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It felt so nice, too. Her breasts and belly and crotch pressing tightly against the hard bole of the tree, and no matter how firmly she insinuated herself, the tree was stronger and exerted a reverse pressure that made her feel refreshed all over. She coiled one leg around the trunk and oozed herself even more closely, and there was a delightful rush of sensation between,her thighs.

Debbie closed her eyes and moaned. She’d awakened with a desire for orgasm which still hadn’t been gratified, and it would be so easy to lie down on the grass right now, slip her hand into her jeans, and frig herself until she spurted sticky cum all over her fingers-just the way Lisa had gushed girl-milk, into Debbie’s mouth such a short time ago.

The realization brought her up short and she unwrapped her limbs from the friendly tree. Time enough later. Right now she had to find some way to get back to Mom and. Daddy, and away from Lisa and Holly. Debbie smoothed her fuzzy red hair with shaky fingers and resolutely set forth, hoping that her path would bring her, sooner or, later, to help of some kind. It had to. God, it had to!

It felt like hours later, but it couldn’t have been that long, for the sun was only halfway risen above the timberline to eastward when she left the shelter of forest and found herself staring across a wide green mountain meadow. She stood there a moment, eyes drinking in the sight of miles and miles of Colorado as far as she could see, and then Debbie focused in on the most beautiful sight of all. A column of wispy smoke climbing high into the air from somewhere just over a rise,of ground on the far side of the meadow. Smoke. That meant a forest fire. Or people. She took a deep, gratified breath and started to run through the meadow, making straight for that beacon of smoke.

“Looks like something out of Grizzly Adams,” she said, looking down into a’ narrow green valley. There was a largish log cabin, firmly, carefully constructed, with a couple of smaller outbuildings nearby. At one end of the cabin was a rock-and-mortar chimney, and from it lifted the smoke, but the smoke meant that someone must be in the cabin and maybe that someone could help. She saw no electric wires or telephone cables, which was not a good omen, but maybe the cabin’s occupant had a CB radio or could at least tell her how’ to get back to civilization. Debbie set her chin bravely and started down the slope.

She mounted the porch and knocked briskly on the door. “Hello,” she called.

Inside there was a sudden furtive sound of motion. “Hello,” Debbie repeated. “I need some help, please.”

And then’ suddenly the door jerked open and Debbie’s eyes crossed in terror.

She was looking down the barrel of a revolver and it was looking back at her.

“Inside,” someone said, and she saw him for the first time.

He was about six feet tall, lean, hard-bodied. His hair was a sun-bleached pale brown and he was deeply tanned from forehead to hipbones. His legs were strangely white in contrast to his chest, and she could see and appreciate the contrast because the man was wearing only a pair of white jockey ‘shorts.

“I told you, inside! Move your ass! Now!”

Debbie groaned in fear but she followed the arc of his waving revolver and went into the cabin. He slammed the door behind them. “Okay. Who are you? What’ the fuck are you doing here?”

She tried to speak, but her tongue was frozen to the bottom of her mouth and glug-glug sounds were all she could manage.

Slowly he lowered the revolver, then tilted his head to one side, eyeing Debbie up and down. He came nearer, one of his legs brushing her thigh. She moaned in protest ‘but she was unable to sidle away from him. Unable, and, very much afraid.

“Oh, Christ,” he said then, and his voice was a little raspy as if he were speaking only with difficulty. “How old are you?”


“You’re old enough,” he said, “and you’re big enough.” He sucked in his breath, then looked down at his groin: Debbie looked too, and what she saw terrified her all the more.

The front of his shorts was suddenly, hideously distended by s9mething inside.

For a moment she wondered if she had another gun in his underwear. And then she realized what it was, what it had to be that swelled up inside his clothing.

“I’d kinda planned on Julie Christie as my first one after I got out,” he said, ‘~but she’s not around so you’ll have to do. Get your clothes off. And fast.”

“Get your fucking clothes off or I’ll rip them off! I’ve been waiting six years to get my hands on a woman and I’m not going to wait any longer.”

Her eyes were round as saucers and she couldn’t move, not with that gun enormous and frightening in his hand. “Goddamn it,” he snarled, reaching with his free hand. He grabbed the front of Debbie’s shirt and tore, buttons popping all the way down. She screamed and tried to cover herself, but he was having none of that. “You fight me, you’ll only get yourself hurt,” he warned, ripping the shirt. off her body.

She screamed then, and whirled around. Nobody had ever seen her without a shirt on, and she was terrified to think that this stranger was doing so now. But it didn’t help. As she turned, the man grabbed the waistband of her jeans and tugged, popping loose the button. The pants were too big for Debbie and they fell of their own volition as soon as they were unsnapped.

“For the love of God,” she moaned, trying to crouch into a huddle. She was wearing only her bra and panties now. The shirt was completely gone, the jeans in a pile at her feet. It was horrible. She was so fully conscious of her body and its defects that her cried-out tear ‘ducts* refilled almost – miraculously and she felt wetness rolling down her cheeks.

“Stand up,!’ he commanded, catching her wrist. She jerked up, still wishing to curl herself up and roll into a corner.

“Oh, that looks good,” he sighed, shaking his head. Drool frothed between his lips, bubbling with each breath he took.

He pulled her against him, and she was astonished at how hard and warm his nearly-bare body felt rubbing hers. And, oh, God, that other hardness, inside his shorts! She remembered the tree she had hugged in the woods during her walk. Compared to his penis, that tree was nothing but Jell-O! It ground against her stomach and she could feel blood pulsating furiously to keep him stiff and rigid.

He was biting her neck and her bare shoulder, – drooling on her, nibbling with his teeth, sloshing his tongue around; She closed her eyes and moaned through clenched teeth, enduring, unable to do anything except endure. One of his hands was locked around her, the fingers skating back and forth across the panty-covered cheeks of her bottom. And always, that hard penis, like a red-hot wedge trapped between their bodes, reminding her, screaming to her, that she was a man and she a girl.

“On your knees,” he commanded, pushing her toward – the floor. Frightened of his strength, of his gun, of his cock, she went down, onto her knees. Now the huge lump-oh, Jesus, it was bigger than huge, it was enormous, swelling the front of his shorts-now it was right before her face, and she could smell its hot-meat aroma, only inches away. Not even the salty tears spilling into her mouth could mask his strange, masculine scent.

“Suck it,” he said, pulling down his shorts.

“Oh, no, no, no!!!” Debbie shrieked, jerking back as his cock lurched free. It quivered, it bounced, it was purple – with lust and thick and throbbing and her eyes bulged at the sight of it. It was the first time she had ever seen an erect male cock-the first time she had ever seen any kind of cock.

“I don’t have time to fuck around,” he growled.

“You’ll suck it or I’ll blow your goddamned head off!” He grabbed Debbie’s head and jerked her toward him.