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And now, not so little. She fretted about his lack of commitment. He flitted from woman to man, not settling on anyone, always seeming a breath away from happiness.

“He’s not a kid, Barb. Dylan’s thirty-seven now. He should be able to handle his mother dating.” James kissed her cheek. “God knows it’s taken me a lifetime to work up the courage to ask you out.”

She smiled at him. “I’m glad you did.” Their relationship was still so new, a rare affection blossoming into the love she’d unknowingly nurtured for James through the years. After experiencing such a pure and lasting relationship with Andrew, she’d never thought to find love again, content to take care of her sons, to occasionally date and to work at her practice until she had grandchildren to play with.

And then James, the man she’d worked side by side with for years, had forced her to look at him in a new light. As a man, not just a friend. A special person to spend evenings with. To kiss. To make love with.

She sighed and gripped his hand tighter. “I don’t want this to end.”

“It won’t.” He sounded so confident. “I’ve loved you for far too long to let your little boy get in our way.”

She snorted with laughter. “My little boy looked like he wanted to knock you on your ass, James Kincaid.”

“And don’t I know it.” James grimaced. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk to him later. Man to man. He loves you and wants you happy, Barb.”

“You make me happy.” She sighed. “I just wish all my sons could feel this. Gage has Hailey. Derrick has Sydney. But I worry about Dylan. He’s too much like me. It’s hard for us stubborn Warrens to open ourselves to love, sometimes. The risk of getting hurt can be overwhelming.”

“Don’t I know it.” James refused to let go of her hand. “You have no idea how hard it’s been to stop comparing myself to Andrew. Hell, even I loved the guy. He was larger than life and had such a big heart.”

“And he’d love the fact that you and I are together.” Barbara smiled through tears. “I do love you, James.”

“Oh, honey. I love you too.” He kissed her, and she was so full of affection she didn’t know what to do with it. “Don’t worry about Dylan. I’m sure once he’s had time to adjust to us, as well as coming to the practice, he’ll love the idea as much as we do. Besides, he is your son. Giving him the majority of the business should appeal to his need to control.”

She laughed. “Are you saying I’m bossy?”

“Hell yeah.” He smiled, satisfaction clear in his sky-blue eyes. “But I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

Chapter Two

Harper sat in his truck, wondering if the sexy doctor would stand him up. He didn’t think he’d ever forget that look Dylan had first shot him. That same speculative glance Harper had once wasted on Derrick, before he’d understood the man to be unavailable. Unfortunate, because everything about Derrick appealed to Harper.

The guy liked sports, had a great sense of humor and the greenest eyes that Harper had ever seen. Harper didn’t go for muscle-bound jocks, though he liked manly men. Derrick had looks, personality and a good head on his shoulders. The guy was a gifted architect.

And he liked women.

Harper did too, on occasion. But he had a feeling Derrick would never swing his way. Dylan, on the other hand… He’d known Derrick had two brothers. Harper had met Gage a while ago. Gage and Derrick owned WCC—Warren Construction Company. They’d all worked on a few of the same projects before coming together to design the new city buildings under Natalie’s supervision. But Dylan had remained a stranger, a name on paper. The other brother who wore Derrick’s face. Who would have guessed the Warren twins could look so alike but be so different?

Dylan had a calm confidence about him that attracted attention. Handsome and refined, he made Harper want to tie him up, to plumb his depths and see what really made a man that fine tick.

To see Dylan regarding him with mutual attraction had floored him. So hell yeah he’d blackmailed the guy into dinner.

A glance at the large plantation house on the outskirts of town made him smile. Harper couldn’t wait to introduce Dylan to the club, a fine dining experience that promised so much more than good food and drink.

A familiar green SUV pulled up alongside him, and then the real Dylan Warren exited the truck and shut the door. Dylan wore tan pants, a white button-down shirt and a navy blue sports coat. For this Dr. Warren, Harper would gladly lie down on a couch and confess his deepest secrets. Truth be told, he didn’t have a lot of drama. No skeletons, and he’d happily come out of the closet years ago to supportive parents.

He wondered if Dylan could say the same.

Leaving the truck, Harper approached Dylan and held out his hand. “Harper Reynolds.”

“Dylan Warren.”

They shook, and that spark of attraction grew into a blaze of need. One, Harper was happy to say, that seemed to affect the doc as well. Nodding to the back double doors of the covered porch, Harper silently led Dylan up the stairs and through them. They stopped at a small podium, where a tall, handsome man attired much like Dylan waited.

Dylan seemed absorbed by the regal furnishings all around them. Antique ceiling tiles, original wainscoting and hardwood floors polished to a fine sheen lent the place an air of nobility. The perfect setting for the doc, apparently, who seemed to let go of the starch holding his shoulders so stiff.

“Hey, Tony. I have a guest tonight.” Harper stepped closer to Dylan and put a hand on his shoulder, and Dylan tensed again. Harper deliberately leaned in and let his breath brush Dylan’s ear. “We’ll start at the bar, I think.”

Tony smiled. “Good choice. Freddy’s on tonight. You know she makes a mean mojito.”

Freddy Thompson—a hot little blond bartender with big blue eyes who worked most nights. He’d been dying to get his hands on her for months, pretty much like everyone else in the place. He’d had a thing for her since he’d become a club member, but he’d been so busy with work that he hadn’t had the time to make a play for anyone. The opportunity to see Dylan again had been too great to ignore. But to see Freddy working on the exact night he’d come in? Maybe Fate had smiled on him twice in one day.

Harper grinned. “Sign the form and follow me, Doc.”


Tony handed Dylan a clipboard and pen, and explained about the nondisclosure agreement. Part of what had drawn Harper to the place was that what happened at the club, stayed at the club.

Dylan frowned at him, then read the form and signed it. After handing it back to Tony, he followed Harper into a dimly lit room crowded with diners. Tables littered the floor, while a long bar took up the far wall. Patrons Harper recognized, and a few he didn’t, gave them a second look. Used to it, and not sure why people found his rough looks attractive, he ignored it.

He had an urge to put his hand on Dylan though, signifying to one and all that the hot doc belonged with him. But he didn’t want to press his luck. Not yet.

“I didn’t know this place existed. That paperwork was weird, but this is nice. I like it.” Dylan paused. “I take it you come here a lot.” He sat with Harper at one end of the long, polished bar.

“Yep.” Harper watched the play of shadows over Dylan’s face, the way the candlelight flickered and caressed his features. Dylan had incredible appeal, and he had to know it. Yet he didn’t seem arrogant or conceited, just sure of himself.


“Just trying to figure out what makes you tick. I figure you have a leg up on me. You’re the shrink, right?”

Dylan frowned. “I’m not all that fond of shrink. You sound like my brothers.”