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- I appoint Speer as the new Minister of economy and armaments. He is young and energetic, I give him, prepare a special law on this topic: extraordinary powers to manage the economy, including the right to arrest and put on trial, the management staff, Directors of factories that disrupt plans for military orders. The war with Britain will be total in nature and should significantly increase the production of weapons: first of all, naval and air! All highly qualified workers must be returned from military units back to production. The production of aircraft within six months should be increased to two thousand per month, and within nine months to one hundred aircraft per day. If this task is not completed, heads will fly, I'm not kidding. The output of submarines should be increased, within six months, to thirty submarines per month. This is my strict command! Create new shipyards, attract additional foreign workers, work at night, but the plans must be fulfilled. We have the resources of the whole of Europe, and to produce only thirty planes a day is a crime against the nation! As for tanks, their production will increase, but we don't need them too much yet. For the war with the USSR, they are too few, Stalin has a tank fleet of twenty-three thousand cars, and for the defeat of Britain, it is very problematic to deliver what is already there! But we need new, more advanced tanks. For example, the weapons we have are not able to penetrate the armor of the Matilda and Cromwell. According to this, my order is to re-equip the T-4 with 75-millimeter guns, and a length of at least fifty calibers.</p>


Well, with the designers, I'll talk to them about what kind of tanks we need. What else! No later than the beginning of December, it is necessary to capture the British fortress of Gibraltar. For this purpose, it is necessary to transfer from the East to France at least seven tank and two divisions of artillery, with heavy siege weapons. We need to block the British access to the Eastern Mediterranean. At the same time the island of Malta with an English base as a thorn in the eye. All aviation forces should be thrown to defeat these bases. Collect secretly with great precautions at least two thousand aircraft and deliver a strong blow, and then land the troops. I entrust the operation to Kisselring with the help of Meinstein. After defeating the Malta base, we will strengthen the Rommel group and take over Egypt. Then the middle East with oil zones and in the future an offensive on Sudan and then control over the whole of Africa. There is a lot of land in the world, and attacking the USSR, which is home to two hundred million people treated by Bolshevik propaganda, most of whom are fanatically devoted to the red idea, is simply suicidal, just a betrayal of the interests of the nation.</p>


Donald trump got tired of the long speech, he made a gesture. Charming blonde maidservants with small waists and wide hips brought him a mixture of Apple and orange juice. Donald trump drank the glass to the bottom and calmly asked:</p>


- No objections?</p>


Goering barked:</p>


"We agree on everything, my Fuhrer!</p>


Adolf-Donald noticed that Goering was a little nervous. The Nazi is obese, but broad-shouldered and looks more like a weightlifter who has completed a sports career than a loose glutton. Under the layer of fat, there were still strong muscles, and he was at least half a head taller than the Fuhrer. By age, trump and Hitler were far from the same age, but the great dictator's height is one meter sixty-six by fourteen centimeters less than that of the former billionaire and financier. And Goering is about six feet tall, and all a good hundred and thirty kilograms. Even as it is not quite comfortable to become much lower and easier, and perhaps physically weaker. After all, Donald trump in his seventy-four years confidently stung lying one hundred and twenty kilograms. The question is whether to remove Goering or not? Information about the Nazis is contradictory, many portray him as a fat idiot, others - although a minority consider him a capable politician and organizer, who was prevented from turning around by the Fuhrer's despotism. In any case, Goering's air attack on Britain lost, and indeed, the battle for dominance in the atmosphere. Yes, and sycophants. It is better to remove it, but first find a more capable and talented replacement.</p>


Still, his official successor, only at the very end of the war, when the catastrophe became inevitable, made a timid attempt to betray, and so did not participate in plots against the Fuhrer. Yeah, but the future conspirators should have been dealt with. After all, a significant part of them have long been in opposition, although the majority were pushed to speak out by the growing inadequacy of the Fuhrer and the threat of a military catastrophe. But the minority is not just in opposition, but also informs the English headquarters about the plans.... Oh, Yes, the British discovered the encryption code in the German military communications, and were able, albeit belatedly, to learn about the plans of the Wehrmacht by radio interception! It will be necessary to inform Himmler of this... By the way, Himmler is also not one of the best cadres, although again he did not dare to make a coup, and it seems that for a long time he was loyal to the Fuhrer.</p>


Donald trump said in a harsh tone:</p>


- the Fuhrer is connected with the higher forces that suggest solutions... Himmler do you know that the British have deciphered our code, which is the code for government and military communications?</p>


The head of the secret police stared:</p>


"No, my Fuhrer! We do not know such information!</p>


Hitler-trump yelled, slamming his fist on the table:</p>


"But I do! Immediately change all codes and the very principle of their encryption. This should help us in the future war with the British. In addition I will provide you with a list of individuals who will need to be carefully monitored! Understood Yes! Now get to work. The law on universal labor service from fifteen to sixty-five years, for both men and women(with only a few exceptions) must be adopted by the Reichstag! It's time to launch a massive technological offensive against England, and the United States behind them, and only a fundamentally new miracle weapon can do this! Funding for research and new types of weapons will be significantly increased! So be it: because I said so!</p>


The members of the government nodded their approval, then exclaimed in unison:</p>


- Glory to the great Fuhrer!</p>


Billionaire captain Donald looked at his watch, his stomach was already beginning to revolt, and ordered,</p>


" Now for supper, gentlemen!" Himmler my strict order: keep an eye on every oligarch, so that no one dares to shirk military orders! And especially developments in the field of creating new weapons, so that you don't waste money!</p>