Both of them laughed. "Do you really think Lyn'd do what we wanted?" Joyce finally asked.
"Sure," Willie answered. "After I got through with her, she'd crawl on her knees for a chance to lick my shit. Give me three weeks with her and she'll be just like you were after a year, when I finally got you wise up."
"I'd like that, Willie," Joyce murmured. "I'd like having her around to eat any time I wanted."
Or to eat you wnen you wanted that, eh?" Willie asked.
"Yeah, that, too," Joyce acknowledged.
"She liked it, yoiu knoew," Joyce said a few minutes later. "I know she did. I can tell. I had all those women eating my box when we were in Atlanta, and I know when they were doing it because they liked it and when they were doing it just to turn some guyo on."
"I told yoiu," Willie assured her. "We'll make a first-class shore out of her if she comes back and wants to hang around. Otherwise, she just hangs," he added.
"I think she'll want to be with us if she comes back," Joyce mused.
I wouldn't, Lyn swore to herself, I wouldn't! And I didn't like eating yur pussy.
But the fifteen-year-old girl had to question that. Maybe she had been upset by the circumstances, but how did she know she wouldn't enjoy eating pussy under differedt circumstances? She didn't. She had thought, not once, but twice, that she'd never enjoy sex of any sort again, but Frank had fucked that nonsense out of her both times.
Maybe, Lyn thought, with the right girl, somebody I really liked, I could eat pussy without it bothering me. Particularly if Frank was there. On one of the days that Frank had been at work, Lyn had discovered whole box of paperback books in his closet. The pages that were dog-eared adn showing signs of rereading had all dealt with a man and two females. So had the magazines she'd found, magazines that had actual pictures of people fucking!
"Willie?" Joyce murmured. "Do you think the people in Pittsburg are looking for us," he answered. "They don't know we exist. They know old Charley was crazy over some young gash, but they don't know who she was. They think he took that eighteen thousand and split with her. They're still looking for him, I'll fucking bet, but they ain't never gonna find him. None of them is gonna think of looking for him where they ditch their own stiffs."
He chuckled. "You know, that old fucker was still alive when we dumped him off the gbridge. I'll be he fucking flipped when he realized we were getting rid of him where he fucking got red of the people he knocked off."
Lyn was suddenly scared. Willie and Joyce had killed somebody! and they'd kill her if they had to. If they caught her and Frank, they could killl both of them and nobody would ever know about it.
Below them, Willie and Joyce settled in for the night. Frank and Lyn waited an hour after they had begun picking up the first snores from the room below them before tnhey began a cautious retreat form the attic.
Still, they made it out of the attic without noise. Quietly, they made their was down the hall. Lyn's throat was dry and her heart almost leaped into it when Willie mumbled something, but he went on sleeping and shw and Frank were able to get ou of the house without difficulty.
As they crossed the lawn, moving towards the stand of trees where they had hidden the car, Lyn was acutely aware that Frank's cock was still hard. Of course, he had been looking at Joyce's naked body as she'd lain sprawled on her back asleep. Joyce had to kind of body that could give a man a hard cock if he looked at her clotheed.
Of course, the fact that they had watched Joyce suck Willie's cock and then take his prick up her asshole had contributed to Frank's hard-on. It had also caused an itching in Lyn's cunt that had not abated.
Theyt passed a clump of bushes and Lyn stepped behind them. "Frank," she whispered. He turned and she took off the top of her bikini, then peeled the bottom off. "Put that thing down and fuck me," she pleaded.
He set the videotape camera on the ground, then shucked his cut-offs as she lowered herself to a reclining position and spread her legs wide.
"Don't play with me," she whispered. "Just stick your cock in and fuck me. I need it so bad."
Frank lowered him self to her writhing form and slid his cock deep into her twat. She was so wet and excited by the thoughs that had been playing through her head as they'd hidden in the attic that she came before his price was even completely inside her cunt.
To Lyn's great surprise, the police didn't seen interested in the evidence she and Frank had obtained. In fact, they were actually indifferent. One policeman went so far as to say that Willie and Joyce could have her and Frank arrested for illegal entry.
"Into a house that I own?" Lyn demanded.
"She's your father's wife," the policeman retorted.
"But his will leaves everyghing he owns to me," Lyn countered. "He never got around to leavigng her a cent. Monday, I'm going to file the will and ask that she be enjoinged form taking any money out of any account he put money into.
"And, right now we are going to the newspapers and TV stations and tell them that we have evidence of murder, that you are not interested in investigation this, or any of the other crimes these people have committed."
"Who got killed?" the policeman asked. "Some guy named Charley Watkins, you said. In Pittsburg, you said. That's was out of our jurisdiction."
Just then a man dressed in plain clothes stopped. "Did you say Carley Watkins in Pittsburg? You're standing her saying you know he's dead and who killed him?"
"You've heard of this guy Watkins, Lieutenant?" the other policeman asked.
"I sure do," the other man replied. "He was one of Louie DiAllio's sub-bosses. Practically ran all of Washington and Green counties. They story was that he disappeared, ran away with some girl. And a bunch of diAllio's money."
"Eighteen thousand dollars," Lyn said. "We have a tape of them talking about shooting him and dumping him over a bridge. From what they saidm other people are dumped there, too."
"I started out in Pittsburg," the plainclothes cop said. "The crooks out there used to talk about "Taking somebody to the bridge", but nobody ever found out which bridge. Nobody that ever taked about it, that is."
"It's on route ten," Lyn told him. "They said that."
"I think I'd better take a look at this film of yours," the man said. "I'm Heinecker, State Police." He held out his hand and shook with Lyn and Frank.
After looking at the filem, Lieutenant Heinecker put in a call to the local district attorney, advising hism to come to the police station right away. Then he called the State Police in the western part of the state and suggested they get divers into the water under the gridge.
The district attorney watched the film with total attentiveneess. After seeing it twice, he questioned Lyn for almost and hour about the events of the day she'd run away form home.
"We'll try them for raping and abusing you, and for kidnaping you," he offered. "But, you'll have to testify. If we ignore those carges, we still have enough to put them away for a ling time."
Counting on his fingers, he listed the charges he was going to bring against Willie and Joyce. "Two counts each, incest; two counts eact, sodomy; conspiracy to commit murder; conspiracy to imprison. That ought to net them about forty years in prison."
"You are no going to charge them with murder?" Lyn asked, unalbe to believe it.
"That crime was allegedly committed in Pittsburg," the DA reminded her. "We will furnish the authorities there with a copy of this tape. But it'll be up to them to press the murder carge. And they may have a sticky problem there.
"The girl was fifteen when she helped her brother kill thatman. They may have to ry her under juvenile rules."
"Don't worry about it," Heinecker advised Lyn. "When Louie diAllio hears about this, and he'll haear about it by the end of the day, I wouldn't bet that they'd live to stand trial. If the word got around that somebody ripped Louie off for that much money and got away with it, somebody else migh try it."