Here too will turn out. And Putin with a captivating smile said:
- We are at your service!
The girl was amused and, Baring her teeth, said:
- Well, that's business talk! Our capabilities are great ... we have mastered the secrets of organic and can suppress you eternal youth and infinite happiness, but...
And again a pause... Putin was silent, and more impatient trump asked in surprise:
"But if you are so powerful, what can two old men give you?"
The girls replied in unison:
We're really strong, and our civilization conquered the galaxies while you earthlings were still climbing trees. But we have our weaknesses... which we'd better not mention, as you don't have to know. However, you will help us, and in return you will receive bodies that will not age, and even kill you will be almost impossible!
The President of the United States trump whistled:
Wow! This is really a prize for which you can work hard! I'm not interested in why you need us. I'm wondering what is the guarantee that our bodies won't age then? The billionaire winked and added. I know you! Then you say-sorry, they say, it happened!
Girls have grown a bit in size. Their beauty is dazzling. Nebozhitelnitsa replied in unison:
- We never cheat! Said done! Your bodies will be virtually invulnerable, with full regeneration, and you can live almost indefinitely. Stem cells will divide, and renew in eternity, as a mechanism of the cycle in nature. As part of the energy you take from the stars and space...- the Girl winked slyly and added. But to kill you though difficult, but still possible, like us. However, old age in such a body will never come. Plus some superpowers. You can enjoy eternal life and power on planet Earth.
Trump sincerely noticed:
"Then I would prefer to rule the planet alone, without my colleague!"
Girl-the demiurge laughed and said:
- We can create it for you on a single planet the size of Jupiter, and with a population of a trillion beautiful, eternally young and obedient subjects. Is that okay?
Putin said skeptically:
- The size of Jupiter? But we'll be flattened by gravity.
All three girls chirped in chorus:
- The density of the planet will be less, and the gravity is similar to the earth. We can do a lot of things!
Putin wanted to clarify:
- And if we still refuse such a flattering offer.
Three girls merged in one. My beautiful hair became a fiery red, and stinging. Then the female instantly grew. Both presidents became small and appeared at it on a palm.
The girl thundered.:
- Do you have a choice?
Trump grunted and poked Putin in the shoulder:
- You know Vova, it seems that we really have no choice. All the more immortality this...
Girl according to nodded her:
- No! Your bodies are already virtually dead, and the soul, we can send to cybernetic hell. Where terrible nightmares await her. So either eternity in hell or eternity in an immortal, eternally young body - by choice. Power over the people, or subjects created by us!
Putin thought for a moment. Say no? It's death. While it may not be right. They supercivilization is even necessary. So it is unlikely they will be so easily finished off.
Likely to torture, pressure extruding. Combine promises and threats. And sooner or later they'll break it anyway. So resistance is useless and will only cause unnecessary suffering. Truth and trust the girls cannot be. After the mission, they can just throw. Or liquidate, or to throw into hell. What there can be guarantees. And no amount of oaths will not help.
On the other hand, if they really have a choice. No - it's death and torment. Yes, some hope of immortality and eternal power. In addition, during the mission is quite possible force majeure.
And Putin said decisively:
- Our choice is clear! It's an honor to help girls like you! And as for power - prefer to rule the Earth!
Trump stamped his foot and said:
"I would rather rule the planet with obedient and eternally young people. Just make it the size of the star Sirius and a quadrillion subjects in the course of normal gravity. And let the subjects be smart and inventive to create more and more fun!
The girl changed her fiery red hair to white and said::
- They will be even very inventive! And you President Putin will get power over the entire planet Earth.... Only of course after you've done everything! Not before!
Trump in a business inquired:
- What guarantees?
The girl answered honestly:
- Our word! You see, when a king in ancient times was given the job to his servants other warranties of awards but the word of the monarch was not required!
Trump suggested:
"Perhaps you could give us the most precious thing you have."
Hairstyle have girls has become black as coal and she hissed. Trump and Putin was doused by a wave. Beauty roared:
- The most precious thing we have you just have to get! And do not require more guarantees! It's you people, the vows, and we hypershop, every word is true!
Impatient trump roared:
- What exactly are we supposed to get?
The girl gently said:
- More about this later! For now!
The scenery changed instantly. The two presidents found themselves in an even larger room. It looks like a colossal stadium with a great many boxes, decorated with all the colors of the rainbow, extremely colorful. And the boxes sat, stood, fumbling girl. Stunner. Many millions of very beautiful and elegant girls. All were precious stones, half elegant shoes, half barefoot. Almost naked, but hung with beads, bracelets, chains, amulets, and hair of different colors pinned brooches, some tiaras of gems.