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"I don't think I'm going to be able to rest until I figure out who attacked me and why."

"I hope you do find out, but the way things are going, that doesn't seem likely. I don't mean to be negative, but I watch those crime shows, and they say if they don't have a strong lead in the first forty-eight hours, they aren't likely to solve the case. And face it-robbery isn't a high priority, even in Foggy Point, and especially when nothing was really taken."

"Oh, God, you mean this will never really be over? I'll just go back to Aunt Beth's, triple-lock my doors and set my new alarm and jump out of my skin every time the tree branch scrapes the window?"

"I'm afraid that's more likely than not."

Harriet got out of the car and went into the house. “I need to drown my sorrows in a cup of Earl Grey,” she said, “Care to join me?"

Mavis nodded and walked over to the phone. The red message light was blinking, indicating there were three messages. The first was her middle son, asking if she could babysit the following morning. He said he'd just been asked to sing a solo at the eight o'clock church service. The next message was Harold saying he would come by at ten to help Harriet distribute the quilts. He said she should only call if that wasn't okay.

"That will be perfect,” she said. “You can go babysit and I'll be with Harold, so you won't have to worry."

"You mean except for the two-hour difference from when I leave until Harold arrives."

"I really don't think I'm in danger here. When I was attacked it was because I was in the way. Someone wanted to destroy Lauren's quilt. The first time, I was admittedly in the wrong part of town. Besides, I promise I will lock the door."

"There is some truth to what you say. There hasn't been any indication anyone has come looking for you here."

"No strangers, anyway,” Harriet said. She turned to the stove and put the kettle on the burner.

Mavis pushed the button to listen to the final message. Aiden was calling to ask if he could stop by. Michelle had left town, and he was feeling lonely. Mavis called him back and invited him to join them for tea.

Harriet poured their tea, and put their mugs and the sugar bowl on the table.

"I think I'll stay in my room and read when Aiden gets here,” she said and sat down. “It sounded like he really was looking for a maternal shoulder to cry on."

"I think he wants to see you and I'm a convenient excuse.” Mavis joined her at the table.

"Yesterday you said Aiden wasn't interested in me and I was the one imagining things."

"You misunderstand. I said he wasn't looking for a serious relationship right now. That doesn't mean he isn't interested."

"Well, I'm not interested in just being ‘friends with benefits.’ This town is too small."

"Is there no middle ground? Can't you try dating and see where it leads? And please, don't try to tell me Harold is a serious contender for your affection."

A knock on the door prevented Harriet from having to answer. Mavis got up and let Aiden in. His eyes were back to their icy blue-white color. They were also swollen and rimmed in red, as if he'd been crying. Mavis poured hot water over a peppermint teabag in a mug and handed it to him. He pulled out the chair next to Harriet's and sat down.

"My sister and I had it out today,” he said and looked down at his tea. “She'd been hiding at Uncle Bertie's, but she came back. I found her rifling through Mom's jewelry box."

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry,” Mavis said and put her hand over his.

"It got worse.” His eyes filled with tears, and he blinked rapidly and took a deep breath. “She says if I don't pay her debts off, and help Uncle Bertie, she'll cut me off. She'll never speak to me and she won't let me see my nieces. And she says Uncle Bertie feels the same way."

"She's just upset,” Mavis protested. “She can't mean it."

"Oh, I think she means every word of it. You didn't see her."

"I'm sure she'll think differently when she gets past her grief about your mother."

Harriet was with Aiden. She hadn't known Michelle as long as Mavis had, but what little contact she'd had made her believe Michelle was a self-centered, spoiled brat. She hadn't once seen the woman express any emotion about Avanell. It was all about the money.

"Maybe I should give her the money,” Aiden said. “I don't need it. I could sell the house. That should pay off her bills."

"Would that really solve anything?” Harriet asked. “I mean, it's none of my business, but it seems like your mom went to pretty great lengths to not rescue your sister."

"That was my other thought. Mom did make pretty elaborate arrangements to have an allowance established for Michelle. Who am I to second-guess her?” He covered his face with his hands. “It's all such a mess. I had a lot of time in Africa to think about my family. I had such big plans for my return. I thought I had everything all worked out. None of this is how I planned it."

Mavis reached over and rubbed his back. “You don't have to decide this tonight, honey. Why don't you give it some time? When Michelle knows she isn't going to get any money from you, she'll have to do something else. Once she's figured her life out, then you can try again. She'll see things differently then."

"I'm not sure she'll ever figure things out,” he said. “She's a lawyer, for God's sake. She and her husband both make good salaries, but somehow it's not enough. Nothing is ever enough for Michelle."

"I've got an idea,” Mavis said. She pulled a worn metal box from a kitchen drawer and set it on the table. “Maybe you…” She looked at Aiden. “…can forget about Michelle, and you…” She looked at Harriet. “You can forget about whoever it is who trashed your studio and drugged you."

"I don't know,” Aiden said. “That's a tall order.” He started to smile. He clearly recognized the metal box.

Mavis opened the lid of the box, revealing a very old-looking set of dominos. “Nothing relaxes the mind like a rousing game of dominos."

Harriet looked skeptical, but two hours later, she had to admit she hadn't thought about her problems since the game began. Mavis was both skilled and cutthroat. It took every bit of her concentration to avoid being totally skunked. She looked over at Aiden. He seemed to have been distracted, too.

Mavis stood up. “I don't know about you kids, but I need my beauty rest.” She arranged the dominos in the tin box and put the lid back on. “I trust you won't stay up too late,” she said and looked over her reading glasses at Aiden.

He stood up. “Yeah, I need to be going, too.” He picked up their mugs and carried them to the sink, and generally loitered in the kitchen until Mavis was in her room with the door shut.

Harriet followed him to the door. “Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked her.

"I have to return the quilts from the show tomorrow morning. Harold is going to drive me."

Before Aiden had come over, she had decided she wasn't going to see either him or Harold after tomorrow morning until she was moved back home and her life had returned to some semblance of normalcy. Now, in response to her news, Aiden looked like he'd lost his last friend-which in a way he had, at least, as far as his family was concerned.

"Why don't you come over in the afternoon?” she relented. “Call first to make sure I'm back."

He put his hands on either side of her face. “Thank you,” he said, and brushed his lips over hers. She felt a tingle all the way to her toes. He turned and went out the door.

Chapter Thirty-five

Mavis was up early the next morning.

"You stay inside until Harold comes to the door. And you look through the peephole before you open the door,” she instructed. “I mean it. I don't want any repeat performances."

"Yes, ma'am,” Harriet said. She wished Mavis would leave. She loved the older woman, but she was so looking forward to having two whole hours alone, with no one but Fred for company.