Could the Soviet Union under Stalin, to achieve more, but here's the thing - the United States in the forty-fifth year created the atomic bomb and conducted the test in combat mode. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were incinerated.
We need to prevent the US from creating such weapons. How to achieve this?
Putin once watched a film about the battle of midway. It was a turning point for Americans. Before that, the Japanese confidently won, but it was near midway, Japan lost five aircraft carriers and lost the initiative. Moreover, the victory would have to be for the land of the Rising sun, but the Americans were very lucky.
Stalin-Putin remembered the battle to the smallest detail, and now it is not too late to take advantage of this knowledge. And at the same time to report all that is known about the defense of Hawaii. Let the Japanese tear the Americans apart. The defeat of the US in the Pacific would reduce the financing Manhattanesque of the project and would allow the USSR overtake America in developing nuclear weapons.
Here the problem of course how to convey the necessary information to the Japanese, so they know how the battle will take place at midway, and where to go American cruisers and aircraft carriers. And that they still believe that it is not a provocation and disinformation from the side is complicated. But you can convince that the United States for Soviet Russia is not a friend. And the worse the Americans, the better the Russians. And give a good slingshot to the Yankees. Discouraged them from creating an atomic bomb. Here even suggest that the Japanese assistance in the creation of tanks and airplanes.
Yes, the Japanese should be persuaded quickly, so the battle will unfold, on the fourth of June. And we cannot allow the Americans to win. Having lost the Pacific ocean, the Yankees will not be able to plunge into Europe and most likely the nuclear project will be closed as not promising. And it will be such opportunities for Russia!
Why all this bomb appeared?! The USSR was strong enough to throw the West into the sea! We need to send the best agents to the United States and paralyze the Manhattan project at all costs! And here any means are good!
And Hitler? He's just a pawn Germany will roll us into powder like a tiger kitten. But it is necessary and Rommel help, beat the British in Egypt. That's better. After taking Toluca, Germans should not take a break, and best of beat, beat and beat the British, taking the offensive. Then the British troops will be able to do nothing and will lose Egypt. So what about the plans of the campaign in Europe they will have to forget. And Russia will become a complete hegemon!
So it turns out on closer outfit! Rommel is being helped in Africa, Japan in the Pacific, and the Americans are losing strength and ability to somehow shit on us. With Germany can be done in a few months and this will be a guarantee of a simple and reliable t-54 tank. And then take the tonsils and Britain with the United States. And then it will turn out in the middle of the twentieth century, what is impossible in the twenty-first! Hegemony of one country over the world.
Frankly, Putin himself too carried away by friendship with China. But at the moment there is no single China. And Japan, having defeated America, itself will become a victim of the mighty Soviet Empire.
And the third Reich? With its weak and primitive tanks, it is against Russia does not pull. It is only necessary that the Americans, the Japanese beat the hell out of the sides stronger.
Here is, seems, already knocking Beria. Well, that should be taken!
Four barefoot girls: Elizabeth, Catherine, Elena, and Aurora crawled out of the tank... Skewed "thirty" warmed in the may sun. The day turned out to be extremely hot, and the diesel engine gave more heat in addition. The beauties are dressed in bikinis put under the lend-lease, rushed into the cool river. And so you can cook in this metal pan.
The girls were beautiful and sweaty and shiny. Three blondes and one red Aurora.
Flickering, naked, round heels, the girls plopped down at the silvery water.
Snorting and splashing beauties resembled mermaids with their lush hair, and managed to cover with fresh, Golden tan, muscular bodies.
Senior Lieutenant and commander of a tank crew Elizabeth, fervently noticed:
- We firmly Fritz thrashed...Sorry that the Nazis have cut off our communications, and we got orders to come back!
Beautiful blonde Catherine breathlessly replied:
- I wish the summer would never end... That it is a Panther raced after me after!
Elena, a charming honey beauty, shook her head:
- So now after all only the end of the may! Summer hasn't even come!
Fire-footed sandals Aurora splashed water on her friends and said:
Is the Golden month... And soon Fritz kaput!
Elizabeth after these words, frowned. After a relatively successful winter, things on the fronts went worse. In Crimea, despite the numerical superiority, the Soviet troops suffered a heavy defeat. And now began such a successful offensive near Kharkov fiasco. The Germans went to the rear, and cut communications. And now the girls on the tank have to move away.
But still, it's good when there are only women in the car - they have such a pleasant smell, not that from sweaty men. And their crew is so well-coordinated. And the four of them were extremely beautiful.
Elizabeth says emphatically.: