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'This you or Brooky?'

'Me—Brooky's just 'ere. 'E's bleeding from the shoulder. Hold 'ard a minute, I've found the wound... No, it's nothing. Just a shallow dig. 'Ere, Brooky...'

He shook the man who, having regained his breath, was sobbing again. 'Brooky, pull yourself together. What 'appened?'

'They grabbed me. Stabbed me. Gawd, ten or twenty times from the feel of it. I'm bleeding ter death.'

Two pair of hands felt all over his body.

'No you're not,' Harris said crisply, 'just a cut in the shoulder. Who did it?'

'That dago and the nigger. You?'

'Same. What about you, Slushy?'

'They caught me, too.'

'Where the hell did you get to?' Harris demanded. 'You just left the mess and went forward. We searched everywhere; then the watch changed and we had to get to our stations.'

'I just went up on deck to get a bit o' dean air,' Dyson said sourly. 'You lot were making me sick.'

'Well, what happened?'

'Those two jumped on me as soon as I got on deck.'

'Did you see Mr Ramage or Mr Southwick? They part of it?'

'Not so far as I know,' Dyson said.

'I Didn't see them either: just the dago and me West Indian,' Brookland added.

Harris was silent a few moments, then said: 'What the hell can they be up to? Good gawd—you don't reckon the Livelies are mutinying, do you? Why, those sons of bitches might be trying to carry the ship into a French port. Quick, we must warn the captain!'

'Warn him my bare backside,' Dyson said viciously. They can kill him for all I care. They've been braggin' about him long enough. I'm sick of the sound of his bleedin' name!'

'Use your brain, you fool,' Harris said urgently. 'If they carry this ship to a French port it'll mean we'll be prisoners. The Frogs won't encourage mutineers—the idea might spread! Want to rot in a French jail for the rest of your life?'

'Sink me!' Dyson exclaimed. 'Hadn't thought of------'

At that moment they heard the key turn, and as the door opened they saw Rossi holding a lantern and, framed in the doorway, outlined by the light, was Jackson, a belaying pin in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other.

Normally Jackson would never stand out in a crowd. His face was thin, but because Rossi was holding the lantern low the shadows from the jawbone and cheeks made it look cadaverous and menacing. And now, as he stood glaring down at the three men lying on the bags of bread, he seemed to them to be emitting a cold anger, like a full moon glimpsed through lowering black storm clouds.

Harris glanced from the belaying pin to the rum bottle and back again, and Was frightened. Then both Dyson and Brookland began whimpering as they thought they'd guessed their fate: that Jackson was going to get drunk, and while he drank, he was going to amuse himself by beating them to death with the belaying pin for trying to spoil his plans.

Jackson, seeing three pairs of terrified eyes glancing from his left hand to his right, suddenly read their thoughts and almost laughed. Instead, to mask any twitch of a mouth hard put to restrain a grin, he motioned Rossi and Maxton into the breadroom and then looked out through the door.

'Staff—come on down and look at our three choirboys!'

A few moments later Stafford stepped into the room and shut the door.

'My, my! Wot 'ave you been doin', Brooky? You're all covered in Wood. Not yor blood, I 'ope? And bruvver 'Arris, the edjicated able seaman. Well, and Slushy Dyson! What you all doin' 'ere? Not robbin' the ship's company of their bread, I 'ope?'

He turned to Jackson and said archly: 'Jacko, you know what I suspect?'

The American shook his head 'I fink they was—oh, dear me, that the wicked word should ever 'ave to pass me lips ... But Jacko, the truth must be told: I fink they was gambling...' 'No!' exclaimed Jackson, falling in with Stafford's serious manner. 'Not that, surely?'

Rossi shook the lantern. 'Not the gambling? Accidente! Gambling in one of me King's ships! What would His Royal Majesty say to that!'

'Nah,' Stafford said with a sudden harshness that startled the three men on the bread bags. 'Nah, not gamblin' in one of the King's ships, Rossi; gamblin' wiv one of the King's ships.'

'That's true,' Jackson said. 'Hold the lantern up a bit, Rossi,' he added, as he was drawling his words. 'Bit more— that's it. Let's have a good last look at them.'

By now Maxton too had caught en to the by-play and was tossing his knife from one hand to the ether.

'"Dust to dust and Slushy to slush",' he intoned in his deep, rich voice.

Stafford held up his hands. 'Nah, nah, Maxie, don't be blasphemious, and anyway, Slushy's my bird.'

'Oh no he's not: I want him.'

'Well, yer can't 'ave 'im, so there. Maxie! Take yer pick from the uvvers. What's wrong with Brooky?'

'Somebody's already started on him: he's second-hand. I want a new one.'

''Arris, then. Won't 'e do?'

Stafford's voice was wheedling.

'Oh all right,' Maxton said ungraciously. 'You're picking on me just because I'm not a white gennelman: I'm just a coloured fellah so I have to make do with what's left.'

'Steady men,' Jackson interposed, knowing the three victims believed every word. 'There's plenty more of them; more than a couple of dozen left to share between us.'

Stafford, quick to spot Jackson had accidentally revealed their weakness, said, 'But that's only just one Triton for each ex-Kathleen, Jacko.'

'No,' Jackson said smoothly, 'but some of the lads will swap a Triton for a tot, I'm sure.'

Brookland yelped as Harris suddenly jumped up. He was hardly on his feet before Maxton's knife was an inch from his throat and he found himself looking into a grinning, shiny brown face, the eyes sparkling but bloodshot Harris looked desperately at the American.

'Jackson, for God's sake, you've got it all wrong! What you're doing is crazy!'

Jackson managed to hide his surprise. 'Crazy? Maybe it's' not in the Articles of War, but it's not crazy 1'

'But you'll never get away with mutiny 1'

'Sit down or Maxton'll slit your windpipe.'

It gave Jackson a moment to think, but nothing came.

Harris sat down, gabbling almost incoherently.

'So help me, Jackson, it's mutiny! Rising against the captain and taking the ship into a French port—what else do you call that? What d'you think the French'll do? They won't give you a big sack of golden lotas as a reward: they daren't—else every ship in the French Fleet would mutiny! Don't you see that, you crazy oaf?'

For a moment Jackson felt real fear: fear that he had made a complete mistake. Then he thought he began to understand Harris's words. He wasn't sure of the details, but Dyson's expression made him wonder; and Brookland's, too.

Both of them should have been nodding, even shouting, to back up what Harris just said—if they agreed with him and were against a mutiny. Instead, they were lying there sullen and silent. Either they disagreed or they didn't care. He decided to back his own guess.

'Maxie,' he said pointing at Harris, 'this man's guilty of disrespect. Just take him outside for a few minutes will you?'

As soon as me door shut behind them, Jackson suddenly stepped over and seized Dyson. Hauling him to his feet, he slapped him hard across the face, jabbing his knee into his groin before letting him collapse to the deck.

The attack was so sudden that Rossi, momentarily thinking Dyson had made the first move, crouched with his knife ready.

Dyson, lying curled up like a whipped dog cowering in a corner, stared up at Jackson.

'Get up!' me American snapped.

'Not bloody likely; I'm staying 'ere. You wouldn't hit a man when he's down.'