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"Defense, then, o great one?"</p>


Trump-Hitler confirmed:</p>


-Exactly defense! And I will transfer several more divisions from the Balkans to Africa, and replace them with Bulgarian and Italian ones. We need to reinforce Rommel urgently. The British will soon be on the offensive against him. And of course you need to give Rommel more authority, including the choice of partners.</p>


The President-Fuhrer thumped his boot in a rage and confirmed:</p>


"He knows a lot about it!"</p>


Next, trump made some appointments. Speer in particular was generally considered to be a capable and successful Minister of armaments and ammunition. So he should be appointed immediately, and given emergency powers. And in General, to convene the Reichstag and declare total war right now. Otherwise, it will be too late. And in General, to adopt a lot of laws for total war.</p>


Extend the working day, introduce universal labor service to put children and women and foreigners to the machines.</p>


That's really why women don't notice all the male supervisors in the camps and factories. And don't put teenagers on probation, either?</p>


The Third Reich is a lack of human resources. Taking into account the losses of the USSR in the occupied territories, Germany has three or four times the economic potential. And the main thing is to use it correctly.</p>


Donald trump is a talented economist, and understands that if in the real history of the USSR produced more weapons than the Wehrmacht, then of course Hitler himself is primarily to blame for this, not using the full capabilities of the totalitarian state, and the imperfection of the management system of the German economy. And so it is possible and necessary to produce more and more efficiently.</p>


The Fuhrer-President gave orders, a lot of things had to be done.</p>


But of course, Donald trump made some changes at the front. In particular, covering cities so that the enemy does not penetrate, and strengthening support for local nationalists. You need to be able to shake the USSR.</p>


There was a lot that Donald wanted to do. But first, to gather his strength, the Fuhrer-President visited a massage center. To get him a warm-up.</p>


Beautiful girls began massaging the new Fuhrer. And Donald was whistling songs to himself.</p>


He understood that in the economy and the production of weapons, the main dog is buried.</p>


Here, in particular, "Panther"? Is it a bad tank? A very good one, but there weren't many of them. In General, very promising imagine the tanks of the series "E". This machines are generally senior managers.</p>


Trump really had an idea about them in the game of "Tanks". Especially impressive is the look of the E-75 machine with heavy armor. You can't break through that easily.</p>


Donald was giving orders again. Increase the length of the working day, join the machines of teenagers and foreigners. Do not call up highly qualified workers in the army, but use foreign divisions. Recruit French, Dutch, Belgians, and Danes. Gather forces from all over Europe, under German command. Lots of things to do.</p>


But for now, do not attack Moscow and dig in. And strengthen the troops at the expense of Western Europe, where the British alone will not go.</p>


And the most important thing is not to go to war with the United States. Here it is necessary to influence Japan so that it does not grapple with America.</p>


And who should I send as a diplomat? Most logical of all was the appointment of Papa Muller, who was considered a great connoisseur of everything and a Fox's cunning.</p>


Trump ordered it:</p>


- Send Mueller to Tokyo while there is no war with the United States, and it is necessary that there is no war.</p>


Of course, anti-Semitic laws should be relaxed, if not completely abolished, in order to improve the image of Germany abroad. Don't make animals of yourself.</p>


Trump is a politician on his own mind. But of course, you can't outwit him that easily.</p>


One of the problems is Africa. The British are preparing an offensive there. And they should be pre-empted. And first of all to strengthen Rommel. You can't lose on the black continent.</p>


At the same time, trump decided to draft teenagers into the army. In fact, the labor force is not very young – the qualifications are low. But some of them are not bad – because at a young age, both reaction and learning speed are better than in an adult. Yes, with less growth, it is more difficult to get into a teenager. In any case, trump ordered the conscription of all young men from fourteen to eighteen years old!</p>


And allowed the formation of about fifty additional divisions. Not counting foreigners and Polish corps.</p>


Universal labor service was also introduced harshly. Which also benefited the production of weapons.</p>


How did it all start with trump?</p>


A possible meeting with his own environment caused Donald trump an involuntary excitement. It's like walking into a tiger cage, visiting a menagerie. They may be surprised that Hitler, who probably did not make too little effort to convince his entourage to start a war against the USSR and storm Moscow. Here, suddenly change the decision to the diametrically opposite. Although, that they can oppose the will of the Fuhrer - dictator of Germany! Hitler has both formal and de facto absolute power. It can even make its own laws and adopt amendments to the Constitution, and the Reichstag is a type of people's Assembly, which consists of Nazis, only approves and applauds the Fuhrer. To attack the USSR, you do not need the approval or resolution of the Reichstag - the Fuhrer ordered, and the war began! During the Declaration of total war, it was not necessary to assemble the Reichstag to pass laws, it was only necessary to show the unity of the people and the Fuhrer! Hitler is the Supreme commander with extraordinary powers, and can order them all to be shot without giving a reason! He has more power than Kaiser Wilhelm, ( that king still couldn't make laws without Parliament, and amend the Constitution!). Well, after the recent victories, the Fuhrer's authority in the country and the army has grown so much that he actually became a sovereign, able to repress any oligarch. Stalin himself received such powers only after the beginning of the War, when the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decree on the creation of the Stavka with emergency powers, and the right to issue laws or regulations that have the force of law. And after the end of the war, Stalin formally refused such powers. However, in fact, Stalin became a full-fledged dictator somewhere in the late twenties and early thirties, although he had little formal power. Stalin was not even the head of state( he was considered Kalinin), or the head of the government( until 1941 it was Molotov!), but only the General Secretary of the Central Committee, and after 1934, even a simple Secretary! Ugh, what a stupid position for an actual dictator of the Empire to be a Secretary! After all, the Secretary is a subordinate person, in fact, a six under the chief. And so call yourself the greatest leader of all time! However, in may 1941, Stalin became Chairman of the Council of people's Commissars( this is of course an alarming signal, the concentration of power in the hands of one person, all of a sudden the Soviet dictator will hit the Third Reich?).</p>