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 “Sure and I—-I didn’t feel right about it on such short acquaintanceship,” Brian stammered. “It was afraid I was that you might be thinkin’ me fresh.”

 “Sure now, an’ I’d nivir be thinkin’ that.” Annie mimicked his brogue.

 “Then ’twill be my pleasure.” He bent and kissed her very quickly on the lips.

 “’Tis misled I’ve been about Killarney,” Annie protested, “if that’s the best you can be doin’ on me birthday.”

 “Is it funnin’ me you are?”

“I guess I was. I’m sorry.” Annie dropped the bogus brogue. .“Still, that really was an awfully short peck. Don’t you like American girls?”

 “ ’Tis just that I’m not used to their frankness. But I meant no insult.”

 “Then prove it.”

 “That I will.” Brian grasped her under both elbows, lifted her clear of the floor, and kissed her firmly.

 It was a long kiss this time, and Annie was stirred by it. His lips were warm, and they moved sensually against hers. Before she knew she was going to do it, Annie found her tongue darting between them, and a thrill swept through her as he responded, a thrill that set her knees to shaking as he continued to hold her suspended in midair.

 Finally, he set her down. “Well,” Annie gasped, holding onto him while she got her balance, “I’d say you’ve upheld Killarney’s reputation real well.”

 “ ’Tis thankin’ you I am.” Brian actually blushed. “An’ many happy returns.”

 “Thank you.” Annie continued to stand there for a moment, looking up at him. “Would you like to see me home?” she asked finally.

 “Sure an’ ’twould be my pleasure.”

 It was only a short walk, and when they got there Annie asked him in for a nightcap. He accepted, and soon they were seated side by side on the couch, sipping their drinks. After a moment, Annie leaned her head against his shoulder.

 Brian took the hint and kissed her again. Annie clung to him, not wanting the kiss to end. Never before had Annie been stirred so strongly and so quickly by a man. Her whole body trembled in his embrace, and she knew without having to think about it that whatever he asked of her she would give freely and without a smidgeon of guilt.

 But to her disappointment, he asked nothing—not even another kiss. Frustration turned Annie’s willingness into aggression. She leaned back across his lap, half facing him, the tip of one plump breast under the green silk party dress she was wearing pressed intimately against his hard-muscled stomach. She took his hand in hers and pressed the palm of it against the material covering her other breast. Automatically it closed over the straining mound, and Annie caught her breath sharply as the tip quivered and grew under his caress. Her hand tangled in the curls at the back of his neck, and she pulled his face down for another kiss. He bit her lip slightly toward the end of it, and Annie’s thighs clenched spasmodically, her knees doubling so that her skirt slid down her shapely legs to reveal the creamy-white hint of baby fat above her stocking- tops.

 When the kiss was over, Annie kept her eyes closed while her fingers fumbled at the bodice of the dress. She opened the buttons and then arched one shoulder to free it of the bra-strap. One of her high young breasts sprang free of the bra-cup, its ruby-red tip straining toward the ceiling. Annie opened her eyes.

 There was an odd expression, one almost of puzzlement, on Brian’s face as he gazed down upon the firm, bare flesh. Annie sat up then and pulled his face against the breast, her fingers digging into his neck as she felt his mouth gently take hold of the widened pink roseate. She guided one of his hands to her thighs then, catching it between them, clenching and relaxing the muscles there to urge it higher.

 When it was where she wanted it, Annie moved off his lap. Still holding his hand prisoner, she began stroking his thighs with the long, red-coated nails of her fingers. Again, momentarily, she was disconcerted at the look on his face. She was even more disconcerted when she reached for the zipper of his pants and he firmly removed her hand.

 Yet, obligingly, he continued to follow Annie’s lead where her own body was concerned. His mouth was wide over the naked breast and his tongue was hot and teasing as its tip strummed the nipple. The fingers of his hand were tangled in the material of her panties now, moving rhythmically against the soft, down-covered mound of flesh there. Shortly, Annie moaned and stood up. Quickly, but efficiently and neatly, she reached under the dress and pulled off the panties. Then she delicately lifted the hem of the dress in front and in back and tucked it into the belt around her waist. Her back was to Brian, but she heard him gasp at the sight of her rosy, round derriere.

The gasp encouraged her. She stretched out on the couch on her stomach, her cheek resting on one of his knees, and once again stroked his thigh. This time he made no move to stop her when she unzipped his pants. And the size of the inflamed Irish manhood which sprang free made Annie’s green eyes widen.

 “Oh, Brian!” Her voice shook. “Take me, my darling. Take me now!” Seized by a spasm of desire, her body was grinding into the couch.

 She started to turn over, but he stopped her. “Just be stayin’ the way you are, my girl,” he told her. He got up and knelt over her, his hands reaching from behind to push under her bra and squeeze the buttery softness of her swaying breasts as he gently tugged her into a crouching position.

 Then, like the stab of a red-hot ingot of steel, Annie felt her flesh forced apart. “Wait!” she gasped. “That’s not the right place! You’re not—!”

 But Brian didn’t heed her. His only response was to move one hand from her breast. It stilled Annie’s protests successfully. Caught up in the exquisite sensation, she all but forgot the pain of his misdirected thrusts. Her brain began to reel dizzily as the combination of his violent pounding and delicately thrilling caress set her to bouncing with building passion. Harder and harder . . . Faster and faster . . . Until finally the exquisite ecstasy reached its peak and Annie was shaken by one tremor after another until she felt Brian explode. He pulled her backward with the explosion, and she felt as if she must be torn in two. But then it was over, and he released her.

 It took Annie a moment before she could catch her breath. When she had, she looked at him with a mixture of rapture and puzzlement. Finally she put the puzzlement into words. “Why did you do it that way?” she asked.

 “An’ why not?” he countered. “Sure the back door’s good enough for me, an’ you’ll be wantin’ to reserve the front door for your husband. He’ll never be knowin’ I buzzed the button there, but sure an’ isn’t he the one should be breakin’ the door down altogether?”

 “But how did you know?” Annie asked.

 “Know what?”

 “That I’m a virgin.” Under the circumstances, she couldn’t help blushing. “After all,” she added, “I was pretty brazen about wanting you to make love to me. How could you be so sure I hadn’t behaved that way with another man?”

 “An’ had you, now?”

 “No. You’re the first. I—I guess I just fell for you as fast and as hard as a girl can fall.”

 “ ’Tis honored I am. An’ happy that with it all I’ll be leavin’ you every bit as pure as when I came here.”

 “Will I see you again?” Annie asked quickly as she saw that he was re-arranging his clothes and getting ready to leave.

 “That you will. I’ll be callin’ you.”

 And Brian had called her about a week later. They began dating then, and they kept it up fairly regularly throughout the next year. But on all their dates, although there was much erotic play of one sort or another, Brian kept them clear of anything which might have destroyed her technical virginity.