affectionate pat. “Yes, anything except food.”

“Fine. Go.” She waved him away, settling back against her pillows. The visit had exhausted her. Maybe she wasn’t quite as recovered as she wanted to believe. Still, she was glad they had come to visit.