"That's why foreigners find it hard to tell private soldiers from the officers," Paolo said. "The privates like to cut a good figure too, and if they have successful businesses they can afford good tailors."
"I can see that. This uniform -" Ramage tapped his chest, "- makes me look like a general, and Rossi could be a colonel."
"Perhaps the archduke is wiser than we think, sir. A man who can strut before the ladies in a smart uniform will be content with less pay."
Ramage nodded. Pander to a man's vanity or put a guinea in his pocket. Ramage chuckled at the phrase, then realized he had missed a comment by Paolo. "What did you say?"
"I was saying, sir, that the archduke has done away with the death penalty. I'm not sure if it was the present one or his father. Anyway Tuscany is one of the few states where you can murder someone without fear of execution. Mind you, that might be preferable to a lifetime in a Florentine jail!"
That reminded Ramage of another remark which Paolo had made but which at the time Ramage had not pursued. "You said we could have cut across the top end of the Maremma if we wanted to get at Pitigliano from the south-west. But what about the marshes?"
"The archduke is draining them, or he's made a start, anyway. You'll find grain growing where there was marsh. Rice, too. Mind you, it's a vast marshy area to drain!"
"And the mosquitoes?"
"The zanzari are flourishing - at least they were when I passed through when I was escaping. They seemed as big as eagles. . ."
At the other end of the column, Gilbert led his Frenchmen, marching with Hill. He was thoroughly enjoying his role as the officer in charge of the escort, although Hill and the other three frequently teased him. Their uniforms were already baggy and creased: none of the five men had shaved for several days.
"Citizen," said Hill, who was accustomed to shave every day, "my whole face itches with this damned beard. It's making my neck sore."
Gilbert shook his head, as though exasperated. "A sensible soldier carries a razor, not a field marshal's baton, in his valise."
"Oh, but I have both," Hill exclaimed, much to the amusement of the others. "All I lack is water and some soap."
"I'll speak to the citizen general about it," Gilbert said. "Meanwhile don't drag the butt of your musket on the ground."
"I'm not!" exclaimed a startled Hill.
"I know; I was just warning you in advance. What a dust those Tuscans and English aristos are stirring up with their feet. We'll be dried out long before we reach Manciano."
Louis coughed before saying solemnly: "Have I the citizen captain's permission to speak?"
"As long as you pay proper respect to my rank and age."
"Sacrébleu!" Louis exclaimed. "Service in the English King's Navy is preferable to being in this Republican army. Every officer and non-commissioned officer makes his own revolution! Alors, mon général, this citizen would like to point out with respect that there are several farms along this road. Look, two on the right, and one across the river on the left. I would not care to drink the river water here, because the river is in reality a stream and a dozen cattle upstream can turn it into a veritable pissoir, but -"
"Hurry, citizen," Gilbert said, "we shall be in Manciano before you've finished."
"But, as I was saying before the citizen interrupted me," Louis said with dignity, "where there is a farm there must be water. Water for the farmer, his oxen -"
"- his wife, his children, his aged mother, his thirsty aunt who won't take wine, the priest when he visits on feast days, the farmer's donkey -" Auguste interrupted.
"I understand," Gilbert said. "A well, a rope, a bucket and -"
"A shave, perhaps?" Hill said with mock plaintiveness.
"Citizen Hill," Gilbert said gravely, "everyone must make some sacrifice for the Republic, One and Indivisible."
"Oh indeed," Hill said promptly. "I'll sacrifice my beard! And my indivisible back will ache and my hands blister from the promptness with which I haul up that bucket!"
"I'll remind you of that, citizen," Gilbert said, "and the other citizens are witnesses."
"To be serious, do we spend the night in Manciano or do we sleep in the fields again?" Louis asked.
Gilbert looked at Hill, who said: "Mr Ramage will decide when we get to Manciano. There'll be no inn in such a small town, so it'll probably be a choice of fleas in houses and sleeping on straw, or lying on the grass in a meadow giving the mosquitoes a feast."
"I prefer the mosquitoes," Louis announced. "With mosquitoes you can put a jacket over your face and hands, and they go away in the day. Fleas bite worse, creep in anywhere and travel with you."
"He's right," Auguste said, his voice sonorous. "We expect you to register our preference this evening when the citizen general from Tuscany calls you to his council of war."
"There might be some pretty girls in Manciano," Hill speculated. "You never know, in these remote towns."
Louis gave a cynical laugh. "Citizen, a hill town in Tuscany, a market town in Brittany, a large village famous for its apples in Cornwall... they are all the same. All the eligible unmarried young women are guarded more carefully than emperors guard their treasuries. You forget a reputation for virginity is more highly prized (among the possessors' parents, anyway) than bullion."
"Well, it'd have to be for love anyway, because none of us have local money," Hill said sadly.
"Don't worry, it's a long way to Manciano, and by the time we get there you may be more interested in sleeping than flirting with a young lady's grandmother, who will in any case be dressed from head to toe in black and trying to sell you wine about to turn into vinegar."
"Wait, citizen!" Auguste said. "The revolutionary committee did not make you a captain to commandeer vinegar in the name of the Republic, One and Indivisible. No, you are expected to commandeer only good wine, and decent bread that has been ground properly and is not so full of husks it tastes like chewing a brush. The meat, too. Fresh, even if they have to slaughter a beast and the meat is still warm when they begin to cook it."
"I'll do my best," Gilbert said wryly, "but I think you have an exaggerated idea of the Republic's influence among these Tuscan hills. I should think of rice, or perhaps polenta, soft and soggy, washed down with the wine they were keeping to make vinegar."
Auguste, hitching his musket on to the other shoulder, said sourly: "To think that every man we left behind on board the Calypso envied us, thinking we'd eat like kings and drink like seamen should. I never expected that one day I'd be glad to get back on board one of His Britannic Majesty's ships so that I could have a decent meal. . ."
"My heart bleeds for you!" Gilbert said dramatically, slapping his chest. "Here you are seeing new sights, visiting yet another new country, collecting dozens more improbable stories to tell your grandchildren, and all you do is complain. Yes," Gilbert said sadly, in the voice of a man discovering an unpleasant truth. "I have to admit it: you grumble with the skill and perseverance of an English sailor."
"And we march with the perseverance of a charcoal burner's donkey bound for home," Auguste added, then qualified it with: "Once you've got him started."