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Anyway, it wasn’t her idea of fun. The night air was cool, despite the fire-nearly as cool as the reception she was getting from Holly and Lisa-and she didn’t want to sit up watching them get drunk and stoned. “I think I’ll turn in,” Debbie volunteered. “It’s been a pretty long day for me, and I’m kinda fired.”

Lisa swallowed wine and then forced a burp from her lips. Debbie grimaced. “Not half as long a day as it’s been for us,” she said, and Holly giggled.

“Yeah, and you can’t be half as tired as we are of you. Why don’t you just pack it in like a good girl?”

Debbie crawled into the back of the van. She’d already been informed that there wasn’t enough room for her in the tent, so she’d have to sleep in the camper.

Too bad there wasn’t much padding on the floor but maybe the blankets would help a little bit. She closed the door, not quite shutting it, and the inside of the van was nearly as chilly as the air outside. Debbie wrapped herself in the two or three blankets that had been stingily given her, not bothering to take off her clothes. The extra warmth of her clothes would help. Maybe, God, the floor of the van was so hard! It would take determination to go to sleep under these circumstances, but Debbie knew that she had enough determination.

She closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep. Outside, she could hear Holly and Lisa talking softly as they drank their wine and smoked their dope.

“Isn’t she as bad as I told you she’d be?” Holly wanted to know. “I mean, like, ‘Miss Downer of i977. God, Valium ought to make her their national poster child or something!”

“That hair,” Lisa agreed. “Like red steel wool. Jesus, though, think how it would look if she let it grow out! She’d be the first freckled Ubangi in history!” That seemed to delight both of them. They laughed uproariously.

“Admittedly, she doesn’t seem to be quite as fat as she used to be,” Holly went on, “but it’s hard to tell, the way she dresses. All her clothes are about four sizes too big. Of course, she’d probably look like a sausage-an overstuffed sausage-it she wore anything that fit her.”

“Mmm, you don’t have that problem,” Lisa purred kittenishly. “Oh, light up another j, will ya? I feel like ‘getting smashed out of my fucking head tonight!”

“Don’t get too smashed,” Holly warned, “because we’re going on the prowl tomorrow. There have to be guys. on the mountain. I mean, it’s the second weekend of summer. Where else would they go? I bet the woods are crawling with them. Listen! Do you hear something crawling through the woods right now?”

“That escaped convict, indubitably,” Lisa drawled. “Hey, dude, we’re over here!!”

“Come, and get it!!” Holly chimed in, and both girls started laughing again.

“What’ll we do with her? When we go hunting, I mean?”

“Leave her here to guard the camp. And if she’s a good girl and washes the dishes and tends the fire and has a nice filling-but not too filling-supper ready for us, maybe we’ll do her a good turn and let her watch. Think she’d like that?”

“Who gives a fuck?” There was a silence. “Oh, yeah, that’s more like it. Give me the bottle, you’re going to spill it-”

In the van Debbie’s eyes were growing heavier and she felt sleep beginning to creep up her body. Thank God, she thought. I won’t have to listen to them anymore.

“dancing around like that, you cunt. Come here. Now, damn it, you have something I want!”

“What is it, Hollyhock?” Lisa asked ingenuously, halting in the act of removing her T-Shirt. She looked down at Holly, who was looking up with glittering eyes at the fits that were almost-but not quite-exposed by the pulled-up shirt.

Holly rose to her knees and put her hands on Lisa’s waist. She squeezed the bare flesh just above the low-riding, super-tight jeans, and then her fingers started drifting upward with easy slowness. When her fingertips brushed the under curves of Lisa’s ripe round tits, Holly threw off the mask of unconcern.

She also helped Lisa throw off the T-shirt and, in a moment, she was eagerly sucking her girlfriend’s nipples, already stiff and puckered from the night air.

“What about your nearest and dearest relative?” Lisa wondered idly, running her fingers through Holly’s dark silky hair.

Holly made smacking and slurping sounds and then, reluctantly he un-mouthed the boob she’d been nursing. “I’m not gonna change my lifestyle because of that dip shit. If worse comes to worse, I can always punch her in the mouth. I did it once before and I can fuckin’ do it again. Here, let me-” and with that she unbuttoned Lisa’s jeans and started to tug them down her friend’s slender, lissome thighs, kissing her way down Lisa’s tummy toward the triangle ‘of golden hair at the base of Lisa’s abdomen. Holly got her nose into the fluffy bush and began sniffing and tickling her girlfriend where it really counted.

“Ooooohhhhh, right on, Hollyhock!” Her jeans were down to her knees by that time, and Lisa wiggled her legs impatiently, helping them drop the rest of the way. The air was cool on her naked body, but her flank was toward the fire, and she was very warm there. And down front, where Holly was dragging her nose up and down Lisa’s pubic region, she was hotter than warm. Taking Holly with her, Lisa fell onto the blanket they’d spread beside the fire and she opened her legs, kicking off the pants. At the same time she put her hand on Holly’s shoulder, stroking up and down in quick, anxious motions.

Holly squirmed around, offering her tits to Lisa, and Lisa wasn’t averse to accepting them. She undid the other girl’s blouse and reached inside with both hands, filling her palms with the cutest, hottest, firmest tits God had ever created-next to her own, of course, she reserved mentally. The nipples were rigid and blazing against her hands and she ground down upon them, not crushing the delicious blossoms-only making them sprout up the more vigorously.

“We’re in a tangle,” Lisa announced, her hands crossed under Holly, who was still nuzzling her twat. Holly sat up, shucking off her blouse, and her tits gleamed in the firelight. The nipples looked like sparkling rubies. But they didn’t taste like rubies. They tasted like nipples, and Lisa was very pleased to discover that sweet fact when she tasted the jewels of Holly’s boobs. They had something special, the two of them. They were best friends and they loved life and they loved one another, and it was really the best of all possible worlds, as far as Lisa and Hollyhock were concerned.

Except for that dipshit bitch sleeping in the van. God, what a stone fucking bummer it was, having her around! Quiet and kinda retiring-and by God, she ought to be! Debbie was just a stupid redheaded pig who needed her chubby ass kicked right off the mountain! The idea titillated Lisa, and she made a point of giggling while she titillated Holly. Who appreciated it very much and showed her appreciation by petting Lisa’s face the way a proud, devoted owner would stroke and pet her prize Angora. Yes, they had it together, the two of them.

Really: together. And tomorrow they’d go out hiking, see if they couldn’t find some guys and get it even more together.

Lisa released Holly’s nipple and sat back, her proud young tits thrust forward.

“It doesn’t seem so cold now, does it?” Holly shook her head and lay down on the blanket. “Mmmmm,” Lisa purred, “you always seem to hit me where I have no fucking resistance at all.” She picked up the jug of wine, raised it to her lips. “Oh, the hell with it. We can drink any fuckin’ time we want to.” She capped the bottle, set it aside carefully, and then threw herself upon Holly, mouths connecting hotly, Lisa’s hand thrusting into the waistband of Holly’s tight shorts in search of the high-voltage pussy she knew awaited here there.