Thirty minutes later, the DA had his warrants. "Want to go along when we arrest them?" he asked Lyn and Frank, both of whom did.
Lyn would never forget the look on Willie's face when he woke up to find himself handcuffed and staring at her. "What the hell?" he snarled. "What the fucking shit is going on?"
You're under arrest," the district attorney told him, giving him his rights and announcing the carges.
"You're fucking crazy," Willie said. "You can't make any of those charges stick."
Lyn stepped up to the head of the bed and pulled out the microphone. "Everything you said last night was recorded. Everything you did is down on video tape."
"Willie, that mean they know about Charlie!" Joyce exlaimed.
"Will yoiu shut the fuck up?" Willie screamed at his sister. "I swear to God you're a dumb fucking bitch."
He was still cursing and scraming at Joyce when the two of them were led aaway. But fefore they left; Lyn got the keys to the new lock on the front door. "I don't want them coming in here again, " she explained.
"I doubt if they'll be able to make bail," the DA said.
"Are you going to need us at the station today?" Frank asked.
The DA shook his head. "We'll have your statements typed up and we'd appreciate it if you'd come in tomorrow morning and sign them.