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Vaz — > Braun, Mitsuri: <sm>Good point, Günberk.</sm>

Mitsuri — > Braun, Vaz: <sm>Okay. Cut Rabbit loose, but gently. I suggest you blame this move on your obnoxious remote colleagues <grin/>.</sm>

Alfred gave Rabbit a smile. "You are right, Mr. Rabbit. Some of us are sadly inflexible."

"Hey, no problem." Rabbit waved magnanimously.

"In fact, you have made things so safe for us down here, my bosses want you to concentrate on topside operations."

"What are you doing — Hey!"

Vaz reached down and undipped the fiber-optic line from its scamful bridge.

For a moment the image of the Rabbit was frozen, like some dumb graphic that had lost its remote source. Of course, Rabbit still had its Internet link to here; this pause was a moment of simple astonishment. When it passed, the creature hopped to its feet. "Why did you do that?" Its voice and facial expression were almost without affect. Apparently, Rabbit had never conceived the possibility of having to confront real surprise and embarrassment.

The fiber-optic plug dangled loose in Alfred's hand. It took an effort of will not to flash a gloating smile at the creature. He slipped the line into a transceiver on his belt. What went in and out the fiber would now go through his private milnet.

Braun — > Mitsuri, Vaz: <sm>Bravo, Alfred!</sm>

Mitsuri –> Braun, Vaz: <sm>Be nice! We still need him for the riot.</sm>

Rabbit paced along the edge of the hole, its paws waving in a blur that might have been fists. "You are breaking our agreement." The voice was still flat.

Alfred put on his kindliest expression and spoke without a hint of triumph. "Please, Mr. Rabbit, look at our agreement. We both need the other to profit — and we are each best in our own domain. The equipment is now inserted in the labs. If you will maintain the riot environment for a few more minutes, you will have everything we promised you."

The Rabbit stared expressionlessly. "You need me down in the labs. Surely…"

He isn't all-knowing ! "Conceivably. I'll keep you apprised of our situation. What do you say?"

There was a sudden cascade of expression across Rabbit's face: anger, then a knowing smile quickly covered up as though the operator had not wanted it seen, then an elaborate, overly patient sigh. Yes, the long-suffering Rabbit. "Ah, paranoia triumphant. Very well, I will bow to your wishes — " which it did elaborately, dancing on the edge of the pit " — and retreat to keeping you safe from surface threats." A flash of unherbivorous teeth: "But I do expect all the agreed payoffs. You know my capabilities."

"I do. And I realize there may still be complications," and attempts by you to create complications . "One of our people will run liaison with you and your surface ops."

Vaz — > Braun, Mitsuri: <sm>Keiko?</sm>

Mitsuri — > Braun, Vaz: <sm>I'm on it.</sm>

Rabbit gave a last flippant wave, and suddenly the little room with the plastic walls and the concrete floor was free of all taint of Rabbit. Alfred shut down the remaining Internet links. Now there was just the pile of old clothes, the handcart, the hole in the middle of the floor… and their one human casualty.

The comforting sounds of mayhem continued to waft down the hill from the library.

Vaz — > Braun: <sm>How does the lab data look?</sm> The inspection equipment had been transmitting for some minutes now. Were the lies being believed? Could Günberk give up his precious theories?

Braun — > Vaz: <sm>They're seventy percent complete. We have a lot of post-analysis to do, but at first glance these labs look innocent.</sm>


Greater Scooch-a-mout — > Lesser Scooch-a-mout: <sm>Forward, now, my man! The Hacek bastards are giving way!</sm>

And Hacekeans were falling back, at least in the area ahead of Timothy Huynh. He walked his forklift into the gap, crushing what spider bots got in the way. The arc of contention had shifted round till he was almost due south of the library's main entrance. Here the enemy was in retreat. The Scoochis had more real people on the ground and that meant more backup for the visual effects. But the Hacekeans had perhaps two hundred thousand folk from afar compared with half that many virtual Scoochis. On the far side of the library, on the hill by the loading dock, there was no room for a real human mob. Over there, Hacek — the worldwide belief — was in ascendance. Dangerous Knowledge hung out there, more spectacular than ever, orchestrating a sky show that boomed over the north-side valley. His reinforcements swarmed downward on lances of light.

Tim did his best to follow the big picture, though just now he was very busy stomping on every spider bot that he could lay a foot-platter on. He had seen marvels on both sides tonight, things that their belief circles could feast on for at least the next year. And yet there was still room for a clear win. Tonight Scooch-a-mout could transcend what had been a fringe market and reach the same worldwide big time as the Hacek and the Pratchett and the Bollywood empires. They needed something awesome, something that would put clear sky between them and the Hacekeans. He marched his Mind Sum, his being of mist and steel, back and forth across the front, crushing all that remained of the spider bots. He could think of nothing more spectacular to do. Damn .

But there was a world of Scoochis out there, and cleverness to match.

Greater Scooch-a-mout — > Lesser Scooch-a-mout: <sm>Release the overrides on my forklift.</sm>

Huynh did so.

The figure of the Greater Scooch-a-mout was motionless for a moment, but in his technician's view, Huynh could see its power cells charging capacitors well into the burnout range.

And then the Greater Scooch-a-mout sprinted forward like a human athlete and… by God broad-jumped thirty feet, to the lawn by the Snake Path. It looked over the north-side valley and shouted down at Dangerous Knowledge in a voice that was both virtual and real. And the real was noise unto pain.

"Hey there! Little Bitty Knowledge! We're equally matched, don't you think?"

From the valley by the loading dock, Dangerous Knowledge shook his fist at the teetering forklift. "Too equally matched!"

"But one of us should clearly win, don't you think?"

"Of course! And that would be meself, as all the world knows." Dangerous Knowledge waved at its virtual — millions! (But a big part of that count was faked images, Tim could tell.)

"Maybe." The Greater Scooch-a-mout jumped again, this time to the edge of the drop-off over the loading dock. There was something awesome in the maneuver, knowing the tons of real machine behind it. "But what is this whole conflict about?" It waved its arms, a cheerleader god, and Scoochis screamed with all the amplification they could muster:

"We want our floor space!"

"We want our library!"

"And most of all, we want our REAL books!"

"YES!" said the Scooch-a-mout. "It's the Library we're all fighting about. It's the Library that should decide!"

And with that all the Scoochi sound effects chopped to nothing. An uncertain silence spread across the Scoochis. Sometimes the belief thing got caught in its own metaphors and wound up spouting nonsense. Huynh looked back and forth, gauging the reaction the Greater Scooch had provoked. It sounded good to enlist the library itself, but what did that mean ?

Down in the north-side valley, there was a flare of laughter. The enemy had come to the same conclusion. We are screwed , thought Huynh. But then he noticed that Dangerous Knowledge was not laughing. The creature came partway up the hill, confronted the Greater Scooch-a-mout eye-to-eye. And now there was eerie silence on all sides.