"A detected impostor has no right to claim the immunities of the disguise he had usurped," said Durward.
"Detected!" said the Bohemian. "My jargon was as good as yonder old fool of a herald's; – but let it pass. As well now as hereafter."
"You abuse time," said Quentin. "If you have aught to tell me, say it quickly, and then take some care of your soul."
"Of my soul?" said the Bohemian, with a hideous laugh. "Think ye a leprosy of twenty years can be cured in an instant? – If I have a soul, it hath been in such a course since I was ten years old and more, that it would take me one month to recall all my crimes, and another to tell them to the priest; – and were such space granted me, it is five to one I would employ it otherwise."
"Hardened wretch, blaspheme not! Tell me what thou hast to say, and I leave thee to thy fate," said Durward, with mingled pity and horror.
"I have a boon to ask," said Hayraddin, – "but first I will buy it of you; for your tribe, with all their professions of charity, give nought for nought."
"I could wellnigh say thy gifts perish with thee," answered Quentin, "but that thou art on the very verge of eternity. – Ask thy boon – reserve thy bounty – it can do me no good – I remember enough of your good offices of old."
"Why, I loved you," said Hayraddin, "for the matter that chanced on the banks of the Cher; and I would have helped you to a wealthy dame. You wore her scarf, which partly misled me; and indeed I thought that Hameline, with her portable wealth, was more for your market-penny than the other hen-sparrow, with her old roost at Bracquemont, which Charles has clutched, and is likely to keep his claws upon."
"Talk not so idly, unhappy man," said Quentin; "yonder officers become impatient."
"Give them ten gilders for ten minutes more," said the culprit, – who, like most in his situation, mixed with his hardihood a desire of procrastinating his fate, – "I tell thee it shall avail thee much."
"Use then well the minutes so purchased," said Durward, and easily made a new bargain with the Marshal's men.
This done, Hayraddin continued. – "Yes, I assure you I meant you well; and Hameline would have proved an easy and convenient spouse. Why, she has reconciled herself even with the Boar of Ardennes, though his mode of wooing was somewhat of the roughest, and lords it yonder in his sty, as if she had fed on mast-husks and acorns all her life."
"Cease this brutal and untimely jesting," said Quentin, "or, once more I tell you, I will leave you to your fate."
"You are right," said Hayraddin, after a moment's pause; "what cannot be postponed must be faced! – Well, know then, I came hither in this accursed disguise, moved by a great reward from De la Marck, and hoping a yet mightier one from King Louis, not merely to bear the message of defiance which you may have heard of, but to tell the King an important secret."
"It was a fearful risk," said Durward.
"It was paid for as such, and such it hath proved," answered the Bohemian. "De la Marck attempted before to communicate with Louis by means of Marthon; but she could not, it seems, approach nearer to him than the astrologer, to whom she told all the passages of the journey, and of Schonwaldt; but it is a chance if her tidings ever reach Louis, except in the shape of a prophecy. But hear my secret, which is more important than aught she could tell. William de la Marck has assembled a numerous and strong force within the city of Liege, and augments it daily by means of the old priest's treasures. But he proposes not to hazard a battle with the chivalry of Burgundy, and still less to stand a siege in the dismantled town. This he will do – he will suffer the hot-brained Charles to sit down before the place without opposition; and in the night, make an outfall or sally upon the leaguer with his whole force. Many he will have in French armour, who will cry France, Saint Louis, and Denis Montjoye, as if there were a strong body of French auxiliaries in the city. This cannot choose but strike utter confusion among the Burgundians; and if King Louis, with his guards, attendants, and such soldiers as he may have with him, shall second his efforts, the Boar of Ardennes nothing doubts the discomfiture of the whole Burgundian army. – There is my secret, and I bequeath it to you. Forward, or prevent the enterprise – sell the intelligence to King Louis, or to Duke Charles, I care not – save or destroy whom thou wilt; for my part, I only grieve that I cannot spring it like a mine, to the destruction of them all!"
"It is indeed an important secret," said Quentin, instantly comprehending how easily the national jealousy might be awakened in a camp consisting partly of French, partly of Burgundians.
"Ay, so it is," answered Hayraddin; "and, now you have it, you would fain begone, and leave me without granting the boon for which I have paid beforehand."
"Tell me thy request," said Quentin – "I will grant it if it be in my power."
"Nay, it is no mighty demand – it is only in behalf of poor Klepper, my palfrey, the only living thing that may miss me. – A due mile south, you will find him feeding by a deserted collier's hut; whistle to him thus," – (he whistled a peculiar note.) "and call him by his name, Klepper, he will come to you; here is his bridle under my gaberdine – it is lucky the hounds got it not, for he obeys no other. Take him, and make much of him – I do not say for his master's sake, – but because I have placed at your disposal the event of a mighty war. He will never fail you at need – night and day, rough and smooth, fair and foul, warm stables and the winter sky, are the same to Klepper; had I cleared the gates of Peronne, and got so far as where I left him, I had not been in this case. – Will you be kind to Klepper?"
"I swear to you that I will," answered Quentin, affected by what seemed a trait of tenderness in a character so hardened.
"Then fare thee well!" said the criminal – "Yet stay – stay – I would not willingly die in discourtesy, forgetting a lady's commission. – This billet is from the very gracious and extremely silly Lady of the Wild Boar of Ardennes, to her black-eyed niece – I see by your look I have chosen a willing messenger. – And one word more – I forgot to say, that in the stuffing of my saddle you will find a rich purse of gold pieces, for the sake of which I put my life on the venture which has cost me so dear. Take them, and replace a hundred-fold the gilders you have bestowed on these bloody slaves – I make you mine heir."
"I will bestow them in good works, and masses for the benefit of thy soul," said Quentin.
"Name not that word again," said Hayraddin, his countenance assuming a dreadful expression; "there is – there can be – there shall be – no such thing! – it is a dream of priestcraft!"
"Unhappy – most unhappy being! Think better! – let me speed for a priest – these men will delay yet a little longer – I will bribe them to it," said Quentin – "What canst thou expect, dying in such opinions, and impenitent?"
"To be resolved into the elements," said the hardened atheist, pressing his fettered arms against his bosom; "my hope, trust, and expectation is, that the mysterious frame of humanity shall melt into the general mass of nature, to be recompounded in the other forms with which she daily supplies those which daily disappear, and return under different forms, – the watery particles to streams and showers, the earthly parts to enrich their mother earth, the airy portions to wanton in the breeze, and those of fire to supply the blaze of Aldeboran and his brethren – In this faith have I lived, and I will die in it! – Hence! begone! – disturb me no farther! – I have spoken the last word that mortal ears shall listen to!"