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On the second day following that fateful morning and afternoon, shortly past six in the evening, Neal Court and his boss, Rodney Alvaro arrived at Marlowe Manor.

Sharon and Lena were in the library when they were ushered in by Wafto, drinking brandy and relaxing before the ever-present fire in the Inglenook. The young blonde wife, wearing a powder-blue pants outfit Neal had given her the previous Christmas, her long blonde tresses piled high on her lovely head, stood with hammering heart by the leather couch as the man she loved appeared in the library doorway. She stared across at him, at his tall smiling handsomeness — and she felt nothing.

Oh, she was happy to see him, of course. He was her husband, he was Neal, and there was a warmth in her stomach at the sight of him that put a smile on her soft red lips and sent her running across the room and into his arms. But the all-consuming ardor was gone, and in its place there was an emptiness, a void; the total commitment to him and to the life she had known prior to coming to Marlowe Manor no longer existed inside her warm young body. She had changed she was a different woman entirely.

It was really amazing, she thought with a kind of detached wonder as she hugged and kissed this man who only a few days before had embodied every bit of meaning in her life. She felt absolutely no guilt, no remorse, no shame. It had all been purged out of her, along with her moralistic viewpoints and attitudes, by the thundering rampaging cocks of Mark Marlowe and Wafto, the stunted little dwarf, the loss of virginity of her mouth and her anus, the introduction to pleasures of the carnal flesh that she had never dreamed existed.

These past two days had been a kaleidoscope of sexual frenzy and fulfillment, a seemingly unending carousel ride of throbbing, ejaculating penii thrust into her pussy and her throat and her rectum, filling her to overflowing with delicious white-hot male seed, sending her spinning to countless orgasms. The hatred and fear she had felt for Lena and Mark and Wafto in the beginning had soon become something else, something akin to worship as they introduced her to newer and stranger eroticisms and delights that put her on a never-ending rocketship ride to the far corners of the universe.

She had, in these past few days, become totally emancipated and she knew that and accepted it as an irrefutable fact. She was a new woman, and she was completely at ease in the makeup of that new woman; she had become a hedonist, a lover of pleasure, of the hardened male member, of sex in any form. She had come to firmly believe that there was nothing wrong in the seeking of satisfaction, of physical gratification, merely because it was frowned upon by most of society; most of society hadn't tried the wondrous deviations from the norm which she had engaged in, and found so enrapturing; they condemned blindly, foolishly, as she had once condemned. They did not know, had no idea — only she knew, she and her newfound friends and confidants here at Marlowe Manor…

Neal, she thought as she kissed him hard on the mouth, what would you think if you found out what had happened to me, how I've changed? Would you still love me? Would you understand? Would you join me in my new life? Oh I hope so, because I do love you, in spite of my emancipation, and because I want you with me always. I want you… but the only way I can have you is for you to adapt as I have adapted, because dear Neal, I can never go back to what I was before. Never. And you must find out, eventually… you must know the truth. I pray that you make the right decision, my darling… the decision that was made FOR me by Lena and Mark and Wafto and — yes, and your boss Rodney Alvaro, for Lena told me all about his part in their plans…

But Sharon did not allow her thoughts to show on her face as she stepped back, beaming radiantly up at her husband, and said, "Oh I'm so glad you're here, darling! How was your return flight?"

"Smooth as silk," he answered, one strong arm encircling her waist.

"And Athens?"

"A beautiful old city," answered Neal. "I enjoyed our stay there. But I'm afraid business meetings kept us from doing much sight-seeing," he grinned fondly at her. "Well, I must say you're looking very refreshed and happy. Marlowe Manor seems to have agreed with you immensely. Are you enjoying yourself, honey?"

"Oh very much," she replied demurely.

"Didn't I tell you you would? What have you been doing with yourself these past three days, anyway?"

"Just relaxing, mostly."

"Been exploring the moors?"

"No, I wanted to wait until you came darling."

He laughed softly. "We'll go out first thing in the morning. I'm fascinated by the bleakness of them."

Just then, Mark Marlowe entered the library, dressed in one of his many velvet lounging jackets. He clapped Rodney Alvaro, who was embracing Lena, soundly on the back, greeted him, then walked over to where Neal and Sharon stood. He extended his hand.

"Neal," he said, "so good of you to come."

"Hello, Mark. Nice to see you again."

"I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your wife these past few days," said the Lord of Marlowe Manor, with no hint of guile. Even so, Sharon felt a faint tinge of red creep into her cheeks, and she looked away quickly. "I'm very glad you both accepted my invitation."

"It was good of you to offer," Neal said.

Rodney Alvaro, his arm encircling the shoulders of his smiling, dark-haired wife, joined them. "How about a drink, Mark? I'm bloody bushed, driving all that way from London. Hired car was acting up, too. We should have taken yours, Neal, as you suggested."

Marlowe said, "Come along to the bar. I'll do the honors, tonight. Wafto's preparing dinner, and I dasn't disturb him while he's creating one of his special feasts."

As they all walked to the bar, Neal whispered to Sharon, "Is Wafto that poor little dwarf who let us in?"


"He gives me a creepy feeling. Those beady eyes of his…"

"Oh honey, he's very nice," whispered the young blonde wife. "He really is. One of the nicest people I've ever met. He's… done a lot for me since I've been here."

"In that case, I'll treat him with extra-special respect," grinned the doting husband.

Drawing Lena off to one side as the Courts stepped up to the bar to watch Mark Marlowe mix drinks, Rodney Alvaro asked in an undertone, "Well, my pet? How did things progress with the lovely Mrs. Court?"

"You mean you couldn't tell by her expression and her actions just now?" smiled the dark-haired woman wickedly.

"I thought so," Alvaro smiled back. "But I just wanted to make sure before I make my approach. How is she taking things?"

"Beautifully, of course," Lena told him. "She's totally subjugated, and wildly insatiable. Haven't you noticed how haggard Mark is looking? She reminds me of myself, when I was won over to the pleasures of the flesh so many years ago."

"You never cease to amaze me, my dear Lena."

"Remember, Rodney, save some of that fine cum of yours for your wife tonight. Don't spend it all on the sweet little bitch, Sharon."

"Have I ever denied you yet, my love?"

"No, you haven't," admitted Lena. Her smile grew calculating. "I believe I'll have some sport with young Neal tonight. Do you mind, Rodney?"

"Is it wise to expose him to the truth at this early date?"

"Why not? The sooner the better, I should think."

"Have you brought Rajah to young Sharon yet?"

"No, my pet, we were waiting for you to arrive. I know how much you enjoy Rajah's performances. We were planning things for tonight."

"Hmmm. Well, perhaps we should wait until Rajah and Sharon have become… acquainted before Neal is apprised."

"On the contrary," said Lena, "I think it would be the perfect psychological time if he were to witness his lovely young wife and Rajah together."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course! Mark will have his cameras set up in the master bedroom, and I shall bring Neal there when things are at their proper moment. We shan't have any trouble."