"Commmming!" Linda screamed, pretending to be thrashing wildly, gripped in the throes of a painful, violent orgasm.
The trucker grunted with obvious pleasure, thinking that he'd brought Linda to that kind of climax. His pleasure quickly turned to horror when Judy stabbed the red-hot pointed end of the branding iron into his exposed bunghole.
"Arrghhhhh!" he cried out, his eyes opening wide with horror as the girl pushed harder, ripping the screaming man's tender bowels apart with the searing, ripping poker.
Linda crawled from under the shrieking man quickly, scooting against the cot as he tried to turn around and fight off whoever was behind him. But Jack ran in and held him helplessly to the ground. Linda held her ears, feeling her stomach churn as she watched her young daughter commit this horrible act. He bellowed, writhed, shouted and screamed incoherently as Judy twisted and rotated that poker, smiling insanely. Linda wanted to get up and stop the girl. But she realized that that kind of revenge was due to her. She'd been brutally violated and mutilated for life by this animal. He deserved what he was getting now.
"Ahhhhhh!" The man cried in weaker groans. Linda could smell the seared flesh of his ass. His flanks quivered, his arms shot straight out, flailing in the air then beating in the dirt as the poker jammed in even further. Judy still stood quietly above him, jaws tight, driving that iron deeper and deeper as Jack held the trucker down with all his might.
"My God, you'll kill him!" Linda finally shouted out as she saw blood slowly oozing out of the man's ass and mouth.
Judy didn't hear her mother. The hissing of that iron poker against the trucker's skin died as the man's groans became softer and finally died away to a low moan. The girl backed away, smiling as the trucker lay face-down in the dirt with the poker sticking out of his burned, blackened asshole like some kind of battle standard.
"Let's get the hell out of here! With all that screaming, even the drunks might be getting up," Jack said, motioning Linda to get up.
"Come on Judy," Linda said softly, taking her daughter by the hand and pulling her out of the foul-smelling cell. The girl followed obediently, turning her head around and looking at the man for one last time. A quiet chuckle escaped from her lips as she stared. Then she turned and stepped along with her mother as they crept down the long corridor to the outside.
"The truck's over by that side," Jack said, pointing to the spot. "Come on. We've got to get you two in there pronto."
Linda and Judy ran quickly behind the sprinting trucker, looking nervously behind their shoulders for anyone.
"Thank God!" Linda said as they reached the trailer.
"Get in," Jack whispered, opening the driver's door and helping Linda in. "You've got to stay down behind the seat until we pull clear of the compound. They've got guards stationed at the foot of the entrance road," Jack advised.
Linda nodded her head quickly in agreement, taking Judy by the hand and pulling her into the cab. Jack crawled in quickly, slamming the door as quietly as possible and started up the big truck. The vibrations rippled through Linda's body as she prayed silently that they'd make it.
"By the way, I just heard that that guy at the diner's alive," Jack said as he steered the big rig out of the compound and headed down a narrow, bumpy dirt road toward the highway.
"What?" Linda cried out in disbelief.
"Yeah. I couldn't believe it either. But seems Bill made the mistake of setting the place on fire," Jack said.
"What!" Linda cried out.
"Yeah. He figured that it would cover his tracks. What it did was attract some passing motorists who called the fire department. They found that guy and pulled him out before the roof collapsed," Jack said as he motioned for Linda to keep her head down. "We're passing the guards now," he whispered back.
"Then the police must know something's up," Linda whispered back.
"Yeah, but not exactly what it is," Jack said out of the corner of his mouth as he nodded cheerfully to the two truckers sitting on rocks on either side of the twisting road. "He's been in kind of a coma for these last couple of days. The news said something about him snapping out of it a little today. I guess Chris' little deal wouldn't have gone off anyway if that guy talked," Jack said, sighing with relief as he pulled onto the main highway.
Max alive! Linda's heart skipped a beat because of the happiness that rippled through her body. Alive, and in a few weeks, ready for her again. Whatever happened to her in the past was past. She couldn't let that bother her any more. Not with Max in the picture again. The long nightmare was over. As the truck sailed down the highway toward Gilroy and safety, Linda thought of Max's big fat dick and sighed happily.
"Mmmmmm, thought I'd never see this day," Max said in a low, dreamy voice. He rolled over on his side and trailed his fingers lightly over the high-rising mounds of her tits. Linda gasped as his calloused thumb flicked across her nipple.
"God help me, I thought I'd die when I saw you sliding to the floor that night," Linda said, pushing her legs apart and kicking the sheets off the king-sized bed.
"Our date was interrupted for a while," the big man said, moving his powerful fingers down Linda's flat, heaving belly.
"Ohh, but we'll make up for it now," she said unevenly, feeling Max's big fingers toying with the tight curls of her pubic hairs. She knew that with the right kind of tugging and stroking, a man could make a woman climax just by playing with her cunt-hairs. Max was just doing that now, making the sensitive twat flesh ripple and tremble, making her slick, inner cunt folds pucker up and suck in as he plowed his fingers lightly through the tangled forest of blonde cunt-hairs.
"I'd like to have seen the look on those truckers' faces when the police and Feds broke into their camp," Max said suddenly.
"Huh?" Linda said in surprise. Her mind was drifting far away from any consideration of that horrible compound and what happened in it.
"I mean, I heard that they found one of the biggest caches of heroin in a long time stuffed in those semi's," Max continued, dreamily playing with Linda's pubic curls.
"For God's sake, Max," Linda said a little irritatedly. "We can talk about that later," she whispered now. The blonde was too aroused now to be thinking about cops and robbers. Besides, she was nervous about speaking of those events. Fortunately, not too much was made about the sexual degradation she and Judy were forced to submit to. And nothing was said about the horse act. It wasn't due to any decency on Chris' part. Linda guessed that he felt he needed all the help he could get, and confessing that he'd made the women submit to that kind of degradation wouldn't win the sympathy of any court.
"Sorry, babe. But that was a pretty heavy scene laid on you and Judy," Max said sympathetically, rolling over and sliding down on the bed until his thick, sensuous lips gently cupped Linda's oozing snatch.
"Ohh, suck, suck, suck," Linda cooed, jerking her knees together and trapping Max's head with her smooth, sweaty thighs. She felt herself floating higher and higher, soaring into the sky as the big man dug into her fuck-hole with his long tongue. Linda sighed as first one ripple, then another delicious contraction fluttered across her stiffened clit. The nightmare was over and she was in the arms of a powerful lover who wanted only to please her. That's all Linda wanted!