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She stood to one side of the entrance while Neal crowded in behind her, his hungry cock pressed hotly into the crevice of her buttocks. Neal looked over her shoulder, his loins throbbing like rampaging waves of a stormy surf as Lena rotated her buttocks and ground back against his penis. Unconsciously he reached around the squeezed one of her breasts, tweaking her nipple between forefinger and thumb until the woman winced in smiling pain.

He tried to peer into the dim room, lit as it was only by ruby lamps. Everything seemed to be a blur at first, and then he made out recognizable forms. There was Lord Marlowe, naked! And Wafto, with so huge a cock to the relative size of his slight body that it hung down almost below his knees in soft state — which it most certainly was not now! And, horrors! There was his boss, Neal saw. Lena's husband, Rodney. They were all standing around a satin-sheeted round bed of massive dimensions, urging on a small, muscular man wearing a fur coat. No… Neal squinted, his eyes accustoming themselves. No, it was an animal! A small ape! And the brute was on top of… was slobbering over… was making the motions of intercourse with…

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" Neal Court blurted unintelligibly. "It's Sharon! My wife's being fucked by an ape!"

"Rodney," Sharon Court whimpered, "please get hard again I'm going mad inside for you. Please get hard and fuck me again, please…"

Rodney Alvaro chuckled. He had filled this beauteous young wife's cunt to the brim with his thin quick spurts of cum, he had gleefully watched the blonde girl trying not to lose a drop of the hot, lust-inciting fluid as her vaginal lips clenched his cock in a desperate effort to keep up with his ejaculating penis. And, after his prick had throbbed out the last remaining streams of warm sticky sperm, Sharon had desperately moved all the way around and took his deflating shaft in her mouth.

And now she was begging for more. He heard the call by Lord Marlowe for Wafto and Rajah, and knowing what was in store for the once innocent, now gluttonous woman on the bed, he rolled from her and stood up. "In due time you will be fucked, Mrs. Court." He laughed harshly. "Mrs. Court!" he repeated contemptuously. "Mrs. Court, my beauteous American bitch."

"Dear God, haven't I done everything you wanted? Why do you torture me so?"

"Be patient, Sharon," her husband's boss replied, grinning sardonically and once more falling into using her familiar name. "We have something extra special for you. A treat, because you have been so good. Isn't that right, Mark?"

"An understatement, my good man," was the smiling reply.

God! What now? What more could be done to me? I don't care what they do to me… my cunt is on fire! I'm going out of my mind! The lovely, drugged wife reached down between her legs and massaged her own ravaged clitoris in an effort to relieve the screaming agony swirling around deep down in her belly. I've got to be fucked! My God, why do they hold off? Please… please…!

She only dimly heard the command to Wafto, and what penetrated her ears never reached the conscious part of her mind. Instead she gazed smokily upwards at the mirrors over the bed, seeing the sheer, wanton desire reflected in her eyes from the glass, and she writhed more lasciviously, uncontrollably. She saw herself stroking her own cunt-flesh, manipulating the tiny pink erection of her clitoris. Eventually she let all of her fingers play there in the opening within the flushed lips of her contracting pussy, slowly widening the edges, and she slipped both index and middle finger in and out smoothly between the lubricated folds. Her facial muscles tightened and she entertained two more fingers and heard and saw them disappear with soft, wet, sucking sounds. I don't care! I really don't care now!

She became possessed with her own body. It was beautiful and she knew that she was flushed and straining for a climax. She groaned in frustration as her fingers thrust deeper and harder, but they were not enough. Desperately, she realized that they wouldn't bring her to orgasm this time, that more was needed, yet her hand beat on with insane staccato against the sheets.

And then suddenly the slight gray head of Lord Marlowe bent over her, blotting out her own image in the mirror above.

"Are you ready, my love?" he grinned satanically at her.

"Oh, yes… yes," Sharon moaned. "You're going to fuck me. Good…"

"No, not I," Marlowe said gleefully. "Rajah!"

Sharon suddenly came back to reality as she heard the name. She looked at the foot of the bed then, to where the naked dwarf stood snickering, holding the end of a golden chain. And at the other end, fastened by a throat band, was the excited, but grotesque form of the ape she had seen before! Sharon felt her stomach completely turn over and a deep, piercing wail escaped from her throat. The grinning monster was the most horrifying sight she had ever witnessed, its evil black eyes darting at her as though searching for something to fasten its great, leathery paws on and shred. She jerked the back of her masturbating hand to her mouth.

The massive beast growled, annoyed by her sudden action and shrill scream, and she instinctively stifled another cry for fear of taunting him further. She froze… her thigh still spread not daring to move lest it attack her. The monster beast growled menacingly at her again, his great, simian head just above her defenseless loins.

Sharon tried to slowly wriggle away then, the beady, lustful gaze of the brute frightening her. "Don't let it touch me! Don't let that animal touch me!" she whimpered.

"It's too late," Lord Marlowe said contemptuously, and grasped her shoulders as he had when Wafto had sodomized her, the strong, sinewy fingers digging harshly into her skin. He loomed above her, his eyes void of pity. "Rajah likes you, my dear."

As if in some sympathetic response, the gargantuan ape shifted slightly on his large, padded feet, and Sharon saw that his animal cock was in full erection again, just as he had when he had sighted her for the first time in the stone hut. Sharon drew her thighs together in anguished fear, her mouth dropping loosely open as she stared at the gigantic lust-hard penis in astonished disbelief. It was scarlet, and inflamed looking as it protruded from its furry covering, a long and rigid shaft with a tapered head and secreted seminal fluid expectantly, and a bulbous base that was double the already incredible girth of the penis. And distended below, pulsing with heat, were the simian testicles, churning with alien sperm-seed meant to be pumped deep into her cringing vagina.

"Please… please don't," she pleaded, but her whimpers fell on deaf ears. She looked up, first at the beast, and then cast pleading glances at Marlowe, Rodney Alvaro on her other side, and then at the hunch-backed servant. But all shone features of cold excited lust, cruel and unyielding, boring into the very depths of her soul.

"Oh God, no, I mean it," the helpless young woman moaned. "I can't do it. I just can't!"

"Relax, and you may find you enjoy it," Alvaro crooned into her ear. "My lovely wife, Lena adores the taste of it inside her."

"Up Rajah!" commanded Marlowe, and Wafto flicked the chain. The animal flexed its hairy shoulders and beat its chest once, and then advanced on the prostrate girl who was frozen to the bed, immobile by the terror of the sight and of what was to come. Sharon tried to move away, but couldn't, even when she felt the brute's hands creep across the flesh of her thighs and stomach. Rajah grunted excitedly, and she could see his lusting animal eyes between the valley of her breasts and see his wide, flaring nostrils flex with the scent of her female cunt, and his rubbery lips pull back and bare his teeth like a giant snarling mastiff.