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Brad Harris

Raped daughter


The slender brunette kicked at a small rock in her path as she walked beside the road. Damn! Damn! Damn! They only had one thing on their mind. All they ever thought about was cunt! She sighed in disgust, her skin feeling creepy from the way Mr. Thompkins had looked at her.

"Oooooeeee! Look at that!" a voice screamed out of the cab of a passing truck.

The young man behind the wheel beat his hand on the door as he slowed down and eyed the girl.

Connie ignored him, refusing to even look up she waited for him to gun the truck on down the road. She couldn't understand why Leila enjoyed having the men all whistling at her and making lewd suggestions. She couldn't understand why Leila put up with old man Thompkins always rubbing against her. The teen-ager shuddered, remembering the way his eyes had ogled her tits this afternoon.

The girl had stopped by the cafe where her sister worked as a waitress. Connie sat at the counter and drank a Coke while her older sister chatted icily with two men in one of the front booths. One of them kept putting his hand on the young woman's leg, trying to get it up beneath her short skirt. Leila, however, would step aside each time he moved it upward. The whole scene was offensive to Connie. She wanted to scold her sister. Leila had a bad enough reputation as it was. Everyone in town seemed sure that she was putting out for old man Thompkins. Most of the kids at school claimed she was fucking around with several other men, as well.

Leila was just too pretty, the girl decided. She had too soft a face. She had too good a figure. Especially she had too provocative an ass. Connie watched now, observing the excited thrust of Leila's tits as she laughed with the men.

The teen-ager felt a deep sense of relief when they finally rose and walked over to pay their bill. Now, she decided, now she would fuss with her sister about letting the men paw all over her like that.

"Hi, babe!" Leila greeted her, using the old teasing nickname with which she had tormented the girl for years. Connie sat up straighter, ready to lash out at her lovely sister.

"Come on back with me while I get things ready for the dinner rush," the older girl continued, walking back to the small kitchen.

Connie followed reluctantly. That's the way it always happened. Every time she was about to fuss with Leila, the girl turned her aside. She had never been able to really fight with Leila. Connie and her younger brother, Jud, fought constantly, Leila, though, never fought with anyone. Maybe that was her trouble, the teen-ager thought. Leila just could not be disagreeable, not even to a man who was trying to get in her pussy.

Mr. Thompkins was in the kitchen, working at the task of preparing the small menu of his cafe. He stopped as the girl entered and wiped his hands on his apron while he smiled at them both. Leila busied herself with arranging the china and silverware, ignoring the leering smile on his face. She ignored him even when he rubbed against her ass slowly and deliberately as he passed her in the cramped quarters. The passage was not that narrow, Connie saw. He intentionally rubbed his cock against her ass in passing, then made it worse by patting one of Leila's tits before looking again `at the younger girl.

"Hey," Thompkins grinned, "you haven't been around in a few weeks. Damn! You're getting as pretty as your sister!"

His eyes fixed on her young fits. Connie suddenly wished that she hadn't worn such a tight blouse. All of her blouses were tight, though in the last few months, her fits had grown so that they shoved the same way against any blouse or sweater she owned. The slender brunette shivered, uncomfortable from the way his eyes looked so greedily at her.

"Yes," Thompkins added. "You're going to have a body every bit as sexy as your sister's."

He emphasized his point by giving Leila a sharp slap across her ass, then pulling the taller girl tightly against him. Leila's tit looked like it was about to be crushed against him as he pulled her tighter, then reached his other hand up about her waist and cupped the tit on the opposite side. Connie felt a wave of anger surge through her. The girl was about to attack her sister's employer when Leila pulled away from the man and glared angrily at him.

"Ben Thompkins!" she hissed. "You've been drinking! You're nothing but a smelly, dirty-minded, old drunk!"

Connie expected the man to become angry. Instead he began to laugh. He laughed hard, his eyes getting moist from some strange sense of humor he must have.

"Maybe you're right," he said, laughing again.

He patted Leila's ass once more, then turned around and returned to his cooking. "It's true, though," he called back. "She's getting fits and an ass that are a match for yours."

The sisters got a chance for a quick conversation before another customer came into the cafe. Connie had no intention of remaining with Mr. Thompkins in back.

As her sister went out to wait on the couple who had just entered, then younger girl started to leave.

"Wait a minute, honey," Leila called to her. "Here. I had a good day of tips at lunch-time. Buy yourself a present."

She stuffed several bills in the girl's hands, then thrust her fits proudly against her uniform and stepped quickly towards the new customers. Connie smiled, pocketed the money, and left the cafe. The girl stopped briefly at the grocery store to pick up a few groceries, then walked out beyond the edge of town towards their small house.

Fucking! That's all they ever thought about, she mumbled to herself. They never thought about anything except pussy and fits and fucking! She watched the truck whose driver had just yelled to her move out of sight along the road, and turned across a small field towards home.

The girl looked about as she entered her yard, hoping to catch sight of her brother. Twelve-year-old Jud had not completed his chores earlier in the day, before she left to walk in to town. She didn't really expect to find that he had done them in her absence. Jud! Jud! She sighed as she walked up the steps and entered the kitchen. At least Jud was one male whose mind was on something besides fucking. At twelve, the tousled-haired boy was still much more interested in baseball. That was where he must be now, she thought, smiling as she pictured the open intensity of his face. While all the others were trying to get their hands up some skirt, Jud was lost in his ball game.

The girl ran lightly up the stairs to her room and changed into more comfortable jeans and a loose sweatshirt. As she pulled her blouse off, she stared at her tits in the mirror. Damn! They were getting huge. She could imagine how old man Thompkins would pant if he saw them like this, cupped so lusciously in a dainty white bra. She turned her body in front of the mirror, watching the lean flow of her thighs and legs. She had better legs than Leila.

The girl was sure of that. Leila had just a bit too much meat on her thighs.

The men didn't seem to mind, of course, not so long as the older girl had such big tits and such a taunting ass.

Connie laid her bra aside, preferring to go braless and save her one good bra.

Her ripe young tits bounced beneath the soft material of her sweatshirt. It was a good thing, the girl decided, that she was going to be alone for the rest of the afternoon. She could imagine how Matt Robertson and the other boys would react to the way her tits were bouncing. Matt was enough of a problem anyway.

He had always been rough, constantly in fights at school. He had never had much to do with Connie, however, even though he lived only a quarter of a mile away, just beyond the small grove of trees down the road. He had never had much to do with Connie until lately, that is. For the last few months, though, he kept coming around her, trying to get his hands on her. He had caught her on several occasions.

The little brunette shuddered as she remembered the feeling of his hard prick against her when he held her roughly and kissed her. He had kissed her and hunched his cock against her while the other boys howled with laughter. As he let her go, he plunged his face into her fits and twisted it back and forth.