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He called to the Marine sentry to pass the word for the first lieutenant, lieutenant of Marines, master and purser. The purser was the last to arrive, looking alarmed at suddenly being summoned to the captain's cabin.

Ramage decided to deal with him first, to put him out of his misery. Tell Mr Southwick the quantity of water needed for two days by three hundred men working extremely hard in this climate.'

'Water, sir? You don't mean beer?'

'No, nor cheese nor butter. Just water.'

Rowlands's lips moved as he did some mental arithmetic. Finally he gave a figure. Ramage thanked him and the man left the cabin.

'Remember that figure, Mr Southwick. Now, gentlemen, at midnight La Perle leaves us, escorted by La Creole, bound for the Main - anywhere between the entrance to the Gulf of Venezuela and San Juan de los Cayos. Come and look at this chart and refresh your memories.'

The three men inspected it, and Rennick said: 'All the Marines on board her as guards, sir?'

His face fell when Ramage shook his head and said: There'll be no guards. The Frenchmen will be alone on board: just La Creole to keep them company.'

Aitken was the first to grasp what Ramage had said. 'But, sir, what's to stop them making for Martinique?'

'Or attacking us?' added Southwick. 'No good putting them on parole; they'd never keep their word.'

'Sit down,' Ramage said. 'You all have jobs to do, so pay attention. La Perle sails at midnight under the command of Duroc, and he has the choice of the destinations I've just shown you, and - '

'But what's to stop him going somewhere else?' Southwick interrupted.

'Because all his charts will have been removed,' Ramage said patiently. 'Removed by you. And your mates will comb the officers' cabins for anything resembling a chart And just before he boards La Perle you will present him with an accurate but not overly - detailed copy of this section of the chart - ' Ramage tapped the chart on his desk. This section only. That means he has little choice of destinations. He could go to Aruba, but he left there because there was nowhere to careen La Perle. It is unlikely he knows the coast of the Main - this section, anyway - so he won't know there's nowhere there for him to careen, either.'

'He doesn't need a chart to get up to Martinique,' South - wick pointed out. 'He knows the latitude of Fort Royal . . .'

That won't help him. Hell have only two days' water on board because you, Southwick, will empty the rest of the casks and that fresh water will be pumped over the side with the salt. With three hundred men and water for only two days, he needs to get somewhere in two days, which rules out Martinique by several days. You will also dispose of all the wine and spirits - over the side, of course.'

'Sir,' Rennick said anxiously, 'the guns . . .'

'Aitken will supply you with a working party and you will flood the hanging magazine. I don't want an ounce of usable powder in the ship. All the great guns are to be spiked and you'll cut the breechings. All the locks for the guns are to be brought on board the Calypso, along with all flints, muskets, pistols, cutlasses, tomahawks and pikes.

'Leave the shot in the locker - we don't have time to get them out, and anyway we are not concerned in reducing her draught - but all those on deck can be hove over the side.'

Southwick combined a doubtful sniff with a vigorous scratching of his head, and Ramage smiled as he looked at the master. 'What's worrying you, Mr Southwick?'

'Well, sir, I still can't see why this fellow Duroc has to make for the Main, and what good it does when he gets there.'

'He has water for only two days,' Ramage repeated patiently. 'Obviously that limits his range for two days' sailing. But, more important, his ship is making seven feet of water an hour. That means with every man taking his turn at the pumps and bailing with buckets he can just keep her afloat But for how long can he pump and bail? The men have to get some rest, quite apart from sailing the ship - and in this heat they have to drink a lot of water.'

'But when he arrives off the Main - say, at La Vela de Coro - and anchors, he can get fresh water from the Dons and careen the ship."

Ramage shook his head. 'Even supposing Duroc can get water, he has only enough casks for two days - hell never get more locally - he's still tied to a radius of two days' sailing from La Vela. Don't forget Martinique is almost dead to windward, six hundred miles or more, and that much punching to windward will double the leaks. So he's condemned to stay and pump wherever he first anchors, and my guess is hell end up so exhausted hell have to run the ship ashore - or land his men in the boats and let the ship sink. He has no other choice. But whatever happens, we're rid of her and the three hundred men.'

'And La Creole, sir?' Aitken prompted.

'She's our insurance. She keeps La Perle company until Duroc is anchored somewhere. Lacey has nothing to fear from the Spanish and the French frigate will not have even a pistol on board. Drilling out the spikes in the great guns will be beyond them - tell the carpenter to take off all suitable drill bits and small awls, Mr Aitken. Lacey could batter her to pieces in an hour or two, if Duroc tried any tricks.'

By an hour before midnight the two head pumps and hoses from the Calypso were being brought back on board from La Perle and Southwick reported that the French frigate's own pumps were holding the leaks. Ramage had gone through the ship in the last of the daylight, inspecting the nails which had been hammered into the touchholes of all the great guns to spike them, the heads cut off, the ends riveted to make it impossible to pull them out. Only drilling would make the guns usable again - many hours of patient work with the proper tools which only an armourer would have. La Perle's armourer did have them, but his elaborately carved and brass - bound box of tools was now on board the Calypso, whose armourer was walking round with the unbelieving smile of a small boy given the Christmas present about which he dreamed but never thought to get. Water casks had been smashed and the hoops thrown over the side, the staves lying about in the holds like dozens of pieces of melon rind. A few casks had been left untouched: the two days' supply of water for the three hundred men. The hanging magazine, a lathe - and - plaster - lined cabin whose deck was three feet below the normal deck level so that it could be flooded with hoses, was now a small rectangular pond, the water slopping as the ship rolled, with scores of what seemed like dead cats floating in it - the cartridges for the guns. Casks of powder had their bungs removed; the grey powder they contained was sodden and some had washed out so that the water had the consistency of a thin grey soup.

Southwick and Aitken had made a thorough job of limiting La Perle's range. Bags of bread had been ripped open and the hard tack they contained soaked with salt water, taking care that none of the resulting mash went into the bilge, where it would plug the strainers and block the pumps. Casks of cheese, jars of oil, barrels of sauerkraut (which accounted for the vile smell), sacks and casks of oatmeal - all had been smashed, cut open, or the contents spoiled with salt water.

All the books and papers from the cabins of the captain and the master - they included another signal book, and the order book giving every order Duroc had received since before leaving France - were now stacked in Ramage's cabin, while the charts were in Southwick's, At the purser's suggestion, only a couple of dozen candles had been left in the ship. It was a very good idea but Ramage had been amused at the reason behind it. In the Royal Navy the purser had to pay for and supply free all the candles used in a ship, and now the Calypso had a windfall of several hundred, admittedly thin and of poor quality. No doubt Rowlands was hoping - though he would not dare suggest it - that the captain would not mention the acquisition in the Calypso's log. This would, Ramage noted wryly, make the purser the only man to make a financial profit from La Perle's capture.