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Ramage nodded because Aitken's opinion coincided with his own, though the Scot had phrased it more succinctly.

'So we want the tartane, then, and Martin can command it with Orsini as mate.'

'Night attack, sir?'

'No. We don't want them firing off those swivels and alarming the rest of the convoy. No, we must take her without a shot being fired, and the only way I can think of is this.' For the next fïve minutes Ramage gave Aitken his orders.

Within an hour of the men finishing their midday meal the great foreyard was hoisted, using the capstan to raise its fifteen hundredweight up the foremast. Running rigging was fitted and by the time the foretopsail sheets were properly rove, the foresail, the second largest sail in the ship, was lying at the foot of the mast ready to be hoisted and bent on.

The sail was made up of more than fifteen hundred square feet of canvas; along the head of the sail, where it would be laced to the yard, it measured within inches of fifty feet;along the curved foot it was a couple of feet less, while the luffs - the vertical sides - were thirty-one feet.

The sailmaker, bosun and his mates had already checked over the sail and made repairs, and Ramage was surprised how little damage it had suffered. Most of the tears had been vertical along the seams; the cloth had held while the stitching gave way. Reef points had been checked over and many replaced - not through damage but because of wear. Two reef cringles had also been replaced, along with all the bowline cringles on the starboard side of the sail.

Now fifty men were busy round the sail. Yard ropes were rove to the reef cringles; buntlines, running vertically along the sail and normally used for hauling it up to the yard for furling, were rove through their respective blocks which were once again secured to the yard.

Topmen went aloft and out along the yard; slowly the sail was hoisted up as Aitken shouted his orders through the speaking trumpet. Once the head of the sail reached the yard, lïke a great sheet being pegged out on a washing line, the topmen secured it, hauling the canvas taut. With that done, Aitken gave the orders to furl the sail, which was then hauled up to the yard, gathered like an enormous sausage, and secured with gaskets.

'The yard seems to sit well enough', Southwick commented to Ramage. 'As straight as before. Not so much spring in her, but she's bound to be stiffer where she's bolted and fished.'

'The yard is stronger than before, anyway', Ramage said dryly. 'She won't break there again!'

'You won't be setting stunsails for a while, sir?'

'No - why?'

'Lewis mentioned to me that - well, in the rush to get the yard repaired he hadn't noticed that the larboard stunsail boom is in two pieces, and he has to make a new one. Matter of an hour or so.'

'If that's all he's forgotten, he did a good job', Ramage said. 'Send for him and his mates: they deserve some praise - and some sleep, too.'

As soon as the men were lined up on the quarterdeck, Lewis standing a pace in front of them, Ramage thanked them briefly. More than a dozen words of praise had them shuffling with embarrassment, and Ramage could see that three or four of them were almost asleep on their feet, having been working on the yard for nearly twelve hours.

Once the carpenter had led his mates below, Ramage explained to Southwick his plan for the Passe Partout and the master chuckled. 'Ah, I wish I was a youngster again; they get all the fun.'

'You've had your share', Ramage said unsympathetically, 'and there'll be more to come before you go over the standing part of the foresheet.'

'Aye, I hope so', Southwick said.

'There'd better be', Ramage said, 'otherwise I'll go back to Cornwall and breed horses.'

Knowing how much Ramage disliked horses and riding, Southwick gave a broad grin, and nodded when Ramage said: 'Send Martin, Orsini, Jackson, Stafford and Rossi down to my cabin, and look up the Passe Partout's number in our version of the convoy orders. Eight, I think it was. Then, - he took out the French signal book and looked up a signal - 'be ready to hoist "Pass within hail".'

The Passe Partout's big triangular lateen sail bulging from the curving yard hoisted on her single mast reminded Ramage of a shark's fin slicing through the water as she came up astern of the Calypso.

Most of the ships in the convoy had made some attempt to get into formation, or rather they bunched up closer to the Sarazine, which in turn was obviously trying to stay in the Calypso's wake. Most were three miles or more astern now that the frigate, unknown to the convoy, was deliberately outpacing it.

Aitken admired the way that the captain had first hoisted the signal for the convoy to take up closer formation, one he knew they were incapable of obeying with any sort of efficiency, and given them a couple of hours to do their best.

As the captain had predicted, they had simply closed up on the Sarazine like chicks following the mother hen.

Aitken then had noticed that the captain's telescope was more often pointing out to the sides than directly astern and he later commented that he was more concerned that the convoy formation became narrower than wider; that the ships bulged out astern rather than strung out across the width of the horizon.

Then, simultaneously with hoisting the Passe Partout's number and the signal for her to pass within hail, Mr Ramage had almost imperceptibly edged the Calypso over to one edge of the convoy: all the merchant ships were now over on the Calypso's larboard quarter. And, he guessed, the Passe Partout was going to be ordered up on the starboard side, out of sight of the rest of them...

The tartane, her hull blue and mast white, was now a mile astern, gliding up and over the slight swell waves like a gull, her foresail flapping idly as the big lateen sail took all the wind in a great bellying curve swelled out by the following breeze. There were two men in the waist of the ship, almost hidden by the bow because of the tartane's deep sheer, and Aitken could see two more men at the tiller. In this wind it could be handled by one, so the other was probably the master just standing there giving orders.

There were three lumps down each side on top of the bulwarks looking rather like horses' heads, and which Aitken recognized as swivel guns, covered in protective canvas covers that distorted their shape.

'How many men can you distinguish?' Ramage asked.

'Only four, sir. Perhaps more will come up when she gets closer.'

Ramage looked across at Martin. 'It's going to be quite a jump down. Are you sure you won't break your necks?'

'Quite sure, sir.'

Ramage looked at Paolo, who had changed his usual weapons of a cutlass with his midshipman's dirk to use as a main gauche, to two pistols clipped in his belt and the dirk, which was shorter than the cutlass.

Jackson favoured a half-pike and two pistols. Four feet and a half long including its sharp iron head, the half-pike was a good jabbing weapon with an ash staff stout enough to ward off a slashing cutlass. Both Stafford and Rossi remained loyal to pistols and to cutlasses, with the belts pulled round so that the blades hung down their backs, out of the way and less likely to trip them up.

The remaining two seamen were made by a wilful Nature as the exact opposite of each other, although they were close friends. Baxter and Johnson came from the same village in Lincolnshire, attended the same tiny school together for two years before going to work with their fathers as labourers on adjoining farms - and were picked up by the same pressgang sent out on a swing through the countryside from Lincoln.

Baxter, at six feet two inches, was the tallest man in the Calypso and had wide shoulders and a chest that looked as though they could break a capstan bar by leaning on it. He also had one of the quietest voices and gentlest natures of anyone aboard. He had only one weakness, drink. When, as Johnson would say fearfully, 'the drink was in him', Baxter became an enraged ox who could interpret a shipmate's accidental glance as a mortal insult.