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'Oh yus, yus. And they had luwerly oranges, an' every now and again yer saw a real beauty. Woman, I mean.'

'You might have done,' Jackson growled, 'but I never did.'

'Yus, I prefer Italy. The Marcheezer,' Stafford reminded him.

'She don't count,' Jackson said firmly. There was only one of her in the whole of Italy.'

For the next fifteen minutes the two men reminisced about the rescue of the Marchesa from the Tuscan beaches and the subsequent voyage to Gibraltar, and then they were joined by Rossi who, finished with polishing brass, now had to help them with the buckets.

Rossi was, for once, not interested in discussing women, although it was a subject on which he claimed to be an expert. His verdict was always the same - that no women equalled those from Italy, and with it the implication that anyone who disagreed was probably a eunuch.

These privateers, Jacko: you think we find them in Curasao?'

'Preferably just outside,' Jackson said grimly. Then we can sink 'em or bum 'em while their friends watch from the shore.'

Rossi said with relish: 'Remember the Tranquil... let 'em burn.'

One of the bosun's mates, coming over to see how the work was progressing, looked up startled. 'What's burning?' The look in his eye showed that fire at sea was the fear of every seaman.

'Nothin's burning,' Stafford said soothingly. 'Not yet, anyway. We're just 'opin' to catch some privateers and make bonfires of 'em.'

'Use my flint and steel, then,' the bosun's mate said bitterly. 'You should "ave seen those people. You did, Jacko. Slashed to pieces, particularly the women. Whoever killed those five was like a butcher's apprentice.' He looked at Jackson, who was regarded by most of the ship's company, quite erroneously, as being in the captain's confidence. 'Are we reckoning on finding privateers in Curacao? Never heard tell of them using the place before. It's a Dutch island, ain't it?'

The American shrugged his shoulders and ran his hand through his thinning, sandy - coloured hair. 'Looks to me as though it's turned itself into a privateers' nest. I only know that's why we're going there, to look for 'em, though why they've all started using it as a base I don't know. Our frigates are probably making it too hot for them along the northern coasts, I suppose. Not many Spanish ships move around Cuba. Hispaniola's quiet, so's Puerto Rico.'

That don't leave many other places except the Main,' commented Stafford.

'You don't understand the first thing about privateering,' Rossi said with a surprising fluency. The privateer, he capture a ship and he capture a cargo, and sometimes he capture passengers. Three things. He is not interested in anything else.' With a wave of his hand he disposed of the victim's crew over the side in a boat.

"He make his profit from these three things. He sell the cargo - for that he need a port and a market, a place where merchants have money. Then he sell the ship. He need the same thing. Port, merchants, men with money. For the passengers - well, collecting the ransom is hard work, and if he think he get enough profit from the ship and cargo allora, he let the passengers go in the boat - or - ' he gestured to the northwards - 'he kill them.'

'You seem to know about privateering,' commented the bosun's mate.

'In Genova I did not train to be a prete,' Rossi said simply. 'I do not have the face for a priest. But privateering - ' he held his hands out, palms upwards - 'it is like fishing, only no nets to mend.'

'Why is privateering all right there and not here?' Jackson asked shrewdly.

'Privateering is all right anywhere' Rossi said emphatically, 'but in the Mediterranean only the Saraceni would kill passengers. Leave them only the boats, yes, but murder - no!'

Jackson could not remember having seen the Italian so coldly angry. In fact there was not a man on board the Calypso who had not been shocked by the death of those women, as though each could imagine a wife or mother or sister.

'Era barbarico!' Rossi declared, 'and if I find the man . . .' He made an unmistakable gesture showing how he would castrate them. That is to start with. And then - '

'Hold 'ard,' Stafford said, 'leave us to guess. My imagination's too strong and I can imagine it 'appening to me.'

The Spaniards,' Rossi growled, they march about Italy for too many years.'

"Ere, Jacko,' Stafford said reminiscently, 'you remember that fortress near where we rescued the Marcheezer? Where you an' Mr Ramage went and fetched the doctor?'

'Santo Stefano, that was the place. The fortress was named after some Spanish king. The one that sent off the Armada. Philip the Second.'

'La fortezza di Filipo Secundo,' Rossi said. 'I know it, built high over the port That Filipo - the worst of the Spaniards. He taxed everybody and used the money to build fortresses everywhere to guard them. Guard them against anyone ever rescuing them.'

'I thought it was the French you didn't like.' Stafford enjoyed teasing the Italian.

'I do not like the French, no, because they capture Genova now and call it the Ligurian Republic. But in the past we not have the much trouble from the French. The Spanish, though. Always they rush to the Pope. They think all the Italian states belong to them. Always these cruel things for scores of years; centuries in fact. The rack for the heretic, the stiletto for the rival. .. and out here the cutlass for the women passengers.'

These buckets,' said the bosun's mate, giving a shiver, they're polished enough now, let's get 'em filled and hung up again.'

All across the Calypso's decks men were now finishing off various jobs. The tails of halyards and sheets, of dozens of other ropes which had been used in the last few hours, were neatly coiled; the bell in the belfry on the fo'c'sle gleamed as the sun caught it; occasionally there was the smell of wood smoke as a random eddy of wind brought it back from the chimney of the galley stove where the coppers were already boiling the meat for the men's midday meal.

In fifteen minutes the calls of the bosun's mates would have the men exercising at the guns, with the first lieutenant watching closely, a watch in his hand. In the meantime the Calypso, now pitching and rolling with the wind and sea on her larboard quarter, headed for the eastern edge of Curacao, followed by La Creole. The island was a bluish - grey blur on the horizon and with the sun still low the long shadows thrown by the few hills distorted the shape. But as the sun rose and the Calypso approached at almost eight knots, within an hour the grey gave way to faint browns and greens.

Ramage, newly shaven and beginning to feel fresher after an hour's nap and some breakfast, watched the island from the quarterdeck rail. He knew that by now the lookouts at the eastern end of the island would have sighted the ships - the Calypso anyway, with her higher masts - and no doubt a messenger on horseback would even now be galloping to the capital of Amsterdam with a report.

Southwick joined him, telescope under arm and judging by the contented look on his face, with a good breakfast inside him. He pointed at Curacao, now on the Calypso's starboard bow as she sailed down through the channel separating the larger island from Bonaire to the east.

'Must be the worst bargains in the Caribbean, these islands,' Southwick said. 'Just goats, cactus, aloes, salt pans, hardly any rain . .. must drive men mad to be stationed here . . .'

'Bonaire and Aruba, yes,' Ramage agreed, 'but not Curasao: Amsterdam is reckoned to be one of the finest of the smaller harbours: a tiny Port Royal.'

Southwick glanced round at Ramage. Have you ever seen it, sir?'

Ramage shook his head. 'I've only looked at the chart It seems to be a slot cut at right - angles to the coast'

'Aye, calling it a slot is right. A ship sailing in could hit either side of the channel with a pistol. I don't know why we ever let the Dutch keep it. Impossible to cut out a ship - unless you first capture the fort on each side of the entrance.'