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Neserhaeva, Yakha


Nevmerzhitsky, Major Vitaly

New Russians

Nicholas II, Emperor

Nikolaev, Misha

Nizhergorodsky police station

Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Complex

No. 1 Dubrovskays Street

No. 1 School in Beslan

No. 14 Police Station

No. 172 Police District

No. 20 Hospital

No. 7 Zarechnaya Street

No. U-729343. See Levurda, Lieutenant Pavel

No.155 School



big businessmen

Mikhail Fradkov in

Putin influencing

Nord-Ost tragedy

Abubakar Bakriev persecuted after

Aelita Shidaeva arrested after

Alihan Gelagoev beaten after

anniversary of

Aslan Kurbanov arrest after

Chechens persecuted after

Isita Chirgizova persecuted after

Judge Marina Gorbacheva rejecting claims in

Natasha Umatgarieva persecuted after

persecution of Chechens after

as precedent in Beslan incident

Putin authorizing gas attack

terrorism at performance of

unidentified victim no. 2251

Yakha Neserhaeva arrested after

Yaroslav Fadeev, victim in

Zelimham Nasaev, police harrassment of

North Caucasus District Military Court

North Caucasus Military District

North Caucasus Military Hospital

North Ossetia-Alaniya

Northeast Group of Troops and Forces

Novocherkassk Provincial Psychoneurological Hospital

nuclear submarines. See also submarines

failure to maintain

loyalty of officers in

Northeast Group of Troops and Forces

poverty of officers commanding

officers, mistreatment of

Alexey Dikiy as example of

field officers vs. staff officers

Valerii Dorogin as example of

Oleynikov, Lieutenant Colonel Valerii

OMON Special Police Unit


124th Military Forensic Medical Laboratory

160th Tank Regiment

Operation to Free the Hostages

Operation Whirlwind

Order of Valor

Orders of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

organized crime syndicates

Kachkanar OEC (Ore Enrichment Complex) and

Pavel Fedulev creating

Putin supporting

Uralkhimmash Corporation and

Orthodox Christianity

Ossetia. See also North Ossetia—Alaniya

Our Union Is the Land of People’s Power

Ovcharuk, Ivan

corruption of

influence of

persecution of judges

petitioning for resignation of

on qualifications of judges

writ against

Ovchinnikov, Nikolai

as chief of police for Yekaterinburg

as head of GUBOP (Central Agency for Combating Organized Crime)

Lobva Hydrolytic Factory

as police officer

Pakhomov, Private Dmitry

Palenka vodka

Pankov, testimony of

parents of soldiers. See also mothers of soldiers

death of Misha Nikolaev

live burial of Private Chesnokov

officer’s abuse of Valerii Putintsev

suffocation of Dmitri Kiselev

suicide of Yury Diachenko

Pechernikova, Professor Tamara


Pekov, Sublieutenant

Perelevsky, Major Alexey



Pervomaiskoe Rural District Council


Petrov, Deputy Commanding Officer

pipes, monopolized



Chief Nikolai Ovchinnikovi

Fedulev vs. Uralmash crime syndicate

harrassment of Chechens


Moscow Central Department of

Nizhergorodsky station

No. 14 Station

No. 172 District

OMON Special Unit

Pavel Fedulev controlling

Zelimham Nasaev, police harrassment of

political psychiatry-to-order


Prikhozhikh, V.

private property

protection rackets

Providential Judges’ College of Qualifications

provincial courts, role of



public opinion

in case against Yury Budanov

on Nord-Ost tragedy

Putin’s popularity

Putin II

appointing Fradkov prime minister

Cabinet reorganization

as Chekist

Easter Vigil

infanticide in Chechnya

as KGB lieutenant colonel

Mikhail Khodorkovsky opposing

pro-Putin youth movements

returning Soviet system

votes for

Putin, Vladimir

after reelection. See Putin II

as Akaky Akakeivich

army, lawlessness of

Beslan incident

bogus investigations under

businesswomen for

dictatorship of law doctrine

gas attack at Nord-Ost

German Bundestag pressuring

heating infrastructure, collapse of

ideology of

impact on Russian justice system

influence in Levurda suit against state

judicial system under

loyalty to Governor Rossel

neo-Soviet capitalism under

nominations of

Nord-Ost tragedy

organized crime syndicates under

Ovchinnikov, appointment of

political psychiatry-to-order under

post-Beslan Soviet-style bureaucracy

protection of war criminals

retaliating against Khodorkovsky

Russian Mafia under

second Chechen war

social renaissance under

third year in office

treatment of officers under

Uralkhimmash Corporation

Vasily Leon appealing to

Vladimir Rushailo under

Putintsev, Valerii

Putintseva, Svetlana

Putyaikin, Vladimir

racial harassment. See also Chechens, persecution of

radiation zones

Radio Liberty

Raduev, Salman

Rakhmonov, President

Rastorguev, Andrey

Razmakhnin, Captain

Red Cross

Red Square

Red Star newspaper

Regional Operational Staff Headquarters for Coordinating the Counterterrorist Operation

religious belief

research institutes

Revenue Department


rights of mothers

Rinat, example under neo-Soviet capitalism

dismissal from army


raising son

retirement plan

in Special Intelligence Regiment

Romanov family

Roshal, Dr. Leonid


Rossel, Governor Eduard

Ivan Ovcharuk serving

Kachkanar OEC (Ore Enrichment Complex)

Pavel Fedulev and

Putin’s loyalty to

Rostov Committee of Soldier’s Mothers


illegal workshops in

influence of military life on

leaving for Moscow

military mortuary at

North Caucasus Miliary District headquarters