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After dancing and chattering, a sofa became available in the bar and I slopped on it, like a smooth whale. When she skimmed close to me (I think purposely), I touched my fingertips to her thighs. She jolted. I thought she’d go forth to leave, but instead she scooped away and made a pivot to face me.

“So tell me about what it was like in jail,” she said, shocking me, of course, because that night in jail was the farthest parts from my mind.

“Oh, let’s not be concerned with that,” I said, aspiring that Anika would pick on the fact I hoped to go nowhere nearest the topic.

“What was it similar to?” she said, her voice masquerading a sweetness that I must say I strangled to believe in.

Paddying the area on the sofa right by my side, I beaconed her close to me.

Staring, she just kept staring, until with much slowness, she scooped next to me. I didn’t know what to commence—with her so close and her eyes so severe. I just simply leaned over to her and placed my lips atop of hers. I permitted them to sleep there for a moment, like when you place your lips against a cool peach. I luxuriated on them. When she persisted in not fleeting the situation, I kissed her. I experienced my one hundred percent then. I was one hundred percent! Finality. Her lips were so silkness.

After a volume of kissing, her neck craned upward for mere seconds and she asked again, “Please, just tell me some tidbits of jail. I always heard, but I never really knew what it was similar to.”

Heaving sigh atop sigh, I nodded and launched into my in-depth story. I even told her regarding Eszter, which I shouldn’t have even ventured toward. She asked questions all along, even when I butted up against the Eszter story. Her head jolted a little when I discussed the rapes that I beared witness to.

Then the most betwixting thing occurred. She produced a demand on me. She pondered whether we could maybe do a favor for Eszter such as bringing forth her some food from the outside or something nice. She almost resembled a baby asking me that. It produced a love for her even more than I had before.

Actually, I thought it was a luxurious idea, all accreditations to Anika’s sweet, sweet being. We concurred upon just some petite pogácsa for me to bestow upon Eszter. Upon confirmation of our plan, Anika’s whole being just reclined into me. With no words, she bestowed upon me her lips again. I must be in possession of strong feelings toward her, because it produces shyness in me to indulge you with all the details of Anika’s miraculous kissing.

After, I read that Eszter is my key to escape and upon my agreement with Anika, I decided to approach my work shift at the ministry with one hundred percent vigor. With me were stored a total of five pogácsa reserved for Eszter specifically. When I told Andras, he reacted in abysmal ways, his eyes frowning to complete close, his head knocking back and forth.

“I will not venture with you. I am a coward,” he proclamated.

“I would not want you to venture with me either. It does not mean that you are a coward. It means you possess a sense of wits. I am going still,” I said.

Andras observed as I crawled back into our beloved vent. He promised he would stay in the office until I surfaced again. If danger lurked near me, he would yank the rope and I would return back upward.

When I faced Eszter through the vent, I noticed she resembled an old, wrinkle-filled potato on the floor. When Eszter’s eyes absorbed me one hundred percent crouching at the vent, she stretched through her stiffness, and I thought she might just decide to pass over me on her way back to sleep. She maintained her open eyes though, and I persisted to wait for minutes and minutes.

“What time is it?” she finally asked.

“It’s two hours past midnight,” I informed her.

She indicated her finger in the direction of the guard post and then placed it on her lips to tell me to quiet severely. Shuffling her body over to the vent, she peered into it. I squeezed a total of two pogácsa through the vents toward Eszter, who plucked them from me at instant.

As she devoured the pastries with such quickliness, she asked me, “Why did you bring those to me?”

Squishing my voice betwixt the vent holes, I explained to her that a nice woman named Anika asked me to bring them to her. Without helping myself, I launched into an aggressive description of Anika. As I departed Anika’s wonder upon Eszter, she cried softly. Juggling her head backward and forward, she spoke in between her gusts of sobs.

“She,” Eszter said, “She is a nice woman. She sounds so nice. So nice. Deliver her a thank you from me.”

Waiting persistently for Eszter to move on from her tearhood, I slumped my head against my arms. Awareness donned on me that Eszter would need to speak firstly. She was so far removed from experiencing interactions that too much discussion would send her back into herself—a realm that scared me beyond fear.

Finally…, “What are you doing here?” she asked, a smile on her face as if she already knew I was guaranteed to utter back.

“Munich,” I said. “I need to know how to get there. I desire your help.”

“Do you know what this entails?” she asked, her head bobbing as she grasped the vent. (I was still there in the squatting position.) I believe she stood on her tipstoes just to see me.

I nodded vigorously, even though I was fearful Eszter would take me for a fabricator. There would be no excuse for me if I failed. I would not be able to utter something to Adrienne that would even describe my failure.

“I’m not so sure,” Eszter said, her fingers now poking through the vent. “It means I must accompany you. I must adorn your side with my knowledge so that you can know how to accomplish this fruitfully.”

“You want to come with me?” I said, because I did not envision this, Uncle Lanci. Did you? I wish you warned me of this so I could have pondered how to act.

“Yes, I do not want to live out here.” Eszter’s subdued, gray-filled eyes tried to make a unification with mine.

“If I leave without you, it’s a minor step to deviance, that could be overlooked,” I began to explain. “If I help you escape, I may never be able to return to this country.”

Uncle Lanci, why is it that you refuse to write to me the plan? You have given me a choice out of zero choices. I am reaching anger now just reminiscing on my conversation with Eszter. You have suggested I ask an empty canon to fire. It’s impossible. I want to give up, and at the same time, it’s endlessly reckless what I am proposed to do.

She said nothing and nothing and nothing. Minutes surpassed us, and the fear that I would not get out became as real as her gray eyes. Adrienne came into my head. I pondered my sweet, petite sister whose main goal is to procure a mom who will wrap her bulky arms around her and just simply utter tender remarks. When I witness Adrienne crying about it, my insides drop away. All my pursuits are so unnecessary in my life when Adrienne sinks.

“Okay, I will take you,” I gasped. (Uncle Lanci, now I’m really going to need your help.)

“Then first, you will mandate to listen to Uncle Lanci. He has awareness on where the envoys pick up and leave. He can inform you over the radio. He does this for people who are important.”

“I have already made communications with Uncle Lanci,” I said.

When I uttered this, it was as if an electric shock scuffled across Eszter’s spine, up its nodules, and then into her eyes… her one hundred percent terrifying eyes. Retracing from the vent, she glared up with me, making a crossbow with her arms. “How could you have spoken with him?”

“He transcribed me a letter.”

“And what does Uncle Lanci impart on you?”

“He said that you will help me with a code, but I am not entirely positive how it is that will happen.”