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“Yes,” Debbie whimpered, “I’m a… oh, please, don’t… no, no, noooooo… “

Holly shifted her position. She wasn’t sitting on Debbie’s legs now-she was perched a foot or so above them, ass wiggling in the air as she leaned head and shoulders into the work of screwing the vibrator up her cousin’s hole. Debbie felt the pressure relax on her legs, and then she felt the indescribable pain as the vibrator began to make definite insertion, and she reacted in the only’ way she could react. One of her knees jerked up, into the air, with all the force her terrified body could muster.

“Oh, Jesus fucking Chriiiisssstttt!!”

Holly screamed it, and dropped the vibrator. Debbie’s knee had slammed squarely into her pussy, and she was positive that her guts would be pouring through the rupture any second now. Her face went white and- she staggered back, grabbing the injured portion of her lithe young anatomy.

“Hollyhock!” Lisa shouted, leaning even more forward. Her ass lifted off Debbie, and the young girl realized then that nobody was actually holding her down. Not at this minute. Not now, not when it really counted. She struck upward with her• hand, slapped Lisa on the thigh, punched her in the ribs, and sent the honey-haired girl sprawling to the side.

“Goddamn it… ” Lisa moaned just before she fell into the tent pole. She hit it with a loud crack.

Debbie scrambled then, crawling past the groaning Holly, out the door of the tent. And just in time. Lisa’s hard fall bad loosened the tent pole and the canvas structure was in the process of clattering down upon Lisa and Holly.

“You bitch!” one of them shouted from under the fallen tent, but Debbie wasn’t listening. She was already climbing to her feet, still spitting out the taste of cunt, and she jerked her fallen pants back into place. She looked around, saw the forms struggling beneath the canvas covering, and she knew that they would be very angry when they came out. Oh, my God, what should I do? she asked herself. Run, goddamn it! she told herself. Debbie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and she started to run, into the trees surrounding the campsite.

Lisa struggled out of the fallen tent, lifting the veil of canvas so Holly could get out too. “Come back here, you slut!” Lisa shrieked. “I’m going to tear your goddamned pussy hairs out, one by one! You bitch! You twat!” She was sobbing with rage. “You hurt us! Damn you, you hurt us.! “Are you okay?” she said in a softer, more tender voice. Holly nodded, blinking.

“I think so. Oh, Jesus, when she kneed me, I fuckin’ saw stars! I think she broke something in me.” Holly sat on the ground, rubbing her snatch with one hand.

“Bullshit,” Lisa countered. “Here. Let me rub it for you. Doesn’t that feel better?”

“I know something that would make me feel a whole lot better.” Holly lifted her eyebrows invitingly. Lisa smiled, then bent her head in and kissed the lips of Holly’s sore cunt. “Mmmrn,” Holly purred, just the slightest hint of arousal showing in her voice, “why don’t you do that again? I think we’re getting someplace. It doesn’t hurt half as much.”

“What about your dьmbfuck cousin?” Lisa raised her head, lips glistening with juice from Holly’s crack.

“I don’t know,” Holly sighed. “As soon as we get home, she’ll probably run to her mother and my mother and spill all the beans. Oh, shit, I don’t see ‘why we had to get stuck with her.”

She pursed her lips. “On the other hand,” she continued, “maybe when she comes. back we’ll just take up where we left off. And if we have to, we’ll just tie her up. Christ, I’d like to use a whip on her for an hour or two! Do you have any idea where we could lay hands on a whip?”

“I wonder where she went?”

“No matter. She doesn’t know her way back to town, and it would take her a week, even if she felt like walking. Sooner or later, she’ll come strolling into camp, and then-BANG! Her fat ass is gonna be grass, freckles and all.”

“She does, have a frisky tongue,” Lisa mused. “Not trained, of course, but promising. You know, she might be fun to keep around, once we beat some sense into her. She could be our little frizzy-haired slave. God, do you think she’ll come back?”

“Oh, of course, she’ll be back. Where the fuck else can she go? So why,, don’t we put on our clothes and go hiking? Maybe we can scare up some guys. Jesus, there have to be a couple around somewhere, and if there’s anything I want more than to scratch up Debbie’s fat can, it’s to wrap my legs around something hard and hot and male. What do you say?”

“That’s one of the reasons we’re here,” Lisa replied. “Let’s set up the tent and go hunting. If we find anything good, maybe we can let Debbie watch. She can probably use the education.”

“Fuck Debbie. I almost hope she never comes back. But when she does, whammmmm!!

She owes us, now, and she’s gonna pay.”

Chapter Five

She wasn’t sure how long ‘she’d been walking. Her watch was broken, she discovered when she looked at it. Must have happened when she fell out of the van. Or maybe later, up at the tent, when they’d tried to… to… oh, God, they’d done more than try! Debbie was still sobbing, but her, tear ducts had long since dried up, and her eyes burned because there was no salty wetness to lubricate’ them.

“Damn them!” she said to a tree. “They… they were using me like I was some kind of animal! They were… oh, God, they were trying to rape me!” For a moment she thought she might be sick to her stomach, and she leaned against a tree, trying not to remember how Lisa’s cunt had tasted when it poured sticky juice into her mouth.

But the impulse passed and, queasy as her stomach felt, she knew finally that she wasn’t going to vomit her guts out. Debbie leaned against the tree that supported her, and it felt so hard and straight and strong. She wrapped her arms around it and hugged the tree, wishing it were a friendly human to whom she could pour out her troubles. “I don’t want to go back there,” she whispered. “I’m afraid. I want to go home. I want to go home to Ohio and never’ even hear Holly’s name ever again. I hate her. Oh, God, I hate her! And that dirty bitch Lisa, too!”

She was using language she’d never used before, and it gave her a feeling of satisfaction. “They’re cunts,” she went on, drawing even more pleasure from hearing herself say the word. “They’re bitchy, fucking cunts, and I hope their fits shrivel up and their cunts get cancer and they die before I get back.”

But she could still taste it, still feel it. Lisa’s pussy on ‘her mouth, Holly’s fingers all over her Own snatch, and that vibrator-Good God! “She wanted to stick it up me,” Debbie mused, horrified. “And she would have, if I hadn’t-”

It was the first time she’d ever struck anyone or anything in violence, and she hadn’t meant to do it when she bucked her knee upward. That was only a muscular reaction. Holly’s cunt happened to be in the way, and there was too much impetus behind Debbie’s lifting knee. She could still hear the groan of pain Holly had made. Debbie smiled, remembering Served the cunt right. The cheap trashy slut. And Lisa, barreling into the tent pole, the tent itself collapsing upon Holly and Lisa. “I guess I showed them. But-”

But what would they do when she returned? Debbie frowned. They’d be angry. Oh, Lord, she didn’t want to go back! She wouldn’t go back! “I’ll just keep walking until I find somebody to help me,” she told the tree. “Somebody who’ll give me a ride back to Aunt Kate’s, or maybe a telephone, where I can call. Daddy will drive up and get me, when I tell him what those rotten girls tried to do to me.

Yes!” Debbie hugged the tree as if she were thanking it.

It felt so nice, too. Her breasts and belly and crotch pressing tightly against the hard bole of the tree, and no matter how firmly she insinuated herself, the tree was stronger and exerted a reverse pressure that made her feel refreshed all over. She coiled one leg around the trunk and oozed herself even more closely, and there was a delightful rush of sensation between,her thighs.

Debbie closed her eyes and moaned. She’d awakened with a desire for orgasm which still hadn’t been gratified, and it would be so easy to lie down on the grass right now, slip her hand into her jeans, and frig herself until she spurted sticky cum all over her fingers-just the way Lisa had gushed girl-milk, into Debbie’s mouth such a short time ago.

The realization brought her up short and she unwrapped her limbs from the friendly tree. Time enough later. Right now she had to find some way to get back to Mom and. Daddy, and away from Lisa and Holly. Debbie smoothed her fuzzy red hair with shaky fingers and resolutely set forth, hoping that her path would bring her, sooner or, later, to help of some kind. It had to. God, it had to!

It felt like hours later, but it couldn’t have been that long, for the sun was only halfway risen above the timberline to eastward when she left the shelter of forest and found herself staring across a wide green mountain meadow. She stood there a moment, eyes drinking in the sight of miles and miles of Colorado as far as she could see, and then Debbie focused in on the most beautiful sight of all. A column of wispy smoke climbing high into the air from somewhere just over a rise,of ground on the far side of the meadow. Smoke. That meant a forest fire. Or people. She took a deep, gratified breath and started to run through the meadow, making straight for that beacon of smoke.