I sat up straight and covered my crotch with both hands, blushing pink.
Mom groaned and facepalmed again. “I TOLD you not to tell me that stuff.”
Given that a week had passed between Alex’s first blowjob and then her mounting me in my bedroom, and then several days had passed until we banged twice while Michelle had gone to Costco, I wasn’t expecting an encore anytime soon.
I was prepared to act like everything was normal for a while, going about our daily routines until Alex got an urge again and initiated something. But it turned out I wouldn’t need to wait nearly that long.
Monday night, I woke up in the middle of the night to find my sister’s lips wrapped around my schlong. She only sucked me long enough to get me rock hard, and then flopped onto her back so I could do all the work. We actually spent more time exploring each other’s bodies like kids checking out new playgrounds instead of being quite so orgasm-focused. But of course she still went back to her room with a squishy load in her snatch.
Tuesday afternoon, Michelle went for a run around the neighborhood. I had been eating chips and salsa as an after-school snack, and two minutes after Michelle left, Alex pulled down my shorts and fed on my prick until SHE got an after-school snack.
Wednesday, we didn’t do anything, but on Thursday night, Alex woke me with a sweet kiss while her fingernails scratched my abs. Her hand then slid into my pants, began stroking my shaft, and she told me she wanted to fuck in her room. Being further down the hall, we could at least be a little louder. My ejaculation was so good that I fell asleep in her bed again. But she woke up around 5am and urgently shooed me out, lest we get caught. That had been a close one, and she scolded me not to fall asleep in her bed anymore.
And then came Friday.
“You’ve seemed pretty happy, lately,” Michelle commented as she pushed her pawn to F5.
I arched an eyebrow and asked, “What do you mean?” I moved my bishop to H5. “Check”.
“You’re smirking,” my little sister explained.
“Because you’re in check.”
“You’ve been smirking for days.”
I shrugged. “I’ve been in a good mood.”
“I just said you’ve been in a good mood. I’m just wondering why.”
I shrugged again. “Am I really acting abnormally?”
She mused on that, finally sighing and moving her king out of check. “‘Abnormally’ isn’t the right word. You’ve just been ... perky!”
I chuckled and slid my queen over to D4. “Check. I’m having a good week.”
“I’ll say.” She frowned, trying to figure out how to get out of my trap. “You meet some hot chick on Snapchat or something?”
“What? No. Not even looking.” I frowned, a lightbulb suddenly turning on above my head. Mom had once explained that nobody ever asked a question without that topic being on their mind first. “Wait, have you met somebody on Snapchat?”
Michelle jerked her head back, her ears turning pink. “What are you talking about? No...” But she couldn’t look me in the eyes and immediately started fidgeting.
“You have, haven’t you?”
“I have a boyfriend,” she sputtered.
“A boyfriend you haven’t seen since before the pandemic and never talk to on the phone. I think the appropriate phrase is that you were ‘dating’ somebody but aren’t dating him anymore.”
Michelle regained some composure and pursed her lips. “I really haven’t met anybody on Snapchat, alright?”
“But you’ve been surfing, haven’t you? Checking out guys?” I chuckled. “If you’re looking for masturbation material, I can certainly say Pornhub will provide more immediate gratification.”
“Eww, don’t be gross. And there’s nothing wrong with ... browsing ... on Snapchat.”
“You posting sexy videos of yourself?”
“Seriously, no.” Michelle made a face. “I’m not like that.”
“You slide into the DMs of somebody? A hunky Zac Efron-type with washboard abs?”
She giggled. “Would you be jealous if I did?”
I snorted. “You’re my sister. I wouldn’t be jealous, just overprotective. I’d threaten to drive over to the guy’s house with a baseball bat.”
“Please don’t.”
“Did some guy DM you back?”
She turned to look away. “I’m not saying.”
I arched an eyebrow. “Are you DM’ing him videos of yourself in your underwear?”
“We are NOT having this conversation.”
“Fine, fine.” I gestured to the board. “You’re still in check.”
Michelle nodded glumly, still trying to figure a way out of my trap. She wasn’t in checkmate ... yet. But unless she came up with something unexpected, she would be in just two more moves. But before she moved a piece, her head came up sharply. “Waitaminute! I was grilling YOU. How the hell did we get talking about ME?”
I just grinned and replied, “Checkmate.”
“Hey guys. Mind if I join you?”
Michelle and I looked behind us, surprised to see Alex standing by the wall wearing a hot pink sports bra and black workout pants. She had workout gloves on her hands and held a set of dumbbells.
I had my hand on the remote, thumbing through videos, I was about to pick a Sydney Cummings workout, but gave Michelle a questioning look first.
“Yeah, of course,” Michelle replied with a smile. “You were the one that put us onto these videos in the first place.”
“That’s what I thought,” Lex said. “I figured, why do this alone in my room when we’re all watching the same videos anyway.”
I took a quick look around and decided to slide the coffee table out of the way. We had enough floor space in front of the TV for both me and Michelle to exercise, but not all three of us. Afterwards, I set up my stuff in the spot where the coffee table used to be and cued up the video. Alex got into position in my usual spot, and then turned and looked back at me over her shoulder.
“I think he just wants to stare at our butts from back there,” Alex quipped.
Michelle giggled and looked back at me. She nodded and smirked at her big sister, “I think you’re right.”
I blushed, stared at my feet, and didn’t respond. I really did want to stare at their butts. I mean Alex’s butt. She truly was “built for comfort” as my friends would say. I figured it was okay to perve on her since we were fucking, but I was still trying to be a good brother about NOT treating my little sister like a sex object. Thankfully, ever since Alex had started sucking on my schlong, I’d been able to keep myself from fantasizing about Michelle masturbating in the shower. But now that the girls had put the idea in my head, I knew I wouldn’t be able to NOT think about gawking at my little sister’s tight ass in those super-small volleyball shorts. If Alex was built for comfort, then Michelle was built for speed.
Stop thinking that!
Forty minutes later, all three of us were flat on our backs across the carpet, staring at the ceiling and sucking wind. That workout had been INTENSE. I still had a little bit of water in my bottle, and without getting up I chugged whatever was left.
“Good workout, all,” Michelle said encouragingly. “We made it.”
“Speak for yourself,” I wheezed. “I think I died five minutes ago.”
“That was fun,” Alex commented, sitting up first. She didn’t even look that tired. I had long known she was the gym rat of the family. “Thanks for letting me join.”
“Anytime,” Michelle replied. “You were always welcome.”